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  1. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Wrong. You are still confused by the distortion caused by the various parameters of the graphs, You can see the corresponding spikes. Go to his blog site and tell him you think he used a different data set. Spencer may or may not answer you, but someone else will. By the way, here is one of...
  2. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Below the 30-year average, correct. But during the past 15 years, there has been very little, if any decline of the Arctic sea ice. Have a look: https://realclimatescience.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/MASIEArcticSeaIceExtent_shadow.png
  3. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You are still confused about different abscissa and ordinate ranges. And you still don't have a clue how the years chosen for the mean affects the anomaly. Spencer did use the sea surface temperature data set as he claimed. You just don't like how he parameterized the data with the short...
  4. M

    Climate Change Denial

    So, how much of an effect has that heat energy had on global sea ice. Well, let's have a look: https://i2.wp.com/www.climate4you.com/images/NSIDC%20GlobalArcticAntarctic%20SeaIceArea.gif?ssl=1 It looks like the global sea ice extent has gone from 23,000,000 km^2 in 1979 down to 22,000,000 km^2...
  5. M

    Climate Change Denial

    If that is what you think, you can go ahead and think that till your poop petrifies.
  6. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Piers Corbyn thinks the human-caused global warming hysteria is driven by multi-national corporations, because they want to deindustrialize the West and install all of the polluting factories in India and China where there are no environmental restrictions. That will enhance profits. Corbyn is a...
  7. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I was responding to the big-ass friggin' deal that was made about "ovservations."
  8. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I remember last July, a bunch of silly global warming zealots were screaming "it's melting, it's melting, we will have an ice free summer!" Yes. July 2020 melted at a fast rate. The NSIDC 2020 melt season report explained why. There was a dominant high pressure system located over eastern...
  9. M

    Climate Change Denial

    These two: http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/68-models-vs-obs-1979-2021-oceans-Fig02.jpg And if you don't believe it, take it up with UAH on Spencer's blog site. Get Spencer fired. Think of the hero you would be to your fellow global warming worshippers.
  10. M

    Climate Change Denial

    That isn't my homework to do. I know that UAH is a bona fide atmospheric research facility. NASA thinks it is. NOAA thinks it is. DOE thinks it is. Just because a lightweight like doesn't think so is no concern of mine. Oh, my goodness. How terrible! Pier Corbyn needs to be thrown in jail for...
  11. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Great opportunity to ask Spencer that. I believe an atmospheric research scientist has much greater access to real-time data than the general public does. By the way, you misspelled definitely. I normally don't give a crap about such things, but since you made a big-ass deal about...
  12. M

    Climate Change Denial

    By the way, click the image for high resolution. The Barents Sea is where most of the below normal sea ice extent is located.
  13. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Look closely. 2016 is the highest peak. 2020 is the 2nd highest peak. The big temperature drop is occurring in 2021. I'm 64. I assume you are quite a bit younger than me. Your eyes should be better than mine!
  14. M

    Climate Change Denial

    That graph is sea ice extent - not Greenland ice loss. One can display a graph with blocks and colors to make something look worse than it is. If you want a better perspective how the real world is, a map is better by far...
  15. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Again, yet another 0.6C temperature rise between 1980 and 2016. See the graph you posted? 1980 0.4C / 2016 1.0C. That is a 0.6C rise. Now again, what goofy, dumb ass point are you trying to make? I told you to take it up with Dr. Spencer and UAH. But you are too weak-kneed to do that.
  16. M

    Climate Change Denial

    2019 did NOT beat 2012. The total mass balance in 2012 was around -460 Gt. In 2019, -320 Gt. In 2020, the TMB was -150 Gt. TMB also factors in calving - glacial ice flowing in the Atlantic Ocean. See page 4...
  17. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Another thing. your favored 5 graphs all end before 2020. Spencer's goes into 2021, showing the recent cooling. Apparently, that is the part that pisses you off.
  18. M

    Climate Change Denial

    This is from the Polar Portal 2020 Season Report - "At the end of the season (31 August 2020), the surface mass balance’s net result was 349 Gt. This is very close to the 1981- 2020 average, which is 341 Gt. As a point of reference, the lowest calculated SMB was just 38 Gt in 2012." Yes, the...
  19. M

    Climate Change Denial

    What in the heck makes you call that dying? Greenland has plenty of ice! http://polarportal.dk/fileadmin/polarportal/surface/SMB_map_LA_day_EN_20210428.png
  20. M

    Climate Change Denial

    All show a 0.6C rise from 1980 through 2016. So what is your goofy point again?
  21. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Greenland has shown a considerable recovery from the 2011-2012 melt season. http://nsidc.org/greenland-today/files/2020/11/Figure2.png The surface mass balance of Greenland is running along normal. It was slightly below normal during the 2020 summer melt season...
  22. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You need your eyes examined. There is a 0.6C rise from 1980 through 2016 on the graph you are bitching about. http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/68-models-vs-obs-1979-2021-oceans-Fig01.jpg
  23. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Because I know Spencer didn't falsify the sea surface temperature data set. If you believe he did, go on his web page and try to expose him for the fraud you think he is and get him fired from UAH. But you won't do that because a bunch of scientists will blow you out of the water if you tried...
  24. M

    Climate Change Denial

    CO2 forcing is a logarithmic function. There is not a 1 to 1 correspondence of CO2 concentration and heat trapping.
  25. M

    Climate Change Denial

    NASA, DOE, and NOAA funds UAH research. Spencer works for UAH. Your attempts to discredit Spencer are becoming fainter and fainter.
  26. M

    Climate Change Denial

    NASA will not revoke the awards given to Dr. Christy and Dr. Spencer because their contributions to science overwhelms what you little pipsqueaks say about them.
  27. M

    Climate Change Denial

    What retracted study. What falsified data. And what thesis?
  28. M

    Climate Change Denial

    What is cooler - a cloudy day or clear day? What do you consider to be a greater source of heat - the earth or the sun?
  29. M

    Climate Change Denial

    If you can show Dr. Spencer used a different data set from the one he claimed he used, he would be fired from UAH. Every atmospheric scientist in America and the world would feast on Spencer if he did that. Spencer gets his funding from NASA, NOAA, and DOE. They would all withhold funds from UAH...
  30. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I saw a great climate change debate between Dr. Gerald North of Texas A&M University and Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT back in 2010. I got my schooling in forcing and feedback by attending that debate. The doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to a temperature increase of 1 deg. C. That is the...
  31. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Why don't you ask him?
  32. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You still don't understand that the global mean temperature anomaly is based on the years used to base the average. If you use a different set of years from another set, this will produce different numbers for the anomaly. This is what I've been trying to get through to you, and you can't grasp...
  33. M

    Climate Change Denial

    That doesn't damn Dr. Spencer at all. He called in to Rush Limbaugh's show a few times to give climate updates. The mainstream news media will not interview climate realists like Roy Spencer, John Christy, Judith Curry, and Richard Lindzen. But Rush did. The news media has an alarmist narrative...
  34. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Is that red line you drew based on the 1979-1983 average Spencer used to determine the temperature anomaly? Of course not! If Spencer is falsifying data, he would be expelled from UAH, and NASA would no longer fund his research. If you think he is falsifying data, go to his web site and tell...
  35. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Spencer is not wrongly claiming anything. Only in your highly overactive imagination is he wrongly claiming something. On his web site, he explains the parameters he used. "The plot below (Fig. 1) shows the monthly global (60N-60S) average ocean surface temperature variations since 1979 for 68...
  36. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Are you trying to make the case that humans aren't part of the natural cycle?
  37. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Again, I have to tell you. The data sets are based on different averages to determine the temperature anomalies. The Spencer graph defines the average from 1979-1983. The other graph isn't defined. The short time frame Spencer used was due to the fact the model runs began in 1979. He wanted to...
  38. M

    Climate Change Denial

    What in the heck are you talking about?
  39. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Good gawd you're dense. What you fail to grasp is that the ERSSTv5 data set is being displayed with different time periods and a different temperature range. Plus, the temperature anomaly in the left graph is based on the 1979-1983 average. The temperature anomaly in the right graph is not...
  40. M

    Climate Change Denial

    There is a wide range of data you can pick and choose from like the hysterical YouTube video you posted. I can easily counter that with this: https://www.noaa.gov/news/us-had-its-coldest-february-in-more-than-30-years
  41. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Do you know who Jeremy Corbyn is? In case you don't know, he is the British Labour Party Leader. Most people who pay attention to global politics know who he is. What most people don't know is that he has an elder brother named Piers Corbyn. Piers is a meteorologist and astrophysicist. Allow...
  42. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Wrong! CO2 does not drive the climate. It follows the climate. Perhaps you don't have a clue that the ocean contains 60 X the CO2 the atmosphere does. When the oceans warm, it releases CO2 into the atmosphere. When the oceans cools, it absorbs CO2 back into the oceans. Think of a coke can you...
  43. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I notice how you tend to go in a direction completely unrelated to the topic. You do that because you don't have a sound logical argument. Dr. Spencer and Dr. Christy were great atmospheric scientists in 1991, and they still are today. If they weren't, NOAA would no longer use their data and...
  44. M

    Climate Change Denial

    This is why global warming is exaggerated: http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/68-models-vs-obs-1979-2021-oceans-Fig01.jpg
  45. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The fundamental reason why the sea level has risen during the past 12,000 years is because we've come out of the most recent glaciation or ice age as some call it. The interglacial periods are warmer than the glacial ones. That is why sea level rises during the interglacial. The current Holocene...
  46. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Here is the NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal page. Look at 1991. There they are - Roy Spencer and John Christy. https://nasa.fandom.com/wiki/NASA_Exceptional_Scientific_Achievement_Medal There now. Are you feeling silly for slandering a quality atmospheric scientist?
  47. M

    Climate Change Denial

    If you think Dr. Roy Spencer is a crappy scientist, then why does the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration still use his data - and why does NASA still fund his research? Have a look: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/temp-and-precip/msu/ Also, why would NASA award Dr. John Christy and Dr...
  48. M

    Climate Change Denial

    What does that have to do with the price of tea in Hong Kong?
  49. M

    Climate Change Denial

    This is the reason why the sea level is rising. We are still in the Holocene interglacial period according to Greenland ice core data. https://i1.wp.com/www.climate4you.com/images/GISP2%20TemperatureSince10700%20BP%20with%20CO2%20from%20EPICA%20DomeC.gif You can see the sharp temperature rise...
  50. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The data comes from Dr. Roy Spencer web site. http://www.drroyspencer.com/ The parameter measured is the global mean temperature anomaly - not actual seasonal temperatures. Scroll down to the 2nd blog for the March data. The 1st blog, Dr. Spencer compares computer models to temperature...