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  1. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Same as me mate
  2. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    grim times, really bad isn’t it mate. they even put, don’t be ringing us
  3. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I feel sick, :-(
  4. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    So some Tesla news, my delivery date was set for the 4th March. I’ve paid my deposit. I have my Reg, I’m insured from the 4th and that’s paid for as well. never been soooooo excited, booked the day off and also got my friend to book the day off, so he can give me a lift to pick the car up...
  5. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    thank you for everything Mr M. is that a dig to get off this thread haha now I should be sorted for the 4th? hey, I still don’t have the vehicle yet id miss this thread, it’s been my favourite so far haha good luck to everyone waiting on their Flash Gordon, maybe see you at the nearest...
  6. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    It’s not the same vin haha thank god. I just called Tesla and my car is getting to Stockport on the 3rd. They just gave me my reg as well for insurance purposes MV20 Just paid my deposit as well haha that wasn’t nice They said more people are coming on the 4th at 2pm and we are watching a...
  7. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Who wants a laugh, My delivery is the 4th March. Stockport m3LR why is my car on the inventory?? Haha it’s got to be my vehicle?
  8. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I chosen the 4th at 2pm? What time did you chose Mate?
  9. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I share exactly the same story ...told it’s now on the MARK today and at 5pm I booked delivery for Stockport on the 4th March haha love and hate Tesla
  10. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I also got mine.....happy days I’m going on the 4th tho 2pm haha
  11. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Hi Guys, just to confirm a few things. some of the cars from the challenge are still in zeebrugge. Mine is there. I am picking up from Stockport and just been told that the cars are staying there now and waiting for the grand mark to pick them up and take them too Southampton. so...
  12. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I checked his profile mate, he’s in Derby not Stockport
  13. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Excellent, what a great video. Thank you for sharing that with us. I learned that companies are giving £10 back for 5 star reviews. I own a few e-commerce websites and also have lots of amazon accounts. I may actually pinch that idea, Well at least look into it further haha worth my...
  14. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I’m like that, I’ve had lots of brand new cars and not been bothered about delivery dates once. but this forum is ace, constant refreshes hahaha if I’m honest, it’s been the worst buying experience ever, through Tesla........but weirdly I like how they treat us. It’s a bit like your Mrs...
  15. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Of course, I prefer Grimsby it’s closer to my delivery destination. I don’t mind how my car gets here haha just hopefully in one piece. I was just letting the rest of the forum know that Grimsby is a destination for lease vehicles. but if I get an exception, I’m happy with that :-)
  16. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I spoken to the Big T today and they said that the Grimsby drop off is normally for lease cars. so mine is paid for so they said it will go to Southampton? And originally on the challenge. So I’d love to truly know how it’s getting here
  17. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Once we’ve all got our Flash Gordon’s, we should thank Mr M by all turning up for a game of Tetris on his many screens
  18. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    If we get the cars on the autopremier is that saying it’s just northern Uk cars? Maybe? love what you do for us Tesla fans
  19. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    My lease car looking forward to the day of no more FUEL
  20. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    @Gatsojon do you not want delivery first week of March though for the 20 plate?
  21. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    that ship has sailed hahah we want to know about the Challenge journey now only joking, I hope you get your Flash Gordon ASAP ⚡️
  22. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    @Mr Miserable some of us can’t afford the 99p after buying a Tesla
  23. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I’m happy to join it, I keep pestering everyone else on here hahaha The only problem is, we need people like @Mr Miserable to give us the info to share hahah
  24. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Wahoooo Challenge now safe now for what transport ship? are the Uk cars going Southampton? They can’t all be going to Hull? Im picking up from Stockport, so that’s good for me....but what about the south guys? I actually feel 6 again and feel like I’m waiting for Christmas Day, as...
  25. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    is the auto progress taking Uk cars from the anchored challenge? or is the challenge forgoing to ZEE? Then the auto will pick them up?? The positive note is that the vehicles have a better chance of being on a 20 plate I suppose. Should us UK challenge people get a delivery txt next week...
  26. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Looks like they docking at 2am? On the 16th Glovis Challenge, get home safe
  27. B

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Thank you for all tour support through the forum. does this mean it will Dock tomorrow? How long until the cats get to the UK?
  28. B

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Happy for you lot, good on you lads
  29. B

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    What ship is your Flash Gordon on?
  30. B

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Priorities, let your family go skiing. Get the car
  31. B

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    hahaha get in challenger, she was built in 2012 haha hopefully us challenge crew will get txts this week. got all my accessories ready and waiting haha
  32. B

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    That’s mad Are the cars in protected containers? what chance has it got to arriving on the 16th if we’ve had this weather?
  33. B

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I’m also Stockport and waiting for the challenger. got a vin and the 1k miles. do we have a date on when the challenger will arrive? Fingers crossed we got our txts this week, my fellow challenger friends. I hope the salt water hasn’t battered them