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  1. D

    Enough is Enough

    Im sorry to hear of your problems. Speaking of Toyota i have had my run around corolla since new (2001) Never had any problems at all. So in 20 years no issues... Only things ive done are the basics...Tyres, pads, discs, servicing.
  2. D

    Do electromagnetic fields cause long term damage to health by driving an EV?

    so if you are travelling with a baby and you need to supercharge...and it’s raining...you need to get out of the car until it’s charged up. Not convenient at all. There should be more info from Tesla on this as it’s potentially a serious risk to long term health. But maybe profits come first...
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    Do electromagnetic fields cause long term damage to health by driving an EV?

    gees you all seem to be completely devoid of any sense of perspective. It’s a legitimate question...just because it does not align with your opinions does not make it wrong. you all need to grow up
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    Do electromagnetic fields cause long term damage to health by driving an EV?

    The majority here are so defensive! 50 years ago the same was said about cigarettes and asbestos...now it’s universally accepted how detrimental to health these things are.
  5. D

    Do electromagnetic fields cause long term damage to health by driving an EV?

    Dear all, Do EV's give off an EMF? We are essentially driving under a huge battery? Are there any long term health damage to human health driving an EV? Many thanks