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  1. Bernesto

    Blog Tesla Announces Stock Split

    Pretty sure not. If you have $40k in stock pre split, you'll have $40k in stock post split. No gain = no tax. It is really just on paper that the number of shares you have is 5x, and the price is 1/5th each. That said, the stock has rallied, and if you sold post split at $50k, you'd have taxes...
  2. Bernesto

    Driverless Tesla Model 3 Pulled Over By Police For Failure To Stop

    Definitely staged to make a point, but really, that's kind of irrelevant. It occured on private property. This has been a big topic among lawmakers and manufacturers for a few years now. Especially in determining fault in accidents. Presently, most jurisdictions lean towards "it's your car...
  3. Bernesto

    Latest Price Drop Discussion

    And the iPhone is one off the highest valued used phones! Look at the residual on an LG or Samsung in two years... lol! The only psudo-lie I see out of Tesla, is some overly optimistic FSD talk from Elon, and customer expectations of something called 'autopilot' based on what they think the...
  4. Bernesto

    Latest Price Drop Discussion

    So much to say... Um, first, Tesla shouldn't be an elitist brand. Sounds implied here... Second, I have seen people do unspeakable things to Ferrari's, Tesla will be no exception here. Third, Infiniti is an upscale Nissan, and as such going attract a 'ricer' crowd in the used market. Forth...
  5. Bernesto

    Latest Price Drop Discussion

    So, I take a different perspective to the "scummy car company" view, while understanding why you'd feel the way you do. I see Tesla as a company so wrapped up in growing pains, it is dropping the ball in a few areas. Personally, I have been let down in some areas, and not in others. The product...
  6. Bernesto

    Latest Price Drop Discussion

    And... Had you bought a comparable car? Do you think you'd be money ahead? I think not. Don't hate Tesla for depreciation, hate them if you want for false statements or missed expectations if you must. I personally looked at value derived from the purchase vs. other options. I could have...
  7. Bernesto

    Latest Price Drop Discussion

    TRUE!!! I did miss that. Further savings!
  8. Bernesto

    Latest Price Drop Discussion

    Like others here, I just took a $1,500 hit with the color change on a new P3D+. That said, people are blowing these price drops out of proportion. And here is why... Owners first need to first look at the big picture total cost of ownership, and then compare their vehicle to similar vehicles...
  9. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    There are already alogos for doing that. Basic eye tracking. Newer iPhones have that built into FaceID already, to verify you are 'looking' at the device. As for being okay with it... There are two situations I can think of where a driver would have issue with it: A) Privacy: On model 3's a...
  10. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Hell, I wouldn't know what to do with a blue traffic light o_O That said, I think collecting and using fleet data to dynamically create simulations is the best solution. When drivers frequently take control at a location, a blue light for instance, that's a good signal for the engineers to take...
  11. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    I like that you're a numbers person ;) I think attention monitoring may be key to a large rollout like that. The Model 3 has an interior camera. Musk stated that it is for monitoring robotaxi passengers, but, possibly it could be used in the interim to for drivers to stay attentive..?
  12. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    That video looks more like NOA vs a hack. He takes over at the light and other intersections. My Model 3's NOA does everything in that video 'now', no hacks... Am I missing something? Possibly automatic disengaging?
  13. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Therein lies the rub. Everyone becomes complacent on the 501st trip. Human nature. Let's hope that scenario doesn't happen...
  14. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    A lot of people have a pretty predictable commute, maybe that will lend itself to city NOA, with the driver knowing when and where the car has issues, and where it is reliable. We'll see soon I guess...
  15. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Very cool, and valuable work. Good read. Thanks.
  16. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    I need more sleep than Elon seems too. Besides sleeping at the factory doesn't seem to glamorous. I'll just stick with armchair-quarterbacking lol I can see both sides of simulation. On the one hand is theory, it should work, and work well. On the other hand, when does theory ever align with...
  17. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    I partially agree. You are right, you can not contrive a test for every situation. But, I'd bet that you can to exceed the 150,000 mile rate... Here's how. Now this is going out on a limb as I know more than the average bear about software and neural nets, but just enough to be dangerous about...
  18. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Well, it would help if the digital owner's manual was a bit easier to navigate... Or implemented a search function... Or if the index actually went to what it was linked to. Yes, I'm very familiar with it, and can see why no one else would have that level of patience. Well, other then you. LMAO
  19. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Yeah, I figured as much. It's crazy, the feds require a trunk release inside the trunk in case you're kidnapped, but, standards for FSD cars, naw... lol I know government moves too slow and would impede progress, but some basic standards committee staffed by leading manufacturers that design...
  20. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    This is true, purley by engaging in this conversation, we are more tuned into the thought process of 'driving' than 99% of people on the road. Further, I often wonder, of the millions of vehicles sold each year with new driver assist options like Lane Keep, and TACC; what percentage of those...
  21. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    This is a very safe/smart position to take. And, to be honest, even if I had a L5 car, I'd still supervise the damn thing, all software has bugs. I 'do' have the latest FSD on mine, and it to me is more of a 'like to try the latest thing" motivation. In your case, I think even more important...
  22. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Yes, this is a better and less ambiguous description of the levels. I specifically like how they call out the various functions and refer to the task vs the car... The difficulty in this whole topic of FSD is the performance level of each ODD system from individual auto manufacturers. On paper...
  23. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Sorry, I should have probably addressed the 'left' turn portion of your comment. Not going to lie, that one makes me nervous still... Crossing traffic is part art, part balls, and totally the most dangerous part of driving. But, playing devil's advocate, the car has radar, and potentially can...
  24. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    I disagree. All of these issues will be less dangerous for a car to negotiate than for a human driver. The car has the advantage of accessing precise GPS data, a cross referenced dataset of known intersections, and then mix that with a billion mile dataset of prior driver behaviors. Something...
  25. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    I don't think lidar is the limiting factor here. Lidar is more of a technology crutch that others are using were money is no object. (A good one mind you, just not feasible in consumer vehicles $$). Regardless of they type of sensors; AI is data in, data out. The cars have "good enough"...
  26. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    Not going to happen in 2020. To much turn over in SD engineering. I understand Elon's motivation for changing SD staff... "Work harder or else dammit". But, Tesla needs to get to six nines for L5, and the reality of software departmental turnover is this: It takes at least six months for the new...
  27. Bernesto

    Elon: "Feature complete for full self driving this year"

    A couple of points to address here. First, somewhere in the prior 96 pages this has probably been addressed, but I'll post it again as a reminder: Level 0 _ No Automation Level 1 _ Driver Assistance: Under certain conditions, the car controls either the steering or the vehicle speed, but not...