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  1. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    No, the timings don't fit. Unsurprisingly, many ships destined for Israel are not declaring their true destination until the last minute and so its not easy to to identify them. One to keep an eye on may be LAKE GENEVA. She is currently rounding the Cape heading for Morocco with an ETA of 15...
  2. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    GRAND COSMO has now departed Shanghai South. ETA Zeebrugge 12 Aug. You can track her HERE
  3. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    That is still possible.
  4. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Yes - She is due to arrive in Zeebrugge on 17 July. TOREADOR and GRAND COSMO satellite positions are shown here.
  5. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    It's unlikely to be MORNING CALYPSO - wrong dock in Southampton, however I concede that TOREADOR is likely to be carrying M3Ps. She is currently off Namibia heading NW at 17kts. and due in Southampton on 14 Jul.
  6. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I believe the next ship for EU is loading now at Shanghai South. GRAND COSMO should arrive in Zeebrugge around 10 Aug. There may be the odd small shipment that has slipped through the net but I'm pretty confident I've not missed anything significant.
  7. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I think you can be sure that Tesla will pull out all the stops to ensure you get delivery by 30 June.
  8. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I'm still looking......
  9. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Thank you for posting the info. Some leasing companies can be very frustrating to deal with.
  10. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I wouldn't hold my breath on MORNING CALYPSO - she has none of the indications I look for in a ship that is possibly carrying Teslas. TOREADOR is quoted elsewhere on the internet as carrying Teslas but that is based on scant, at best, evidence. Having said that, she can't be ruled out...
  11. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Welcome back to the thread! Thanks for the info. :)
  12. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    TOREADOR is the ship that some are stating is carrying Teslas to UK and EU and I understand their reasons for saying that, however I suggest, in the absence of evidence, she is at best a suspect at the moment. She may well have some Teslas onboard but to get people's hopes up without any...
  13. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Is there a shipment? I see no evidence of that yet. I think I know the ship you are referring to but at the moment to say there are Teslas onboard that ship is a step too far. The 1st shipment I can identify won't arrive in Zeebrugge until 10 Aug.
  14. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    THAMES HIGHWAY has now arrived in Dublin and so I would hope to hear some good news ......
  15. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    He's incorrect. Not for the 1st time either.
  16. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    OK so it looks like GRANDE TORINO is the ship moving MS/MX to Zeebrugge ETA 27 Jun.
  17. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    CELINE can most definitely carry cars however in Zeebrugge she doesn't load at the correct quay for new Teslas.
  18. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    He isn't saying there are Teslas onboard though, is he? I'm very aware of this ship which should arrive in Southampton on 14 Jul and then head to Zeebrugge (16 Jul). The trouble is that not every ship that loads at Shanghai South is loading Teslas and the number of other Chinese manufacturers...
  19. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I've been looking for a likely ship .... IGUAZU HIGHWAY is currently loading in Baltimore and is due to arrive in Zeebrugge on 8 Jul. Now there are a LOT of reasons why experienced shipwatchers would rule this ship out and I agree but in the absence of anything else, it may be worth keeping an...
  20. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Very unlikely I'm afraid. Celine does not load at the new vehicle docks - she would have to pass through a lock to get there.
  21. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    The EU tariff for Teslas have yet to be determined. They are likely to be subject to an increased tariff but at what percentage has not yet been announced. This tariff does not apply to the UK, where a 10% tariff is already in place. Currently the UK market is about to be flooded with a range...
  22. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Based on past experience, I wouldn't expect another shipment to arrive from China until early August. The August shipment has traditionally been a large one to cater for the 1 Sep change of plate.
  23. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    As far as I can tell there are no shipments from China at sea at the moment heading to the UK or EU. Additionally, I'm aware that some are expecting to get delivery of Model S/Model X this month but I have so far been unable to identify on which ship these cars are being transported across the...
  24. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    That's interesting.... There are a number of possibilities here but the most likely could be GRANDE MIRAFIORI. She is heading to Southampton 22 Jun and then across to Zeebrugge 24 Jun (tbc). She is currently in the S Atlantic off Namibia. This is the first indication of another shipment on the...
  25. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I would say so, unless you get a cancellation.
  26. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    The only Tesla shipment at the moment (I don't think there are any others): GLOVIS SOLAR ETA Zeebrugge 8 Jun. You can follow the ship's latest (satellite) position on this map. (Ignore ASIAN EMPIRE and MORNING POST they are no longer doing Tesla work - I'm trying to have them deleted) There...
  27. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Berlin produced MY are likely to be shipped from Bremerhaven to Southampton. This is a well trodden route and so it's not going to be possible to identify Tesla shipments.
  28. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    My decoder is showing it to be a 2023 Model S.
  29. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    It looks like THAMES HIGHWAY is on her way from Zeebrugge to Dublin ETA 06:00 31 May.
  30. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Current Shipments: ASIAN EMPIRE ETA Zeebrugge 28 May MORNING POST ETA Southampton 30 May PM GLOVIS SOLAR ETA Zeebrugge 08 Jun You can follow the ships on this map. Positions are updated live by satellite. THRUXTON has just departed Shanghai South however, in my opinion, the timing isn't...
  31. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    No Still due in to Southampton on afternoon of 30 May.
  32. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I can't see it arriving in Dublin tomorrow, and I wonder if he meant to say arriving in Zeebrugge tomorrow....
  33. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Tesla don't build to order and so I reckon if you order now, unless you order something weirdly exotic, you stand a good chance of getting delivery prior to 30 June ie already on the way. The trouble is the next quarter will be dominated by 01 Sep registration and the 74 plate and so if you are...
  34. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    How very bizarre! I'm reasonably satisfied that ASIAN EMPIRE still has cars onboard to unload in Zeebrugge. I've not noted NORDIC RAY being used to move Teslas to Drammen - it's usually a KESS ship (eg ISAR/DANUBE/THAMES/EMS HIGHWAY) or City of Rotterdam/St Petersburg. There are still Teslas...
  35. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    ASIAN EMPIRE is due to arrive in Zeebrugge on 23 May. She may have some cars to unload there.
  36. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    With Tesla nothing can be ruled out. It may seem absurd that a car destined for Sweden is landed in Slovenia but.....
  37. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Not all (some do) have access to this level of detail. Even if your rep pings the car it will just show where where it was loaded. ("My car is still in Shanghai!") In the past it appeared that those folk who asked for details via the chat method seemed to get more detailed info than speaking...
  38. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    It's possible that she is carrying Teslas. She didn't depart from Shanghai South but not all Teslas depart from there. Do you have an EDD?
  39. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Registration occurs on the day of delivery. It can take a couple of weeks to receive your V5C and the reg won't appear on the online insurance databases etc until they are updated. So you have to manually type in your vehicle details to get an insurance quote.
  40. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Current situation:- RCC AMERICA ETA Koper 18 May. ASIAN EMPIRE ETA Barcelona 18 May. MORNING POST Southampton ETA 29 May and Zeebrugge ETA 31 May. GLOVIS SOLAR currently heading for Mauritius but believed to be bound for Zeebrugge ETA around 6 Jun. All these ships can be tracked on the map...
  41. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    It sems to be the new thing by Tesla UK to not inform you of the VIN but just the registration. Frankly, that is all I got from other manufacturers when I previously bought a new car in the UK. The preoccupation with the VIN came about because the 1st stage of the delivery process from Tesla was...
  42. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    No I don't know which ship will deliver to Drammen however its usually a KESS ship. The voyage from Zeebrugge to Drammen is about 36 hours. Cars can sit in Zeebrugge for up to 2 weeks (usually about a week) waiting for their connecting ship.
  43. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Solent ships webcam
  44. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    Cars will have been assigned weeks ago. They will start unloading immediately and then will be prepped (stripped of shipping protection, taken out of transport mode, cleaned and charging cables added) and then loaded on to transporters. I expect to see the first ones heading out of the docks...
  45. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    RCC COMPASS on the left approaching Southampton as HOEGH TARGET on the right departs to Spain.
  46. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    RCC COMPASS Arriving in Southampton now. RCC AMERICA ETA Koper 18 May. ASIAN EMPIRE ETA Barcelona 16 May. MORNING POST Southampton ETA 29 May and Zeebrugge ETA 31 May. GLOVIS SOLAR currently heading for Mauritius but believed to be bound for Zeebrugge ETA around 6 Jun. All these ships can be...
  47. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    I'm sorry but I have no idea of MS/MX shipments at the moment.
  48. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    RCC COMPASS making her way up the Solent a few minutes ago.
  49. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    For those waiting in Ireland, I see SCHELDE HIGHWAY is on her way! ETA 15:00 tomorrow.
  50. Mr Miserable

    2024 Shipping Movements

    That 6,500 is based on the size of a 1966 Toyota Carina - seriously. So don't expect 6,500 Teslas. A full ship has around 4,500 Teslas. I don't know if it's full but the ship has cars for Zeebrugge onboard also. My guess would be about 2,000 -2,500 for UK.