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  1. M

    Keep an Eye on Rear Passengers Entering, Prevent Smashed Fingers

    I wouldn't think that it's unique. This happened to my mother's hand in a Mazda 6 that I used to have. It's just good common sense whenever you're closing a car door.
  2. M

    PSA-Front trunk (frunk) unlatched while driving

    My very first car was a beater Fiat 500 that I had when I lived in Naples Italy. Not one of these new Fiat 500s—I'm talking about the originals that actually had a 500cc engine. They had a frunk, since the engine was in the rear. One day, when driving to work, I received a similar alarm: the...
  3. M

    Would you like to see fsd as a subscription option?

    Personally, I hate subscriptions. If you don't want to buy it, then you can always pay month to month for it by taking out an auto loan. There really is no need for a subscription model.
  4. M

    Check Me Out!

    Looks Great! But watch out for that cop behind you! He probably caught a glance at that snazzy P3D logo, and he's waiting to get you for excessive acceleration!
  5. M

    Go Ahead -- Grade my Vanity Plate Idea

    I'm not so sure about this one: Zippy the Pinhead
  6. M

    Go Ahead -- Grade my Vanity Plate Idea

    Not true. I have a "Green Rider" with my electricity provider that ensure that I am provided with sustainable fuels that are not carbon-based. Yes, it does cost more, but at $0.0625 per kWh, I can't complain since that is still half the national average.
  7. M

    Go Ahead -- Grade my Vanity Plate Idea

    I can't turn down the opportunity to post my brand new plate that came in the mail today.
  8. M

    Garage is ready for new Model 3

    Looks great! Funny, I never used to worry about keeping my garage floor as clean as I do now that I have my Tesla P3D+. The cable touching the garage floor certainly made me more cognizant of the dust/dirt that gets there, since I don't want my hands and clothes getting dirty when handling the it.
  9. M

    New to the family

    Funny! I saw the fart option and didn't think much of it at the time (other than a quick snicker), but you make a great point! Grandkids will love it! So much for a no emission car…
  10. M

    New to the family

    Congratulations! I'm glad to see you're enjoying it. We were excited when we got our Model 3 a couple of weeks ago, and even decided to take a road trip one weekend like you! It's fun to drive, and I just can't get enough of it.