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  1. R

    Tesla (Solar City) lease coming to and end choosing among the options

    I assume they are contractually obligated to remove it, not 'disable' it. I don't see them wasting their time with the half way approach just to spite you. I can see them dragging their feet essentially forever to avoid removing it and/or eventually sending you a document transferring it to...
  2. R

    Tesla (Solar City) lease coming to and end choosing among the options

    I'd choose option C and then enjoy the free production for as long as it takes them to come retrieve the system (suspect they never will). If the system uses SolarEdge you may be able to get your monitoring through their web site. Otherwise there are inexpensive site production / consumption...
  3. R

    Tesla (Solar City) lease coming to and end choosing among the options

    Makes sense. I wonder if they would bother to pull a permit for the removal. If not, 'repairing' the then nonfunctional system (because it was removed) might eliminate the need for a new permit and NEM3 interconnect agreement. The 'repaired' system would still need to have about the same peak...
  4. R

    Tesla (Solar City) lease coming to and end choosing among the options

    I suspect the salvage value of that system (possibly negative) was less than their labor cost to remove it and/or additional liability for roof damage. I wonder if option A might have changed to FREE had you chosen option C.
  5. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    Yes. It will reduce your charging rate to approximately match the excess solar. If you have 5kW excess, your charge rate will be about 20A (20A * 240V = 4.8kW).
  6. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    Set your cars charge schedule to start at 8pm (end of your peak rates). Based on your rate plan, it should then charge to the all sources limit nightly, from grid, not the Powerwall. I think your Powerwall is going to hang out at the reserve until the weekends if you use TBC independent of CoS.
  7. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    He attached his rates in #218 and does have the same buy/sale rates within each TOU period. Still his peak and off-peak are different but unfortunately, his peak period covers nearly 100% of sunlight hours leaving little room for arbitrage.
  8. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    I understand ... was sharing an example of the artifacts created by their current solution. The car could sample data more frequently and assure time sync a bit tighter and I think most of these glitches would disappear. It's no doubt not a priority as it's a small portion of their customer...
  9. R

    Charge on solar, still being charged by electric company?

    That's a fair point. I'm mostly working from home but with 2 cars and weekends, still managing about $5/mo savings with CoS. My solar is WNW facing so there's not much excess this time of year regardless but I think we could do a bit better if I could convince my wife to plug her car in every...
  10. R

    Charge on solar, still being charged by electric company?

    If you can manage the bulk of your charging on CoS, the 3-4000kWh/yr might add up to $120 saved a year in avoided NBCs. It's a small optimization but if you have the hardware anyhow, why not? For the green motivated folks, it shifts more power consumption to the periods with excess solar...
  11. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    Here is an example of the alternating CoS does between powerwall and cars. On this day, Powerall reached 100% just before the peak rates started at 4pm. Also notice the data glitches where it looks like the home has a spike in use each time the car starts charging.
  12. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    If excess solar falls below the minimum CoS limit (I think around 1kW) then car charging stops. It doesn't immediately resume once excess returns. I think someone said it checks at the top of the hour. I know my system initially would top off the Powerwalls before starting to charge but these...
  13. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    Mine always export all solar during peak but I haven't ever had them down to the reserve to see how/if that changes behavior. In my area, peak is 4-9pm so only the last few hours of solar production. When there is excess solar during the day (most of the year), the system seems to charge the...
  14. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    During peak, ordinarily the system would export all solar and run the house from the grid to maximize credits. Since your powerwalls are at 20% (assume that might be your reserve), solar is powering the house and only surplus is exported. We would need to see the whole day and know your...
  15. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    That's what works for me. TOU rates are high 4-9pm. Each of my cars scheduled charge is set to start at 9pm. This will charge them from grid to their lower nightly charge level and during the day (before 4pm) on excess solar upto their high charge level. Between 4-9pm, all solar is exported...
  16. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    True. Gas heating, water, stove and 1 oven, pool heater.
  17. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    Generation is matching my current demand fairly closely. The Powerwalls easily peak shave, leaving plenty for backup. 25kW provided by 5 Powerwalls meets peak demand in 99% of my use case scenarios.
  18. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    I just received notice that my SGIP Equity Resilience incentive payment was approved and a check for the full project amount (5 Powerwalls) was approved! It's been a nearly 3yr journey that's FINALLY coming to an end!
  19. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    Per selfgenca, I can see my installer submitted the ICF today.
  20. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    Finally received PTO! This came concurrent with a notice that my previously approved ICA for solar was withdrawn. Hopefully that doesn't cause any issues. Now to finalize the SGIP rebate ... fingers crossed.
  21. R

    Tesla App 4.25.0 - Wall Connector Support

    I edited my post to say where I found it. It's apparently located differently if you have Powerwall(s).
  22. R

    Tesla App 4.25.0 - Wall Connector Support

    Both of my walls connector show up under settings / vehicles charging and history is under powerwall / energy / ... / View EV Charging History / select wall connector.
  23. R

    Supercharger - McFarland, CA (permit found, 8 V3 stalls)

    Agreed. This is Famoso. Stockdale and 99 is Tule Elk. Enos and Taft is B.V.
  24. R

    Supercharger - Bakersfield, CA - Camino Del Rio Ct (LIVE 22 Dec 2023, 20 V3 stalls)

    I will be up that way in a few weeks for hunting season and can take a look.
  25. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    Does anyone else think the two charge limit slider symbols should be swapped? It's the higher limit that applies to CoS and the lower limit that applies for grid/overnight (ex: moonlight) charging, yet as implemented the lower slider is marked with the sunlight symbol and the higher one looks...
  26. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    That's interesting but not surprising. I find the stats aren't all that great anyh I suspect it's just just sampling/rounding artifacts from different moments in time when viewing data in car vs what the gateway monitor / phone app reports.
  27. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    My PW is now full and the system is adjusting the cars charging rate every few seconds to match variations in solar surplus.
  28. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    And now it's splitting solar to house, PW and car.
  29. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    At around 90% Powerwall charge, the system is now directing solar at the house and continuing to charge the PW with surplus. CoS still paused for PW priority. The car data graph section also now disappeared ... so weird.
  30. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    Well sure but mine is prioritizing charging powerwall over powering the house. Yes, I'm hoping it will adapt back to normal in a few days.
  31. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    Interesting. I just noticed my system is now prioritizing the powerwall over everything ... lolwut.
  32. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    The cars need to be on at least 2023.26.x. Your gateway version is already good to go. Non "+" PW work too. Once the cars have the proper FW, it knows where it's charging. It knows it's associated with an account that is also associated with a PW. There is an explicit pairing process as...
  33. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    And I have multiple Powerwalls (not as many as h20fun) but only 1 gateway.
  34. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    I can confirm I am on .11
  35. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    I don't see any explicit options to choose a priority so assume it's just based on Powerwall mode and however you have your tou rate structure set. I have sell price set to 3c less than buy to approximate the NBC losses.
  36. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    Rebooted model Y and it's working in that one now too. It was a cloudy day and Powerwall didn't quite make it to 100% before peak rates at 4pm. I got the notice in the app that "charge on solar paused for Powerwall priority". At 4pm, all solar is being exported to grid and Powerwall is...
  37. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    Rebooted my model 3 computer (again) and now have both sliders in the charge screen in the phone app (for only the model 3). So apparently after the firmware updates, you need to wait for CoS to appear in the phone app and then reboot the car computer to get everything enabled.
  38. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    I have the first two screens in my app for both cars but only the traditional single limit shows on charge screen. The option appeared for each car about an hour after the FW upgrade and in both cases it did the pairing thing to the powerwall and something with the car keys. My powerwall...
  39. R

    Charge By Solar Not Showing

    I now have CoS on my 3 and Y as of today. I can configure it in the Android app but both cars charged to the upper limit this evening from grid. Neither in car charge screen indicates the CoS settings so perhaps I need to wait another day before it's fully active.
  40. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    My installer was very late to get the updated final IR to SCE and ended up submitting during the mad rush for people to get NEM2. As such, SCE is slow walking it. I'm received my "SCE Technical Approval Complete Pending Final NEM Review" last week so perhaps there is light at the end of the...
  41. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    h2ofun is going to show up as a new supercharging station
  42. R

    Tesla to add the ability to Charge EV with excess solar

    This will make for a nice optimization to save some NBC charges for the times when one or both of the BEVs are home during the day AND they didn't already charge to their limit the night before. Typically I charge at night so if a car is still sitting at home the next day (i.e. didn't go into...
  43. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    This option popped up yesterday. I didn't expect to see this as an option here in SoCal and on SCE. Since I'm taking equity resilience and not ITC, maybe I'm allowed to enable it? If export everything ever appears the combination would greatly expand the total energy consumption available at...
  44. R

    New Powerwall Advanced Options [Toggles for charging from and discharging to grid from powerwalls]

    Though still waiting for ESS PTO (solar PTO was a few years ago), my PW system has been up and running for nearly 5 months. The Grid Export restricted message and EV options finally appeared (recently) in my app but still no sign of Export Solar Only / Export Everything. I have 5 PW with SCE...
  45. R

    Adding solar to existing NEM 1.0 system options

    Does the system have to be 'installed' prior to the 4/14/23 to qualify for NEM 2 or just a completed interconnection application, signed contract, single line diagram and attestation for oversizing?
  46. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    AHJ (LA county) final inspection passed this week ... now on to PTO and finally SGIP Equity Resilience ICF and then (hopefull) pay day.
  47. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    It's been slow going but we passed LA County fire inspection today ... baby steps.
  48. R

    LA County Powerwall Installers

    Now waiting on inspections, PTO and SGIP equity resilience check. They all ended up in the garage as CA Fire Code rule changes eliminated my desired outdoor location. Funny side note: we had 4 power outages last night starting just as the install was wrapping up. After the 3rd outage, I was...
  49. R

    SGIP Rebate Extension

    Exactly. Maybe I'll try for a few more once the first 5 are installed and subsidy funds transferred. 😁
  50. R

    SGIP Rebate Extension

    Ratepayers and taxpayers ... suspect all of us are both, no? SGIP was authorized by the CPUC ... a regulatory agency. So SGIP is a government sanctioned program that takes in money (in this case via utility rate appropriation) and hands it back out per its policy goals. This feels like a...