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  1. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    20.6.2 installed today, no new goodies.
  2. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    @Jules22 @moa999 @elddum I have a 2020 Model S Performance (aka Raven), the last iteration in the S series lineup we got in Oz. I use Josh Wardell's dual bus CANserver to record the power and chassis CAN buses: CANserver. I added a little 12v to 5v step down converted into the CAN bus connector...
  3. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    And a little later on, a lovely meteor streaking across the front camera. Looking at the GPS position and direction of travel, it was heading straight for Canberra. We almost got a fresh start! Don't blink or you'll miss it, at 9:02: P.S. As an astrophysicist I can disclose that the meteor...
  4. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Video below. With some bonus excitement at 8:10, big rig swerving into my lane as I'm passing them. Pay attention to the ALC indicator just below the forward camera on the right. You can see this flip flop between ALC unavailable and ALC right only / left only. This leads me to believe it's a...
  5. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Yeah this is a known problem. Which is why I was so surprised to that NoA worked so well on its own (on the Hume Hwy). The problem on the Hume has nothing to do with road camber, but with the road not being officially "qualified" as a highway, because it has unprotected crossings. So in Tesla's...
  6. ZeeDoktor

    NRMA fast charging network

    The grandest illusion (delusion?) of them all!
  7. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    There's no avg speed section outbound of Canberra along Lake George, only inbound. Just drove that yesterday going to and coming back from the snow. Model S still doesn't show the average speed in the section (not the one between Bredbo and Cooma either). I did notice a vast improvement in NoA...
  8. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    2024.20.3 installed on my 2020 S. Other than having lost the satellite map (and having to re-enable it) I didn't notice anything new on a short drive just now. notateslaapp release notes seems to suggest they keep tinkering on the AP lockout strike numbers. Makes me wonder if we're ever going to...
  9. ZeeDoktor

    NRMA fast charging network

    It is patently absurd to offer two different charging standards and by doing so, diluting the already ridiculously low charger density we suffer from in Aus even further. Chademo is out. CCS is in. Buy an adapter.
  10. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Don't be so down on yourselves. Your opinions are just as valid as those of the Tesla employees under whose watch the features we have to contend with have been developed. Most - if not all - of those on the software side of Tesla know as much about automotive engineering as our merry little...
  11. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Nope. No. Just... No. There is no left/right coding. The NN stack does whatever it does because of how it was trained using our videos and a bunch of data labellers (humans), subsequent automatic labelling on the vast majority of the training footage, and then some real-life verification done...
  12. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    In over 4 years of ownership and updates I've never lost trip data after an update. But... why don't you get Teslafi, that keeps track of all your trips and tons of other interesting metrics automatically.
  13. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    TACC (traffic aware cruise control, not TAAC) is useless in tunnels, even if the car knew that you were in said tunnel, because it keeps misinterpreting the enormously densely placed overhead speed limit signs as traffic lights. Kudos to the company that sold the government that amount of...
  14. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    It is absolutely *not* OK and under no circumstances acceptable to video the people working on your car. Unless they have agreed to be filmed. Besides, you will see their nose hair, not the work they're doing. The cameras are facing the wrong way.
  15. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    What's that PWS so many of you keep talking about? Postprandial Whinging and Somnolence? Perennial Winning Streak? Pulse Width Sodomism?
  16. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    My average is 12 days between updates. The longest stretch being 35 days. So whatever new bugs appear, you don't have to live with them for very long. If you wait with the updates until they're forced on you, your own adjustment is going to be more profound. The upshot is: You can either have a...
  17. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Hm. If there's no perceived dimming to oncoming traffic (i.e. they flash at you), then the dimming hasn't worked, even though you *think* it may have worked. Perhaps your lights are not leveled right? It's like arguing with your wife. You can be right all day long, it's their perception that...
  18. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I have EAP on my Model S. Smart summon works well, but I mostly use it with the key though just to back into/out of the parking at home. But even with the app in a parking lot it makes for a good show pony experience, and occasionally it's actually useful when it's bucketing down rain and the...
  19. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I probably would, I still think at this point in time Tesla makes the best EVs by far. But I'm not in a hurry... which is good considering their plans. For Australia, my preferred transport would be a Range Rover form factor and suspension but with Tesla drive train and tech in it. The roads...
  20. ZeeDoktor

    Three out of four 21" turbine rims cracked within a couple of months

    After replacing 4 21" rims I swapped to 19" 2 years ago. Haven't cracked one since. So for me at least it has worked. But now I can't get the full power on the ground and the cornering is not what it used to be.
  21. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    the reverse facing fender camera views shown in my S are way too small to be useful, and the mirrors only show a tiny fraction of the scene. I rest my case that this could be vastly improved with a birds eye perspective assembled from the surround camera feeds (and yes, distorted obviously).
  22. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    2024.14.7 just installed, and I can confirm that on the Model S, there is no additional parking visualisation available. No flaming turds for this flaming duck. :)
  23. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Maiming or killing a small animal or child - for those who like them - hiding behind your car while you're reversing has nothing to do with basic driving skills. It's the result of not using technology that is already built into our cars and is not being made available to optimise our...
  24. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I'll take the birdseye camera view offered by most other manufacturers over this flaming turd of colourful blobs any day. Sad thing is this would be very easy for Tesla to implement with the cameras surrounding the cars. Lack of awareness that other people have implemented superior features...
  25. ZeeDoktor

    NRMA fast charging network

    Couldn't get NRMA Jindabyne #2 working today. Plug in, swipe start in App, press the start button on the ancient charger model, some relays are clicking inside the flaming turd, and the "return plug to charger" light goes off, followed by a text message that my charging session has ended. No...
  26. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Just back from a 1200km drive. A few more observations: - Model S didn't only not get the speed camera warnings, it also didn't get the average speed camera function. That's not a sensor or HW platform dependent feature. WTF? - It still thinks trucks with two red lights up high on the trailer...
  27. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Here's a really good example of an Alfa Romeo in the adjoining lane to the left (front camera) whose brake lights are flashing like mad to the camera and could easily be misinterpreted as indicators. There's another example (probably a Toyota Landcruiser?) towards the very end of the video...
  28. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    No, this is likely to do with LED based brake lights (and indicators). The camera shutter speed and the LED cycle time have a bad habit of interacting. Check out the following video: The LED based lane open indicators and speed limit signs in the forward camera appear to be flashing. They are...
  29. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    On my S with 2024.14.6, indicators and brake lights are only shown for the car right in front of mine. Any other cars also indicating or having their brake lights on are just shown as cars. Is that the same on 3s/Ys out there? Does anyone else with an S have the option to chime for speed...
  30. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    So this is to reboot the ECUs etc. those components you can't reboot with a double press of the scroll wheels. Thanks for finding that.
  31. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Has anyone ever figured out what the "Power Off" button is for under the "Security" menu? On the face of it, one would assume this shuts everything down and puts the car into a minimum power consumption mode, and it seems to do so, turning off the displays and AC immediately when pressed. Of...
  32. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    2024.14.6 on Model S: Initial wrap up: - Loads more traffic/pedestrians visualised on the dash display. - The only new visualisation I can see on the MCU display is the trip progress/traffic line. - There is NO speed camera chime option anywhere in the menus. - Parking/reversing display is...
  33. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    2024.14.6 installing now on my 2020 Model S.
  34. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Instead insurance companies went the other way. They claim it's because at the slightest ding, the car is a total write off (or at least the battery), leading to much higher than average repair cost. I don't know whether that's true or not, but it's what I'm told by people in the industry.
  35. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that when driving with TACC engaged, the speed is only changed when the detected limit and the speed limit from the database matches. Whenever the speed limit is detected based on camera/vision only, it is not changed, but still displayed as the new limit.
  36. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Has anyone with an S or X and FSD received the 2024.14.3 update? Nothing for me yet (S with FSD). On Teslafi no FSD versions have it. (and yes, not sure what FSD on teslafi means - could be US actual FSD).
  37. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    @m4artin Your car does not learn from you. It is taught by the super computer facility Tesla have built. They have an army of people that tag information in videos to teach the NN what's what. All we're getting in our cars are the weight matrices to use on the NN code, essentially the result of...
  38. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Well, that's a good question. Not sure what Teslafi considers FSD. Probaly the US version. So scrap what I said...
  39. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The pace of 2024.14.3 updates is picking up on Teslafi. Australia vastly overrepresented, too. So that's good news for all of you still waiting. Alas, not a single FSD version has it installed... so definitely not a fluke, this update is not for FSD cars. So if you've paid extra, you're not...
  40. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    About 100 Model 3/Y have received 2024.14.3 on Teslafi. 20 Model S/X (matches the sales proportion I believe). But: All of those who have received the update are non-FSD versions. Astroglide, anyone. 👍
  41. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Auto emergency brakes based on USS is a really bad idea. When it's raining heavily, they often detect the rain as obstacles!
  42. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    There is some justification in being annoyed. When Elon stated that "this is the last car you'll ever need to buy", one could not be faulted for assuming that Elon, generally a reasonably bright chap when he's not on a ketamine induced rant, knew that this means the compute form factors would...
  43. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I note a recent population split in this forum. The long time owners who resort to overuse of cynicism, and the new owners who are all over the place like a bucket full of labrador puppies. Unjaded, happy, and full of life!
  44. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Just wave at the rearview camera with both hands carrying groceries. Or maybe they'll train the AI to look for sad face standing person with hands full, and that'll plop the boot open.
  45. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Having dismissed the usual time dilation, worm hole, and quantum entanglement hypotheses, a more practical thought crossed my mind: Saved navigation points are stored on a per driver profile basis. Are you perhaps in a different driver profile from normal? Brought to you at barycentric modified...
  46. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Did you investigate the other carpark to make sure it's not where Spaghetti Industries have relocated to? It would of course be the first reported instance of spaghettification not resulting in forever departure from this side of the event horizon.
  47. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    When my TP user cohort forgets to replace an empty roll, a false wipe (using newspaper/magazine paper) can yield worse results than a no-wipe. Same goes for the autowipers. Driving into low sun, a false wipe on an otherwise dry window has significant potential to cause streaks, making the...
  48. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The dry-wipe / wet-wipe ratio remains constant. It's the false-wipes and no-wipes that are causing consternation. Just like in the bathroom. 👍
  49. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I really don't want to be a party pooper. But... It might be time to remind everyone here that unless you see physical evidence of changes on a screen, or the release notes specifically state that they've addressed an issue (such as poorly functioning auto wipers), it is highly unlikely that...
  50. ZeeDoktor

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    That's why my Tesla has a ludicrous setting. :)