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  1. Masklin

    What’s the build quality on pre Shanghai model 3

    What DOES writing random WORDS in capitals MEAN?
  2. Masklin

    Replace seats or not?

    Was that the cost of a new seat from Tesla? If you do a google search there are folk breaking Teslas for spares, you might find something cheaper from one of them.
  3. Masklin

    Cybertruck For Sale in UK! - Auto Trader £146k

    If they give me £146k I might take it, though I’d have to think about it first.
  4. Masklin

    Is this for real? Passport and driving license upload or you can drive your tesla!

    Whether this turns out to be legit or not, if you haven't already set up two factor authentication on your Tesla account now may be a good time to do so.
  5. Masklin

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Having had in the past a tumble dryer start smoking gently with a strong smell of burning as it failed in use (not overnight fortunately), personally I’d be very wary about setting washers and dryers during the night.
  6. Masklin

    Kwik Fit Kilmarnock / Glasgow for MOT?

    Possibly see if you have a local EV friendly independent that also does MOTs? https://hevra.org.uk/
  7. Masklin

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Albeit it’s historical, when you get your monthly bill it just takes a few seconds to scan through the graphic for each day in the month to see where the car has been charging and that it was indeed cheap rate if outside the usual overnight window.
  8. Masklin

    Rubbing noise, front wheel

    Wheel bearing?
  9. Masklin

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Don’t know if you’ve tried this already but having disconnected, if you have a button in the ‘Home’ tab of the Octopus app (probably about halfway down screen and you may have to scroll left or right for it) that suggests setting up IOG as a new user use that rather than trying to do it from...
  10. Masklin

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I stop manually as well, but only after seeing a positive charge rate appear in the app, at least ~3kWh. Just takes a few seconds, I found if I stopped manually immediately and before a charge rate registered it appeared to adversely affect a schedule appearing. If a schedule ever doesn’t...
  11. Masklin

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    My Intelligent Octopus Go fell over today, got an email saying I needed to reconnect car with new virtual key. I'm in the process of also moving gas to Octopus so it may be due to background tinkering because of that or it may just have been a coincidence as all was good last night. Either way...
  12. Masklin

    Tesla app to set up service is IDIOTIC - change my mind

    It always tries to send me to Gatwick, even though Winchester is MUCH closer. Whenever I’ve had a mobile visit they’ve always come from Gatwick as well.
  13. Masklin

    Independant service centre uk

    Not specifically Tesla, but you may find someone local suitable here… https://hevra.org.uk/
  14. Masklin

    4 year MOT - Fail!

    Anecdotally, when driving in low regeneration mode I don’t notice any appreciable difference in range or efficiency though I accept that in the way they work these things out for quoted figures it probably does have an impact. Using something like sentry is far more noticeably impactful to me...
  15. Masklin

    4 year MOT - Fail!

    I wasn’t aware of that unfortunate change, guess then the only option would be to do the full on brake stamping routine every so often.
  16. Masklin

    4 year MOT - Fail!

    Not sure if it makes any difference, but I’ve taken to going to low regeneration mode (when I remember) during or after rain so that hopefully when the car sits afterwards the discs are less inclined to rust. When the car had its second MOT at four years old a week or so ago, having a chat with...
  17. Masklin

    Supercharger team sacked?

  18. Masklin

    is App setting off my alarm?

    As mentioned it’s quite possibly a fly or, as was setting mine off occasionally on one occasion, a spider. An air conditioning cleaner bomb type thing from the likes of Halfords will also rectify if it is a bug, with the added bonus of leaving the car smelling sweetly. They’re not expensive, I...
  19. Masklin

    Leasing from Tesla and speeding fines…

  20. Masklin

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I passed through Rownhams Services south side earlier today and there are Gridserve chargers going in, at least three, not yet operational.
  21. Masklin

    Intelligent Octopus charger failures

    I stop mine manually after plugging in and as long as a schedule subsequently appears it then follows said schedule fairly consistently. If a schedule doesn’t appear for whatever reason and I know I’ll need the charge for the following day, I just switch the Tesla app to a scheduled start time...
  22. Masklin

    Intelligent Octopus charger failures

    Personally I don’t have any automations linked to Octopus or Tesla so no idea if they may be causing issues for you. Not sure if anyone else may have experience…?
  23. Masklin

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    You just need to read the comments here to see that it’s a field day for those that are against EVs in general and Tesla in particular. Musk is now little more than a liability. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-68935522
  24. Masklin

    Supercharger team sacked?

    “…who don’t obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test” to resign.’ I assume Musk will be falling on his own sword imminently?
  25. Masklin

    Octopus Founders - a little thankyou from Octopus

    This prompted me to look in my app and I see I got the bonus points on the 24th. Nothing in the post yet either, intrigued to see if anything turns up.
  26. Masklin

    Why?? Just Why???

    Made me smile :)
  27. Masklin

    MG Cyberster concept EV roadster

    Saw one in the flesh at Goodwood last month, it’s a very smart looking car…
  28. Masklin

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Happened to be at Port Solent yesterday, there’s certainly zero indication of anything happening any time soon in the area described in the planning application.
  29. Masklin

    Tessories charge port remote

    That’s interesting, might get one! If I do I’d use Velcro as, a) I have some already that sticks well to plastic (from Amazon), and b) it would be moveable if desired.
  30. Masklin

    Do you park in London?…Alert!!!!

    Wasn’t aware of the shortly no longer available four hours parking option mentioned in the opening post, might have come in useful on the odd occasion. That said, when I do park in London I usually use this site and book a spot somewhere convenient beforehand… https://www.yourparkingspace.co.uk/
  31. Masklin

    Interesting BBC article

    I am looking forward to increased spacing between EVs in car parks, should hopefully stop door dings and the like.
  32. Masklin

    Renew your EV Road Tax

    This has now come up on Martin Lewis’ Money Saving Expert… https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/electric-vehicles/#need-10
  33. Masklin

    Twitter and the Chief Twit

    Why do you think I mentioned the film…
  34. Masklin

    Twitter and the Chief Twit

    They pretty much made a film about it… Starship Troopers.
  35. Masklin

    Super charge speed if battery not pre-conditioned prior to arrival

    In my experience if you don’t precondition, as you’re charging the car will probably tell you it’s also warming the battery as it charges. So it’s probably swings and roundabouts, either way some energy will be used to warm the battery. As far as charging speed is concerned, I tend to think...
  36. Masklin

    Twitter and the Chief Twit

    No, the utterly batsh*t wipers are I think due to them being directly connected to the mind of the Chief by Neuralink.
  37. Masklin

    Octopus "Failed To Trigger Bump Charge".

    Just to echo the above, I’ve also had the situation where it gives the error message but it has actually started the charge. The one sure thing with me is that the charge doesn’t start instantaneously, it can take a good few minutes. Try giving it a little time and navigate to a different area...
  38. Masklin

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Took a look at both sides of Rownhams today. On the north side are the six not yet working Gridserve chargers where the line is, plus a single 50kWh charger and a couple of slow (7kWh?) chargers where the two x are. On the south side interestingly there was a row of bays blocked off with metal...
  39. Masklin

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    For a while Tesla did have one of their ‘coming at some random quarter date in the future’ markers at Rownhams on their own Supercharger locations map, but it disappeared some time ago. There’s probably mention of it earlier on this thread somewhere, perhaps it’s a hangover from that.
  40. Masklin

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    As mentioned a little further up by @HCassidy, all that’s been built EV infrastructure charging wise to the best of my knowledge is the six not yet operational Gridserve chargers as indicated on plan below plus just the one I think currently operational 50kwh charger near where X marks the spot...
  41. Masklin

    Discretionary Commission Arrangements

    Just got this from Black Horse… “We’ve received your request Dear Customer We’ve received your request to check if there was a discretionary commission arrangement on your motor finance agreement with us. We’re experiencing a high number of enquiries at the moment and it’s taking longer than...
  42. Masklin

    Intelligent Octopus charger failures

    When I plug in I’ll give it a few secs or so, till I see a min charging rate of ~3kWh start to show on the Tesla app, then manually stop the charge. Usually a charging schedule will then be created anywhere from immediately to within an hour or so. Often this will appear as a notification on...
  43. Masklin

    Intelligent Octopus charger failures

    I’ve had occasional similar issues. My default in such circumstances is totally remove car from app, log out of app, force quit app, log back into app, go through process to connect car again. Either by accident, design or coincidence it usually seems to resolve things here.
  44. Masklin

    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    That was happening to me whilst using phone as hotspot. On returning to house phone wouldn’t reconnect to home WiFi automatically, had to be manually selected. Currently using the car’s connectivity again though as it seems to be reasonably robust…
  45. Masklin

    Discretionary Commission Arrangements

    Email sent to Black Horse also.
  46. Masklin

    Discretionary Commission Arrangements

    On Money Saving Expert? I'm interested in this to a degree as over the past seven years I had two Ducati bikes on PCP financed by Black Horse. Looking at the relevant part of the MSE website just now, which says it's up to date as of today, there's currently no mention of Black Horse in the...
  47. Masklin

    Six Years Ago Today…

  48. Masklin

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    That sounds like the issue I had, changing password on Tesla account resolved it. Assuming that works for you, you’ll then need to reconnect phone as key if you use that and re-authenticate anything else you have connected, such as TeslaFi.
  49. Masklin

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Yup, that’s the process I went through earlier.
  50. Masklin

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    The issues I mentioned a little earlier seem (fingers crossed!) to have been resolved by doing just that, resetting Tesla password and then re-authenticating Octopus, (plus TeslaFi and Phone Key which also needed doing post password change).