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  1. Drew57

    What’s the build quality on pre Shanghai model 3

    As mentioned previously I'm someone who has had both Fremont & China made Teslas with basically the same excellent quality. However my neighbour had a late 2020 Fremont Model 3 which was appallingly built - 26 faults when we both checked it on delivery day and seemingly never-ending visits to...
  2. Drew57

    What’s the build quality on pre Shanghai model 3

    My Fremont built April 2020 Model 3 LR was as faultless as the Shanghai built December 2022 Model Y LR I now drive. The only manufacturing issue I found with the earlier car was a tiny dust blob under the clear coat on a wing mirror, replaced at home by a Ranger a few days after delivery of the...
  3. Drew57

    increasing solar array - worth it?

    My original FIT was a 4kW array and I wanted to add a further 1kW. British Gas were my FIT provider and my installer was advised by the DNO that we must obtain BG permission as payments can only be made against the original 4kW. BG replied that this was permissable to go ahead (with copies of...
  4. Drew57

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    Yes, we negotiated with the Toyota salesman & got it for slightly below that. I’ll never forget our Daughter’s reaction seeing the car wrapped in a red ribbon & a bottle of bubbly on the passenger seat (she has replaced it with a Lexus RZ & I must admit it’s a very impressive EV, lower...
  5. Drew57

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    My Daughter just sold her 14y old Yaris that we bought new for her. It never failed, passed almost all MOTs without issue (& even then at minimal extra cost), was cheap to run and she was more than happy with £2.8k as a private sale. Great cars.
  6. Drew57

    UK Pricing piss take

    Steady on...should this sort of admission be made on an open forum?.
  7. Drew57

    increasing solar array - worth it?

    FIT only pays against your pre-existing array as it was when you registered - your FIT provider will have a record of your average generation by quarter as well as the expected average for your location/orientation etc so any additional panels will throw up a discrepancy which will be...
  8. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    The new 7p off-peak is welcome, however between now and October I rarely need any grid electricity so the benefit would be in the darker months when maybe it will go up again.
  9. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Multiple update notifications while overseas frequently happen to my Tesla as we spend up to 3 months a year overseas visiting family. It will only action the latest software update when you get home and ignore any intermediate ones.
  10. Drew57

    EU Cybertruck?

    If you can tolerate his voluble presentation style....
  11. Drew57

    EU Cybertruck?

    My friend in the USA has received this 'encouragement' from Tesla to take up his former reservation with this 'limited edition' Foundation $100k model.
  12. Drew57

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    We've had responses from Pilots, so maybe it's now time for the Surgeons.
  13. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    It's fascinating reading all these posts as I don't have EAP/FSD and had no requirements to drive in the dark since the .14 updates or .20.1 which I got earlier this week. So far my car seems to behave exactly as it did prior to .14 so the updates have been basically irrelevant until I have...
  14. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Summary for anyone else needing the detail: IO permanently gives us 6 hours at the off-peak rate Any scheduled slots that fall either side of that are also at the off-peak rate. There is no limit on how many slots Octopus may provide at the off-peak rate, it is determined by your SOC target vs...
  15. Drew57

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Unless still on the old FIT scheme where you are additionally paid for 50% of everything you generate as deemed export regardless of whether you use every bit of it (which I often manage) or not. I've already recouped about 30% of the initial PV/Battery cost and still have 17 years of the scheme...
  16. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    It amazes me, as one of the earliest adopters how many people over-complicate this. It works properly when Octopus controls everything. (...starting from January 2022 I've always stopped the initial plug-in charge via the Tesla app, post #14 refers to that. Yes it's an additional process but...
  17. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Easy. That kid just needs a Grandpa.
  18. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Yes, telepathy is a very useful attribute! 😉
  19. Drew57

    UK: Tesla after-sale experience reviews in UK. What’s your experience?

    As this is Tesla there could be a more random explanation. (windscreens do attract a lot of bugs)
  20. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I had the update last weekend and it's OK but this morning my wife got in the car when I wasn't home and couldn't work out why the screen was just a huge red car! As I hadn't mentioned anything she assumed she had done something wrong and called me - hadn't tried 'drive' so of course the screen...
  21. Drew57

    UK: Tesla after-sale experience reviews in UK. What’s your experience?

    They can be rather erratic and light rain/spray seems to defeat them. On my Model Y, they 'usually' operate OK in normal or heavier rain and don't suffer from dry wiping, probably because I have never put Rain-X or other glass additives on any part of the windscreen. If you keep the glass around...
  22. Drew57

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    No need to do that as Musk avidly supports the Republican party & they will do it for you
  23. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Yes but beware the T&Cs which require you to make at least one smart charge per month. IOG is not meant to be used as a 6 hour Go. I have never found it complicated, it's always been faultless and pure simplicity - plug in, manually stop the charge via the Tesla app, a schedule appears sometime...
  24. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    The car should be (permanently) set to 100%, not 80% as you have shown. It is the IOG target that will determine the charge (ie 80%) Are you sure under 'Schedule' on the Tesla app that both 'Departure' & 'Charge' have all the sliders greyed out?
  25. Drew57

    Cybertruck Odyssey - Solihull

    Although I am now back in the UK, my friend in Idaho just sent these pictures of the Black wrapped Cybertruck we had spotted. It doesn't really change my overall feelings about the vehicle but black does suit the mean looking stance far more than naked stainless steel.
  26. Drew57

    UK: Tesla after-sale experience reviews in UK. What’s your experience?

    in 2020 I had two visits to the Stockport SC and on both occasions the work was completed promptly. Shortly afterwards a new one opened 3 miles from home and I have only needed to use that for a 'peace of mind' check-up prior to selling my original Tesla. I was impressed when parking up that...
  27. Drew57

    Charging anomalies M3 & Zappi

    Same here. The V2 Zappi has worked faultlessly with two Teslas for more than four years. Model 3 from April 2020 until December 2022 - Tracker, Agile, Go then IO Model Y/Zappi since December 2022 - IO/IOG I've been using Octopus Intelligent via Fast mode (now IOG) for more than two years and...
  28. Drew57

    Unlock Charge Port - Idea

    Many of us use Smart EVSEs (ie smarter than the Tesla ones) and these don't have a button to disconnect.
  29. Drew57

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Yes I’ve done this several times in the past 4 years without any issues. Use the same route back across to the Northbound side.
  30. Drew57

    Highland Rattle - URRGGH!

    Crikey, if your wife is that tiny then the car definitely needs vent covers!
  31. Drew57

    Fisker ocean - UK forum

    Similar principle with an abacus or slide rule rather than a computer of course.
  32. Drew57

    UK FSD Discussion

    In an election year.
  33. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I would definitely like to see Apple CarPlay. I navigate to Superchargers using post codes/addresses, we subscribe to an Amazon music family plan and I also rather like Apple Maps which we use when overseas as well as in my wife’s Fiat via CarPlay. Having said that, if my Tesla does get...
  34. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I normally see updates fairly early on but not this time (maybe because my car didn’t get used for 6 weeks while we were overseas). After more than four years of Tesla I’ve become quite ambivalent about getting updates as there’s rarely anything substantial to look forward to (new visuals...
  35. Drew57

    Cybertruck Odyssey - Solihull

    Yes @Whyone "a dog's-breakfast" is a good way to sum it up. I've seen a few in Idaho during April-May when we were staying with our family who live there, a couple were wrapped red or black (edit: cars not family). To me it is hideous, looks like some sort of hastily assembled concept vehicle...
  36. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    For those of us who don't subscribe to Premium Connectivity Tesla would probably prefer we did rather than listen to something else.
  37. Drew57

    This day in 2020 (15th May)

    I became a click and collect supermarket shopper for various members of the family throughout those lockdowns as my only excuse to use the first Tesla & I still remember the open mouthed incredulity of an older lady watching me loading my bags into the 'engine' at Asda. I still do all 'our'...
  38. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    That boat sailed long ago for me I'm afraid (& I was referring to the 'less than graceful' ageing effect Tesla ownership seems to have on some of the folk on here)
  39. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    In inverse proportion to some of the owners, it seems.
  40. Drew57

    Elveden superchargers removed

    That's good to know although I'm going to use Newmarket as the default on this journey in future unless the site regularly has queues/delays. Last Friday I charged at 12.30 with four other Teslas there when I arrived and three Teslas & an Audi when I finished (ie 5 stalls 'used/blocked')
  41. Drew57

    EU Cybertruck?

    Yes, the rear of this one is exactly that! - parked opposite me (in Idaho USA) yesterday. Hideous
  42. Drew57

    Intelligent Octopus Go - Gas Options

    When I switched back in 2022 I asked via Twitter (as it was then) and specifically said Tracker for gas only, please leave electricity as Intelligent Octopus. It’s safer to be specific and also have evidence of the request just in case (they confirmed the change in less than an hour).
  43. Drew57

    Intelligent Octopus Go - Gas Options

    I've been on Tracker for gas for at least two winters and have mostly seen costs in the 3-4p/kWh ranges with occasional moves toward mid 5p and sometimes below 3p. Example from the latest bill attached & rates were similar to this throughout Jan-Feb-March as well.
  44. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I've toyed with the idea of changing from Tesla integration to reinstalling IOG as Zappi controlled. However I believe I would lose the ability to just set a target SOC and would instead have to calculate how much % I want to add each time? The current arrangement just seems so simple and it's...
  45. Drew57

    Intelligent Octopus, charging, location and automation

    I suggest you just start by setting everything to the basics as Octopus recommend. Podpoint EVSE to 7kWh, no schedules No automations Tesla app and/or car, set charge limit to 100% but no schedules etc IOG app, set the target SOC for that night and finish by time as 05.30 Once plugged in - ONLY...
  46. Drew57

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Why? I installed a battery-only setup several years ago (additional to the main FIT solar/hybrid/battery system which I already have) then added solar to it in 2022 using a different installer. It was a simple and trouble free process with a CT clamp from the battery inverter to the panel...
  47. Drew57

    EU Cybertruck?

    Three Cybertrucks have been spotted so far here in Boise - Red, Black (both wrapped) and this one that passed us yesterday as we sat at a junction. To me those angular lines make it look like an unfinished concept car & even if they do decide to produce a RHD version it's going to be too big for...
  48. Drew57

    UK Pricing piss take

    A few days ago I was discussing relative salary differentials with my Idaho friend over a beer & he cited a DPD driver he knows who is earning well over $150k pa (including some overtime but 'basic' accounts for nearly $100k). Salaries are well up compared to the UK & this isn't typical but I...