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  1. CapsEngineer

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    Somewhere on this board, I recently read a comment from someone proudly proclaiming that they had never read the owners manual for any car they've owned. That's your answer.
  2. CapsEngineer

    12.3 Misreading Speed Limit Signs

    I think it is road dependent because there were instances where it was not that quick for me either. That's what made me think that it was map database data.
  3. CapsEngineer

    12.3 Misreading Speed Limit Signs

    Just got back from a road trip with two passes through GA and saw this as well. One weird thing I noticed was that a lot of the time the speed limit would show 40 for less than a quarter mile and then jump back up to 70 without having seen I new sign. I attributed this to it using map data to...
  4. CapsEngineer

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    My previous car, a Ford Edge, did give me warning, but they were in a secret code. For a couple weeks before the 12V died, I starting getting the Ford Sync "Performing System Maintenance" screen just about every time I started it. This is their coded message for a reboot and occurred quite a...
  5. CapsEngineer

    Model Y road trip experience with FSD 12.3.6

    Just got back from a trip to Mississippi Gulf coast and used FSD (free on the way down, paid extra month while there and way back). I had similar experiences as @Eric33432 I found it doing this on four lane interstates and let it stay there because no one was behind me. It then moved over...
  6. CapsEngineer

    Supercharger - Rustburg, VA

    Drove past here last week and didn’t even notice the chargers. It surprised me to see a Royal Farms so far south.
  7. CapsEngineer

    Do car thieves tend to ignore Teslas?

    Is your Tesla account or phone that easy to get into? I think they have to have get into one or the other to use this feature.
  8. CapsEngineer

    2000+ mile Camping trip to Rushmore in a Model Y Long Range - First long distance trip and sleeping in the car

    Thank you for the write up. It brought back same great memories because I made the same trip (starting in Maryland) with my parents when I was a kid and took mine when they were were kids. Always had a great time. We made one more stop though. We would spend several days in Waterville MN...
  9. CapsEngineer

    How to fix Tesla Customer Service

    My tale of recent customer experiences getting work done on our cars. We bought my wife an MKZ from a local Ford/Lincoln dealership that has “Customer for Life” benefits. You get free tire rotation, oil changes, multi-point inspections, etc. And, because it is a Lincoln, free pickup and...
  10. CapsEngineer

    Vendor Official Tessie app talk

    I have an automation that runs every time I arrive at home that sets the charge limit to 60%. It works regardless of why or where I set it higher. Would this work for you?
  11. CapsEngineer

    iPhone 15 pro “always on” as Tesla key advantage vs regular iPhone 15??

    I have a iPhone 15 Pro Max and it still has the occasional problem unlocking the door.
  12. CapsEngineer

    Walk away door lock mystery solved

    You said that one stays in the car and one goes with you. I took that to mean you had one phone that was always in the car for something like data logging, a music player etc. I didn't realize that you meant you sometimes left a phone in your car. I installed the app on my work to use as a...
  13. CapsEngineer

    Walk away door lock mystery solved

    If the second one stays in the car, why have it listed as a key with the car? I also have two phones with the app installed, and I sometimes leave my work one in the car so I removed it from the car as being a key. I have no problems then.
  14. CapsEngineer

    After latest software update, swiping up on small music window no longer shows "Favorites," etc.

    Found this out last night. If you just touch on the control, it pops up a larger window on the right side of the screen over the display of the overall route.
  15. CapsEngineer

    Factory OEM SiriusXM nearly working in Tesla 2022 Model 3

    Tried it on the way home last night and it was broken right from the beginning. It had worked fine when I pulled into work. So I'm done testing it until a new version comes out.
  16. CapsEngineer

    Factory OEM SiriusXM nearly working in Tesla 2022 Model 3

    I did remove and re-add for both tests.
  17. CapsEngineer

    Factory OEM SiriusXM nearly working in Tesla 2022 Model 3

    Tried it on the way home last night and it worked for about 15 minutes but then it slowly broke. When it switched to sequential it would go to the next channel and then the next jump would be to the next favorite. Eventually it went to all sequential. During this test I was switching a lot...
  18. CapsEngineer

    Factory OEM SiriusXM nearly working in Tesla 2022 Model 3

    Don't know because I haven't tested it. I can on the way home tonight. Is this the one where when you push left/right it changes source, not station?
  19. CapsEngineer

    Factory OEM SiriusXM nearly working in Tesla 2022 Model 3

    Just installed 2024.14.6 last night and can confirm that Sirius still works.
  20. CapsEngineer

    When will the FSD trial start rolling out?

    Just updated from 2024.8.9 to 2024.14.6 last night. Had the car drive me to work this morning. Drive was ok. Problem was the nut behind the wheel, not the computer -- I really need to learn how to interact with it for changing lanes, etc.
  21. CapsEngineer

    SiriusXM on Model Y

    Ebay. I'm sure I over paid, but I have one. I didn't want to wait forever or try the Tesla parts counter route which may or may not work. I also should have put new in quotes because it has a current subscription so I'm doubting the new part of it. I'm hoping that the current subscription...
  22. CapsEngineer

    Tesla FSD V12 vs Mercedes Driver Assist Video by Whole Mars Catalog on YouTube.com

    All that proves is that you can't make anything idiot proof because God keeps making better idiots.
  23. CapsEngineer

    SiriusXM on Model Y

    Two weeks ago I installed a new 1622932-00-A on my 2021 MY LR. I've been holding off writing about it because I wanted to make sure it was working. Installed it per the directions and put the antenna on the "metal shelf" that @WhiteOnWhiteMY described in SiriusXM on Model Y. After connecting...
  24. CapsEngineer

    GEICO needs to SPEAK with Tesla ?

    I believe this is typical for any third party extended warranty, which mechanical breakdown coverage is. They want to make sure they are not being scammed. The will probably just make sure that Tesla followed their procedures and didn't just start replacing parts to make the problem go away.
  25. CapsEngineer

    Is the HEPA filter used all the time?

    After the retrofit, are you still susceptible to the musty smell?
  26. CapsEngineer


    My father in law uses it to get into the car from his walker and the transfer to a wheel chair so it requires upper body strength in that use. My mother uses it to steady herself and she swings her legs in and the pull her self forward once they are in. Hope that additional information helps.
  27. CapsEngineer


    I got a set of these for my father-in-law and my mother to use. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKVTSTN1?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
  28. CapsEngineer

    When will the FSD trial start rolling out?

    I got 2024.8.7 last night as well. Hoping this holds off my trial until later when I can make better use of it.
  29. CapsEngineer

    Off Topic: Voyagers

    There are both great videos. At work I teach an intro to space focused on the work we do and I show this to show orbital altitudes relative to the moon. I'll be adding these video to my pre-work for the class. source (with much higher res pictures) File:Orbitalaltitudes.svg - Wikimedia...
  30. CapsEngineer

    What do ya'll do with washer fluid when traveling to a sub freezing area for a trip?

  31. CapsEngineer

    Sometimes playing currently song in the Apple Music in-app follows the screen, and sometimes it doesn't.

    I've noticed it doing this mainly on the first song after I get in the car. The work around I found is to make it play the previous song. This works most of the time. I find it weird that Apple Music can remember what it previously played, but not what is next up.
  32. CapsEngineer

    S3XY buttons at Abstract Ocean

    It's a bug because it is dangerous. The car is deciding on it's own to accelerate in a situation where I'm not expecting it. And I think the solution is simple. In my mind, the code for when the timer expires just blindly sends the command to enable AP. A simple check to see if TACC is...
  33. CapsEngineer

    S3XY buttons at Abstract Ocean

    Found an easily reproducible bug with Continuous Autopilot: Engage autosteer Disengage autosteer by signalling to change lanes and then changing lanes Before Continuous Autopilot reengages autosteer, cancel TACC (pressing on the brake or pushing up on the stalk) Continuous Autopilot will now...
  34. CapsEngineer

    Cold Weather Charging

    Do it. It can lead to some interesting things. They might find out how cheap it is to charge. I use a TT-30 at my in-laws, and for all 6 times that we have been there, their electric bill has gone DOWN. My mother-in-law thinks it’s hysterical that I bring them electricity every trip.
  35. CapsEngineer

    S3XY buttons at Abstract Ocean

    I‘m assuming you are asking because you turned on the single click activation that bypasses TACC. That’s not what it’s for and the instructions for it tell you to turn that off. How this feature works is that it turns on autosteer some programmable number to seconds after the blinkers turn off...
  36. CapsEngineer

    Disney+ Removal Exemplifies a growing problem

    And an example of why we had the option to ignore threads on this board.
  37. CapsEngineer

    Tesla’s largest recall won’t fix Autopilot safety issues, experts say — more TESLA bashing by the Washington Post

    Problem is, the “experts” want something to be idiot proof. They don‘t realize that God keeps making better idiots.
  38. CapsEngineer

    BP Pulse Orders $100 Million worth of Superchargers for US Network

    They're not allowed to subsidize ours. However, since it's basically the same as charging at home, I can't complain.
  39. CapsEngineer

    BP Pulse Orders $100 Million worth of Superchargers for US Network

    Knowing my company, it can't be a lot. I just looked it up and we have 202 stations spread across 42 sites so maybe we get some type of break. The rate we get charged is the same as what I pay at home (0.13/kWh).
  40. CapsEngineer

    BP Pulse Orders $100 Million worth of Superchargers for US Network

    The charging where I work is for employees only. In order to gain access to the chargers we have to have a ChargePoint account and then register it with the company who will tell ChargePoint that we are an allowed user. ChargePoint takes care of everything. Not that hard to manage.
  41. CapsEngineer

    I continue to be amazed at the hatred for EVs

    At first I found this funny. Boat hate on a thread about EV hate. Then, the more I thought about it, I think this shows one of the reasons for EV hate. Our consistent need to tell others how to live and what they need or don't need.
  42. CapsEngineer

    Iphone 15 Pro Max case that allows Tesla wireless charging?

    Can confirm these do work. I also do not have the overheating problem if I set the phone to only charge to 80%. Even while streaming which always cussed it on my iPhone 12 Pro Max (or whatever the name was for that model).
  43. CapsEngineer

    how do i pick a charging station?

    Brandon Flasch has a pretty good video about how to do this.
  44. CapsEngineer

    how do i pick a charging station?

    If you go this route (V2 instead of V3 and no pun intended either), pay attention to what the nav tells you are the busy times because you may max out at half of the 150kW rate. I was burned by this a couple times when I first started traveling with my MY.
  45. CapsEngineer

    Baltimore Maryland Tire Service Locations

    I’ve used the Firestone in Fulton for years with great luck. They installed my current set on my MY a couple years ago and just did a replacement on it this past weekend. They are used to dealing with Teslas (I generally see a them in the parking lot for them when I go the the market that is...
  46. CapsEngineer

    Update on replacing OEM 12v lead-acid battery with lithium?

    Saw that on my Edge where the sync system would start rebooting, or in their terms "Performing system maintenance" more than normal. Because it was "more than normal" I didn't realize that's what it was doing. After I replaced the 12V, I thought it was the reason, but I still can't be sure.
  47. CapsEngineer

    Physical demonstration of a gravity assist in 2D

    Also available here https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19910073731/downloads/19910073731.pdf
  48. CapsEngineer

    Deorbit ISS. A Job for Starship?

    Wouldn't blowing it up just leave more debris at LEO?