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  1. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    Pretty sure of yourself. I hope you feel better. Must be amazing in your world to be able to 100% conclude things like that.
  2. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    With all due respect, I find your logic above a bit absurd. PROVEN is a pretty strong word in this case. They have been running into issues with my "Calibration" 6 days later, they still don't know why it won't calibrate... Wasn't the 737 MAX proven to be pilot erroi? I guess they never...
  3. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    There also could be a difference between the logs showing the accelerator pressed, and the actual pedal being pressed. See my previous post about a potentially overheating Accelerator Pedal Sensor, causing a spike. Like I said earlier, I was hoping this is human error, but I am fearful it is not.
  4. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    Tesla is refusing to give me my data logs from the accident. There is an issue.
  5. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    A few people have hinted or outright said that I should just admit I made a mistake. I have no problem with pride or admitting I screwed up, I have screwed up many times in my life, and am sure I will again.... hopefully not too many! I am really worried about this. I strongly believe there...
  6. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    Like I said in an earlier post, I hope you are right, but I am freaked out by the thought that I checked and as I impacted the wall, my foot was at that point on the brake. I don't think I would have had time to switch in 4-5 feet, with a sudden lurch.
  7. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    I am an electrical engineer and somewhat noted scientist. This will be investigated to the fullest!
  8. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    I have asked Tesla for Data Logs, and it has been radio silence. They were checking with legal before sending to me....
  9. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    I do tend to agree with your legal interpretation. I am not naive enough to think that somehow Tesla will admit their may have been an issue. Their liability is enormous to admit to even one case. If I hit the accelerator a little, I would have been stopped by the cement parking block and...
  10. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

  11. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    One last thought. I would actually feel better about this if they do find out it way my error and not a malfunction, but I believe strongly it was a malfunction of some kind.
  12. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    What nobody is understanding here, is that my foot was lightly on the brake, I was almost completely stopped, and the car lurched forward, I am going to get the logs, and I am certain it will show an erroneous spike that DID NOT come from the accelerator. I know that many of you really want...
  13. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    I wish you all could experience what I did. Almost stopped to slamming into a wall. Not pilot error. This is a real problem.
  14. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

  15. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    The strangest thing is that the retaining wall (see picture above) is only 4 feet away/. It felt like a full throttle acceleration, and my scream reaction was WHAT? As this did not make sense to me. Almost stopped foot lightly on the brake, and suddenly I'm crashed into the retaining wall. I...
  16. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    I will certainly ask Tesla to check the logs, but I am certain I had my right foot on the brake. The ditch past the incline may have contributed to the brakes being less effectiive. Back wheels off the ground very quickly on that grade.
  17. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    Creep on. No way I accelerated.
  18. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    This is the result of sudden acceleration bug
  19. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    It's a 2017 Model S 75, running software 2019.20.4.3 57296af
  20. P

    Another Sudden Acceleration

    Couldn't believe it happened to me. Today, I'm pulling in to a straight in parking spot adjacent to 2 vehicles, right next to a speed bump in the parking lot, that was a bit awkward getting over. foot lightly on brake, iunexpected sudden acceleration directly into a retaining wall 4 ft in...