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  1. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Let's hope they do a better job keeping those f-16s hidden.
  2. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    That's astonishing if true. Israel has been neutral in this conflict so far.
  3. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    South Korea has a population of 52 million. NK about half that. Iran 89 million. Russia 144 million. Ukraine 38 million (ouch! down about 5 million since the war started) I don't know how North Korea makes use of their citizens. Given these numbers I don't think sending their young for meat...
  4. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Cool. My vacation in Ukraine when this is all over will be much easier now.
  5. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Why do these idiots go vacationing in an active war zone? Is the beach really that nice?
  6. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I don't have the link handy but I've seen an interview with this guy on the subject. Whatever good reporting he's done in the past he doesn't come off as very even tempered now.
  7. C

    Vendor Tesla Model S Battery Extended Service Plans from 057 Technology

    Now the question is did your credit card company just eat the loss or did they manage to get anything out of 057tech.
  8. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I've heard this before. I find it utterly baffling. I don't know if he really believes this or if he just wants the world to think he believes it. If this war is getting too painful, just leave. It's not like Ukraine is going to invade Russia.
  9. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    The thing is, everything he's saying is stuff that's been debunked 2 years ago. Did he step out of a time machine?
  10. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Why would it be a problem for us if Russia had a defense treaty with Mexico? Are we planning on invading Mexico? Also we haven't offered NATO membership to Ukraine, not that that's how it works anyways. Please show me where you're getting this information from.
  11. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    It would not be a waste of your time to examine these claims because they all came up leading up to the war The short version is most of these points are not entirely false but tweaked in a way to where it's basically Russian disinformation. We never committed to not expand NATO. We committed...
  12. C

    BMS_u031 - Battery fuse requires replacement soon - Some questions...?

    Depends on if they have to remove the battery or not. Newer cars have the fuse hatch on the bottom.
  13. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Not true. Fake news. Trump has clearly stated that if Russia doesn't accept Ukraine's unconditional surrender then he'll continue to fund Ukraine.
  14. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Surrender. The word you're looking for is surrender. I think it might be some quirk of the Russian language but what Putin just offered as a "peace" plan looks like nothing of the sort.
  15. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Elon predicts a lot of things. He also predicted that blow things up in Crimea would start WW3. I don't know how much more he has to get wrong before he realizes he's just not an expert on this subject. In fact his instincts are surprisingly bad.
  16. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I'm unclear as to what exactly this vote means. Is it legally binding or is it just for optics? https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/06/musk-says-hes-winning-tesla-shareholder-vote-on-pay-plan-by-wide-margin
  17. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Was your bank one of the ones listed? I get the impression that not every bank was down.
  18. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Wow what a bad day for Russia.
  19. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I'm sort of torn on how to think of this from a rational point of view. As someone who actually drives a Tesla this is bad news since the man has no interest in cars anymore. I'm not a share holder but if I were I sort of see the logic in voting for it. Running Tesla as memestock is great for...
  20. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Look on the brightside. We'll get more grok and Optimus stuff. If there's any budget left over they might put it into vehicle development.
  21. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Don't get my hopes up.
  22. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I was just joking. I thought it was a good chance to bring up a funny meme.
  23. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    https://www.instagram.com/famebugs/reel/C0tw1ZbtPbq/ combat aircraft, Afuera!
  24. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I don't see the issue here. It's clever planning actually. If you're starting a colony on another planet you want your crew to be mostly female since they're the ones that are making babies. Clearly Elon is recruiting all females of birthing age to his Mars colony.
  25. C

    Battery Fuse Replacement 2016 Model S 90D

    I am now part of the club :(. Fortunately I don't have to drop the pack. It seems easy enough. Easier than an oil change actually. The only problem is setting the new fuse type. Apparently Tesla is extorting their customers for $170 or so per day for the privilege of working on vehicles...
  26. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    They might aspire to be more than a car company but the reality is according to their website they're a company that sells 5 products and some accessories to those products. These 5 products are all automobiles. Maybe I've missed it but looking at Elon's interviews and tweets he just has no...
  27. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Tesla share holders should vote this down for the simple reason that Elon Musk is no longer interested in running a car company. And Tesla remains a car company.
  28. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Some important differences there. One that comes to mind is that America wasn't bombed into the stone age during ww2.
  29. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    France is donating Mirage 2000 jets. Interesting.
  30. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Unlikely. Russia doesn't exactly have a surplus of these weapons to export for some reason. It's like they're in a war or something.
  31. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I don't know if I believe this. Where are the cope cages?
  32. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This is par for the course for Biden. He moves in the right direction just frustratingly slow at times.
  33. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Well this is interesting. Apparently the US was furious that Ukraine was using Patriot systems to snipe Russian aircraft.
  34. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Try to be optimistic. Maybe they'll use the distraction to withdraw from Ukraine and pretend like the last 10 years never happened.
  35. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Ah. I get you. He creates this Xai company which is obviously a fraud and sees how many Tesla employees defect to it to weed out the deadweight. That's kind of clever actually.
  36. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    If he really wants AI and robots then he should make a company that does that instead of hollowing out an existing car company.
  37. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I recall that Russia seized quite a bit of property from the companies that tried to leave Russia in 2022 already. If that's the game Russia wants to play then I think those companies have a claim to Russia's frozen funds.
  38. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Confusion. No confusion here. It's more stupid games to try to intimidate the west. The only appropriate response is to give Ukraine more firepower.
  39. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    The source appears to be Elon Musk...
  40. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    https://electrek.co/2024/05/20/elon-musk-confirms-threat-give-me-25-of-tesla-or-no-ai-robotics/ This is a very confusing threat. Give him more control and money or else he'll stop using Tesla's resources for stupid nonsense like AI or robots. Decisions, decisions... what to do...
  41. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I saw someone link to a news article on twitter that implied that his pro Russian stance wasn't quite as strong as it seemed and that he was on the verge of turning on them. Hardly proof of Russian involvement but its interesting. Then again going more conspiracy brained on this I might say...
  42. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Unfortunately Russian's success in Kharkiv appears to be due to Ukraine dropping the ball there and not constructing actual defenses. Also this projectile that hit belgorod seems to be an S 200 or 300 air defense missile, a thing Russia has repurposed for ground targets. So another piece of...
  43. C

    Elon fires the head of SuperChargers and much (all?) of the SuperCharger team - how will this affect new SCs?

    Who in their right mind would take him up on that offer? He's probably going to overdose on ketamine and fire them again in a few months.
  44. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I'm not 100% sure but I think that number is casualties, not KIA.
  45. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Holy cow! 1740 combat losses today! I don't think I've seen a number that high.
  46. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Interesting. Not too far off from some of the non-russian estimates.
  47. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Maybe. Or maybe he's just some citizen in Russia giving us his perspective however misinformed it might be. If it's the latter then I'm interested in what he has to say.
  48. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    No but more often than not something like this is done by Russia. That's just been the track record for this war. Honestly Ukraine doesn't have the luxury of bombing civilian targets. They don't have the ammunition and it wouldn't get them closer to victory. Out of curiosity can you refer to...
  49. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I think that might have been one of those older tanks they fill with tnt and send it to the line of contact. I remember seeing a similar Shockwave.