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  1. P

    [UK] Do I buy a 2016 model S

    I have a 2018S with dad and almost never use it ..can be dangerous with random braking and frankly more relaxed just doing it myself unless the motorway is very deserted. Guessing you might do 3k a year free supercharged which is worth 5/600 squid? So unless you have one local to you it's not...
  2. P

    Model 3 SD/USB storage

    ..and my 2018 S is still happy with the original 32GB card I shoved in 6 yrs ago...
  3. P

    Car washing...

    Self wash mode - coming later this year If your Tesla senses it's becoming grubby or there is an increase in drag coefficient then your car will take itself to the nearest carwash and put itself through.(Premium carwash required)
  4. P

    Would You Buy a Tesla Phone?

    A lot of if's and maybe's. If it links well with Starlink at a halfway sane monthly fee and came out at non-tequila prices then I'd consider it on the grounds that cell signals where I live are poor to non-existent. But it's unlikely to work indoors without another internet source. So if...
  5. P

    Will this buff out?

    Finally some benefit to the absence of ultrasound detectors 😈
  6. P

    Key fob...no trick pony?

    Start with another battery from a reputable source with expiry date. I've bought cheapo battery cards from the likes of ebay before and either found they expired before I got around to using them all or were close to failure on arrival.
  7. P

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I'm aged and solo now so rear passengers aren't a likely scenario. Of all the manufacturers Toyota are best at providing leg room for drivers. No probs when I had the gt86 and I could squeeze that anywhere. It just wasn't much good in snow..indeed the only car I've ever abandoned and walked home...
  8. P

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I did say me being cramped in a 3. I'm over 6ft7 and I like cars with lots of elbow room not high centre consoles. No-one is ever comfortable in the seat behind me.
  9. P

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Different strokes. I find my S comfortable but wouldn't consider being cramped in a 3 or drive a fugly Y and I certainly wouldn't go stalkless. Nor does the Tesla service ethos suit me - back when I got my S it was superb. I'll probably run it into the ground and then it depends..if the current...
  10. P

    Supercharger team sacked?

    It's because they're about to release their new solar-powered hydrogen generators for the new fleet of lidar controlled H2akneycabs...
  11. P

    Daft Liverpool decision to ban EVs from car park

    Irrational media hype. The hospital didn't ban EV's ..just from that car park on fire brigade advice. Statistics of fossil:EV fires are only one part of the story. The other aspect is the difficulty of handling them if they do happen. A sprinkler system must be a good start if only to stop fires...
  12. P

    Model 3 Highland Performance

    Or wait three years and pick one up for 2 guppy fins and a banana seed..
  13. P

    An interesting journey last night

    My S will charge at 21miles range per hour on AC so ten mins is 3.5 miles or not much more than 1%. All that's academic. On the route I was using there wasn't an AC alternate without diverting a few miles so the choice was baby the car and see how much savings could be made and dive to an...
  14. P

    An interesting journey last night

    I had a spontaneous DC charger failure a couple of years ago that needed a service centre visit to fix. Again I only found out by trying to charge to top up for return journey and again managed to limp it home where a charging worked. 50mph on the motorway is scary since you're right in there...
  15. P

    Cambridge to Manchester and return

    The £13..3 is the 20% profit needing a gross take (ex vat) of £66.6 to get it.
  16. P

    Cambridge to Manchester and return

    Someone prepared to pay the M6 toll...must be a business deductable. Indeed little other reason to go to Manchester..😁 My math...toll charge £8(ish) so after tax when not business @40%= £13.3. my business ran at 20% profitability so £66.6+vat=£80 I had to take off a customer to pay that...
  17. P

    Improvement ideas for Superchargers - and who to contact?

    I always carry cleaning stuff and a thermos on any decent journey. Wi-fi should be s no-brainer if only so Tesla can keep track of their charging kit via starlink with enough spare bandwidth for customers. But they want you to buy phone upgrades so where is the incentive?
  18. P

    Run-away I-PACE, really?

    It all still remains weird. Driver panic etc is easy to understand but the original article states 25 minutes to police bringing car to a halt (quicker response than needing an emergency ambulance for a sick relative 😈). Surely enough time for even the most panicked driver to have figured things...
  19. P

    Run-away I-PACE, really?

    The example quoted needing as much as 175lbs pressure on the brake on the Toyota. We don't know whether the Ipace would need more or less than that but it's substantial especially if needed for some time to bring the car to a halt plus likely an EV will have a more powerful motor. Many people...
  20. P

    Run-away I-PACE, really?

    I don't think I'd totally dismiss the drivers version although there may be other factors. I've never been in the I-Pace but had to abandon a test drive of the e-pace my wife fancied because my size 14 feet got wedged under the pedal area making it very difficult to go from accelerator to brake...
  21. P

    How Secure Are Teslas/Tesla Thefts

    Dante gasped when I scored two dozen decodes that <s>
  22. P

    How Secure Are Teslas/Tesla Thefts

    There's a lot of great 4 digit numbers. 1066, 1492, 1665, 1812, 1418, 1939, 4711, 2512, 2001 etc I used to reset the alarm code whenever an employee left and tried to make it easy to remember the new one. Every other or every third digit of a phone number, or an old house number XY(X+!)(Y+1) f'r...
  23. P

    Model X alarm issue

    I'd try opening and closing the boot a few times in case the sensor there has gone funny. Coincidentally I used my Qashqai yesterday to go shopping (need to use it regularly to keep battery etc functional) and on way home the alarms started but at least it showed the boot as open. It was...
  24. P

    Test drive of a petrol car

    Except that depends on a leccy supply. Not much use in an outage
  25. P

    Test drive of a petrol car

    I suppose it's expected that in a Tesla forum the fan base would be glowing. Remember the story of the fox that lost his tail and tried to persuade all the other foxes of the benefit of being tailless? It's why I threw in my few pence in similar vein. I live very rurally and keep 200L red diesel...
  26. P

    Test drive of a petrol car

    But the world has moved on! The auto box just needs you to use the brake to stay stationary for short times. This is the same sort of improvements that happened along with no further need for a flag man in front or starting with a handle, hand signals, hammering the b pillar to rattle the little...
  27. P

    Test drive of a petrol car

    The OP makes an error or two. The electric vehicle with a 300 mile range surprisingly drops to 200 miles in the depths of winter which equates with a true range of 100 miles there and again back unless there is a convenient recharge facility en route or at destination and if the additional time...
  28. P

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Make a pot of coffe and leave it to stay warm and it will go grey in 30mins
  29. P

    Someone just pulled up at my house expecting to be able to charge - because of google?

    Most chargers are going to be on their own circuit or sub circuit...so 8f it bothers you trip the switch indoors
  30. P

    Slap in the face by Tesla - Trade-in value £20k less than I paid Tesla just 18 months ago.

    It likely costs even less than that until you factor in the build and running costs of gigafactories and showrooms and r&d. Many are fans of the Tesla ethos but I'd be reluctant to own another, Indeed from the sustainability viewpoint I quite like the idea of cars from past eras before all the...
  31. P

    Spare full sized wheel for M3 - UK

    After 4 punctures I always drive with tyre pressures displayed. One reason for not having spare tyres is the number of incidents when folk got wiped out by passing traffic while changing offside tyres on hard shoulder...
  32. P

    58 sentry events due to heavy rain

    Park under shorter trees? 😂 (It might be quicker to reformat?)
  33. P

    UK Aug 23 Insurance Recommendations

    You may be an exceptional young person but the reality of your age group in s performance car is frightening. We've been through it and mostly unscathed. But the combination of self belief invulnerability and peer pressure got most of us into trouble we were lucky if we escaped. Heck I was in a...
  34. P

    Well I've just had the best drive of my life!

    That's all I need. Another noisy yahoo ruining the peace.!
  35. P

    LV insurance hike - quick sense check

    After several hours on PC and phone I was willing to take any hit...
  36. P


    The trouble with leccy inflators is either stringing wires around. Or finding that after not using it for a while you wait an hour for it to recharge or the blasted rechargeable cells have failed . I have a proper compressor in the barn for normal use and do own both corded and cordless...
  37. P


    There's a lot to be said for a good old fashioned foot pump...
  38. P

    LV insurance hike - quick sense check

    I had DL insurance when I first bought my Tesla in 2018 at a reasonable price. The next year it skyrocketed and I ended up with LV direct for a couple of years. Last year the cheapest quote was RAC, cheaper than LV direct but underwritten by them anyway,! The renewal quote from RAC after my 2...
  39. P

    On our way to Italy

    I'd guess the Chinese were there. Italians just changed the name of noodles to spaghetti...
  40. P

    AI probably some way away from ruling the world

    I'm equating an ev energy per mile with an ice energy per mile. Use petrol to generate your electricity and you won't do much better...
  41. P

    AI probably some way away from ruling the world

    A car doing 0.3wh/mile would be impressive! 🤣 Wikipedia states petrol 33.4? kWh. Us to UK gals X 1.2 = approx 40 kWh. But petrol cars only about 25% efficient so useable power 10 kWh so Tesla equivalent 33.3mpg According to my dubious math
  42. P

    LV insurance hike - quick sense check

    I had a brainfart at a t junction. Watching left and right for a safe time to pull out..pulled out slowly and horror hadn't seen the car dead ahead waiting to turn in. Hit brakes and hardly touched him but the crumple zone on mine did just that. Tiny dent in his wing but front panel, bumper and...
  43. P

    LV insurance hike - quick sense check

    LV via RAC
  44. P

    LV insurance hike - quick sense check

    Another absurd quote. Okay I had a ding this year .my first for 30yrs.. I live rurally and quote has gone from £337 to £2932
  45. P

    Slow puncture

    Finesse the problem with AA or RAC type cover.
  46. P

    Bonnet came loose and flew up on our Model S at 40mph

    How is the lock mechanism supposed to work? There is a primary and secondary latch as far as I know and a ranger came and checked mine a year plus ago. Presumably the latch system defaults to locked when the car moves? Car shouldn't start if bonnet unlatched? Impossible to open bonnet while car...
  47. P

    LV insurance hike - quick sense check

    Ah! Statistics. Like the actuary that always carried a bomb on the plane with him. That odds of there being 2 bombs kept him safe. Sadly after 30yrd NCD I had my ding before xmas
  48. P

    LV insurance hike - quick sense check

    There's also target fixation when so concentrating on missing something you actually drive into it...
  49. P

    LV insurance hike - quick sense check

    And you think wives are cheap to maintain? 😁
  50. P

    New Owner incoming

    No need to use a proxy tiny phone screen... Stick an android emulator on a PC. Bluestacks for instance