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  1. R.A.G

    New Octopus Go tariff and off peak options?

    That’s good to hear thanks, I was hoping this would be the case.
  2. R.A.G

    New Octopus Go tariff and off peak options?

    That’s sounds like progress, I think I’ll start chasing Bulb again, I would imagine it will be easier to switch provider with a working meter rather than the other way around. I look forward to hearing how you get on.
  3. R.A.G

    New Octopus Go tariff and off peak options?

    Thanks, yeah I totally understand it’s not just a Bulb problem, hence my lack of confidence in Octopus managing to resolve what Bulb are currently unable to. I’m pretty sure it’s not a geographical problem for me as Bulb are getting my gas readings ok, I think it’s just a commissioning problem...
  4. R.A.G

    New Octopus Go tariff and off peak options?

    Has anyone successfully moved to Go from a Bulb tarrif with a SMETS 2 meter? I'm currently with Bulb for both Gas and Electricity, they installed a SMETS 2 meter last April, since install the Gas meter automatically reports readings and shows on the IHD, but the electricity meter doesn’t report...
  5. R.A.G

    Invoices for supercharging in Tesla Account Error

    The business that these charges are going through is indeed VAT registered so it's a big inconvenience for me.
  6. R.A.G

    Invoices for supercharging in Tesla Account Error

    Contacted them yesterday and no response yet... shocked/stunned/surprised lol.
  7. R.A.G

    Invoices for supercharging in Tesla Account Error

    I’ve tried Safari and Chrome, I’ll try a few more! Update: Now tried Safari, Chrome and Firefox on Os x and Edge on iOS, same error! If anyone can generate invoices without an error can you post your platform and browser please. I've also logged a support ticket with Tesla.
  8. R.A.G

    Invoices for supercharging in Tesla Account Error

    Having the same issue myself, did you manage to resolve it?
  9. R.A.G

    My pod-point experience

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s a totally poor show by the installer and there’s no excuses.... ...But I wouldn’t have trusted my wife with it lol!
  10. R.A.G

    My pod-point experience

    Sorry to hear of this type of thing going on but not surprised. I think the biggest problem in this instance was not being present for the install, I’m sure it was unavoidable, but I’m too OCD to have let a stranger turn up and do this type of work effectively unsupervised.
  11. R.A.G

    Ionity, LOL. 67p/kWh from 1st Feb

    There was me, worrying that the long awaited Ionity UK charging network would be a nightmare to get on due to demand, 69p/KWh will solve that problem... I’d call that emergency charging!
  12. R.A.G

    Window slightly open in cold weather

    4 degrees here and windows closed fully.
  13. R.A.G

    Installing 2019.40.50.7

    Working well for me now as well. I'm finding “increase/decrease temperature” particularly useful, it increases or decreases the current temperature by 1.5 degrees C.
  14. R.A.G

    Considering the Model 3 and have a few queries.

    Ref the wood trim, I couldn’t stand it before the car was delivered and planned on some kind of wrap/cover as soon as I got the car.... but I actually really like it now and really wouldn’t bother changing it. Its obviously very subjective but I was surprised how much better it looks in the flesh.
  15. R.A.G

    ev.energy Outage Yesterday

    Working ok for me.
  16. R.A.G

    Acceleration Boost Upgrade/option inbound?

    Agreed, they’ll need to be offering something pretty spectacular to get M3P drivers coughing up for even more performance!
  17. R.A.G

    20” wheels, recommended for U.K. roads?

    So true, there’s far too much space between the wheel arch and tops of the tyres irrespective of the rim size.
  18. R.A.G

    20” wheels, recommended for U.K. roads?

    I was referring to the wheels, not the wheels and tyres.
  19. R.A.G

    20” wheels, recommended for U.K. roads?

    The ride on the 20’s is considerably better than 20’s I’ve had on S spec Audi’s, and pretty similar to that of M spec BMW’s. In my view the ride is very compliant considering the minimal side wall, particularly on the absolutely atrocious road surfaces we have in the UK. I agree with the points...
  20. R.A.G

    2019.40.2.1 now available in UK

    Thanks guys, clearly a software bug then!
  21. R.A.G

    2019.40.2.1 now available in UK

    Updated to 40.2.1 on Friday, ever since I’ve been getting an intermittent error stating left hand door pillar camera blocked, it only flashes up for a few seconds and has no impact on AP, but irritating none the less! I’m apparently not alone: Right Pillar Camera Blocked or Blinded Has anyone...
  22. R.A.G

    2020 Model 3 SR+ on 2019.31.104 Not receiving any updates

    I'm so sorry this has upset your life to such an extent, I apologise profusely. lol twat!
  23. R.A.G

    2020 Model 3 SR+ on 2019.31.104 Not receiving any updates

    Hence my response apologising for posting inaccurate information.
  24. R.A.G

    2020 Model 3 SR+ on 2019.31.104 Not receiving any updates

    Just checked the original source of this info and it states it doesn’t seem to work in the US, apologies for the inaccurate post. Seems to work for everyone that has tried it in the UK. I’ll have my car on Monday so will try it for myself then. How to force updates
  25. R.A.G

    2020 Model 3 SR+ on 2019.31.104 Not receiving any updates

    Perhaps it’s regional? Lots of guys on the UK forum have had success with this.
  26. R.A.G

    2020 Model 3 SR+ on 2019.31.104 Not receiving any updates

    If you set your update preference to advanced and then press and hold update on the screen for about 15 seconds (maybe more) it should force an update.
  27. R.A.G

    Morning <brrrr. cold> 13kW to warm it

    My last 4 cars have had frameless windows, the oldest being 2011 and the newest being 2018, all Audi's, Merc's and BMW's. All of them have had issues with sticking windows in extremely icy conditions. as others have stated, lukewarm water is an easy fix.
  28. R.A.G

    Email not set up for the app on collection. Has this happened to anyone and how long to wait?

    Had exactly the issue, my lease company got .com and .co.uk the wrong way around on my email address. It took about about a week for them to sort it, I chased every other day, sounded like a bit of an antiquated process that involved three tiers of support teams!
  29. R.A.G

    Rolec Tethered Charger ... help needed please

    Ah, couldn’t remember seeing it but just found this, is this it?
  30. R.A.G

    Rolec Tethered Charger ... help needed please

    Now you’ve got me worried lol! That’s the problem with waiting for this car... too much time to overthink everything!
  31. R.A.G

    Rolec Tethered Charger ... help needed please

    So had you logged into the app prior to activation? Sorry for all of the questions but I have the same charger, I think it’s activated but I don’t get my car until the 9th to try it out. I can log into the app and it shows that my car is unplugged, where you able to do the same prior to them...
  32. R.A.G

    Rolec Tethered Charger ... help needed please

    Just out of curiosity, did you have the blue light on the unit, is there an obvious way of telling if the unit/app has been activated?
  33. R.A.G

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    That’s exactly the combo I was hoping to see, looks awesome, thanks for posting and congrats.
  34. R.A.G

    Rolec Tethered Charger ... help needed please

    Couple of other thoughts, Make sure you’ve selected an energy tariff in the app, if you’ve already done this try another. Have you linked/synchronised your Tesla account in the EV Energy app, if you haven’t, see if it helps, if you have, logout of your Tesla account in the EV Energy app. If...
  35. R.A.G

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Looks awesome, the wheels look very dark, almost black, if that’s the case I’m happy, I was worried they would be too similar to the my MSM paint, I was hoping for a bit of contrast. Thanks for posting this.
  36. R.A.G

    Rolec Tethered Charger ... help needed please

    Have you completely switched off the smart charging toggle in the EV Energy app?
  37. R.A.G

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    +1 on this please!
  38. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Jasper Arrow on the move from Zeebrugge on route to GB TEES, will be with us on the 20th.
  39. R.A.G

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Snap, also got a call from my lease company with registration and a projected delivery date of late November, would time with the Jasper Arrow only a few days off Zeebrugge.
  40. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    I think you're right actually.... it just seems like I've been watching it for five days.. more fake news haha!
  41. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    I’m trying to distract myself from ship tracking, it’s turning into an illness! I’ve set up an email alert for when the Jasper Arrow eventually gets going again to save looking online constantly. It’s been at Kingston for 5 days now.... Bizarre!
  42. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    It changed its destination from Zeebrugge to Kingston and changed course:
  43. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Potentially bad news for those of us with vehicles on the Jasper Arrow.. It’s making an unscheduled diversion to Kingston Jamaica, either technical issues or medical emergency apparently!!
  44. R.A.G

    M3 Pedestrian Warning Sound PWS

    Personally I’d rather have it, at least if you’ve got it you have the choice, you can easily reduce the volume by taping over the speaker grill under the car if it needs toning down a bit, but as others have said I doubt if it will be necessary. I’d much rather have this noise as I’m reversing...
  45. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Just checked and I have a VIN.... Hurrah!! Must be on the Jasper.... Looks like I'm going to be obsessively tracking that ship for the next few weeks :D
  46. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Out of curiosity, is the login image of your car showing Grey or Silver alloys? Wondering if the Jasper has cars with the last of the silver P+ alloys and the Glovis is carrying cars with the newer Grey alloys...
  47. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    That's my backup plan if I strike out on the Jasper :D
  48. R.A.G

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Back to some good old fashioned OCD ship tracking. Jasper Arrow coming through the Pedro Miguel Locks in Panama prior to Gatun, heading into the Caribbean in the next 24 hours... all being well some more VIN updates coming soon! I’m hoping there’s some MSM RHD M3P+ onboard :)