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  1. F

    Model Y : AC Replacement $3800-4200 (Common Issue)

    Really? That car has an octovalve. You think any old shop is going to get those parts from Tesla and work on that car? They'd also have to be comfortable with high voltage, or at least know enough to avoid any of it. Perhaps in CA it's common, but I wouldn't bring mine to anyone but Tesla for...
  2. F

    Cheap (bluetooth?) button to turn on performance mode?

    Just my opinion, but I actually think this is dangerous. Having the throttle sensitivity change back and forth at the flip of a switch seems like a recipe for disaster. You may think you're in Chill Mode and accidentally give way too much acceleration. Perhaps totally unrelated, but my father...
  3. F

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    As it turns out, it's not a joke at all. This happens in real life.
  4. F

    Acceleration Boost option - trial? Feedback?

    Also, while I wouldn't value it at $2k, I've read more than a few posters say that to get the same comparable performance boost on an ICE vehicle would cost *much* more.
  5. F

    Acceleration Boost option - trial? Feedback?

    I also got it free with referral credits. I could tell the difference, it's definitely faster acceleration... but on a car that's already accelerates so quickly. Wouldn't pay $2k for it. There's *sort of* a free trial... you can buy it and then request a refund within 48 hours (it says so in...
  6. F

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    Too many people on this thread underestimating catskills.
  7. F

    Hi, potential new Tesla owner

    Definitely different strokes for different folks. I find the Model 3 to be fantastically comfortable (I'm 5'10") and such a joy to drive. I look for reasons to cruise. I've driven a good number of long road trips in the Model 3. Once with 3 tall adult men, many times with 5 people in the car...
  8. F

    FSD refund within 48hr - can I rebuy?

    Seems like a like a lot of answers here that avoid your original question. I haven't done it personally, but from my reading way too much on the forum it's exactly as @cusetownusa described. They'll only refund it once, so your second purchase would be final. As others have already pointed...
  9. F

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    Just to stay on topic... Schrödinger should've had a manual release latch inside that box! Call the NHTSA!!
  10. F

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    No, everyone with eyes to see knows that cat is already dead. It's been in a sealed box with no ventilation for days. 😜
  11. F

    Need a working faraday cage product for legacy keyfob

    Wow, you really *are* "Tron" guy.
  12. F

    Accelerates Into Home With Rear Wheels Locked

    Just my guess, but traction control systems might be at play. If the road is uneven and some tires lose traction, the car might momentarily prevent you from slamming on the brakes. Not necessarily an educated guess, just a guess.
  13. F

    Need a working faraday cage product for legacy keyfob

    That's what I was thinking. Perhaps you could DIY something with layers of aluminum foil and foil tape (not duct tape, foil tape).
  14. F

    Tesla Model Y Missing Door Unlatching Functionality

    This is for Winter time... and it's great. The handles get frozen easily, but you can use the app to pop the door and not even use the handle.
  15. F

    Extraordinarily Expensive Repair

    Pretty sure disconnecting the pack is done under the back seat. Takes all of 5 minutes. Removing the pack is a different story. Pretty sure battery replacement on the 3/Y from Tesla includes 11 hours of labor.
  16. F

    What do people actually mean when they say the battery needs to be replaced?

    As you mentioned, degradation isn't the primary concern - it's pack failure. An LR has something like 4,400 cells (like AA batteries). If even one of them goes "bad", the entire pack must be replaced. It's a lottery. There's no way to know if either of those vehicles will experience a bad cell...
  17. F

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    The fob IS the separate extra object to carry.
  18. F

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    Also, I'd be more offended that my neighbor said my wife was going to die before her car does. 🤷
  19. F

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    It's true, I amaze people! 😜 And apparently paranoia runs in my family. 🤔
  20. F

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    Nah... the lack of mechanical keys is a benefit. It's *also* a cost reduction, but definitely a benefit. I'm happy to have one less thing in my pocket. This isn't a new problem - doors being stuck closed when the battery dies. It's not a Tesla problem either. It IS a problem though. Easily...
  21. F

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    Have fun standing in the rain. 😜 For road trips, sure. For local daily driving... no way.
  22. F

    Issues with Windshield Wiper

    Meh... all manufacturers have these (and worse) issues at some point. I do 100% agree with your last point though. I recall reading that Elon wanted to do something different / unique with the Model Y but engineers disagreed and convinced him to use the Model 3 platform. That turned out to be a...
  23. F

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    *** Anyone who has actually owned an EV with real range (e.g. a Tesla, not a Gen 1 Leaf) knows that home charging is one of the biggest benefits. The more I read this post, the more I'm starting to doubt it's authenticity / sincerity.
  24. F

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    Yeah, this is a manufactured issue. It's like saying... "I don't want to buy my wife a gas car because she won't have the patience or foresight to drive to the gas station and fill up the tank." Except it's worse - because you're implying that she won't have the patience to plug it in where...
  25. F

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    That would be a good solution though, IMO.
  26. F

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    * frunk. Silly mobile keyboard always "corrects" that.
  27. F

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    That just pops the drunk so that you can change the battery... it doesn't open the door. This problem isn't specific to Tesla, even though the news media is attacking. It's a problem with all cars that have electronic locks (many cars).
  28. F

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    Is this post a Toyota advertisement? You're comparing the depreciation of a car you bought new to the depreciation of a car you bought used. Keep your Yaris. I'll take a Model 3 all day long.
  29. F

    202X Roadster Delay Legal Action?

    Yeah, just like the original Roadster... it'll fly into space on a SpaceX rocket.
  30. F

    202X Roadster Delay Legal Action?

    No, not sensitive. I certainly take what Elon says with a grain of salt. That said, when discussing what elements of a new Roadster will be novel, it sure seemed pertinent to mention that the CEO says the car can fly. Most likely it was Elon that was "flying" when he X'd that statement out to...
  31. F

    Tesla's Charging Woes: Why I'm Ditching It for Long-Distance Travel

    @Greg29... "Your post reminds me of a question re: Tesla nav. Is there a way to tell it to reserve a higher SOC at my destination if I'm traveling to a location without charging infrastructure?" No, unfortunately not. The nav doesn't know if your destination has charging or not, so it doesn't...
  32. F

    202X Roadster Delay Legal Action?

    Stop attacking please.
  33. F

    Tesla's Charging Woes: Why I'm Ditching It for Long-Distance Travel

    The total opposite. I've driven from Niagara Falls, NY to Albany, NY at least a dozen times. I also recently came back from a trip from Buffalo, NY to Nashville, TN. Many other road trips in my Model 3 as well. Each and every time, I charge to 100% the night before, then just get in the car and...
  34. F

    202X Roadster Delay Legal Action?

    Just in case anyone hasn't already read this and thought I was making it up:
  35. F

    Battery % and miles remaining showing incorrectly on instrument cluster after latest software update [on third party display]

    My recommendation: get rid of that thing. Not having lights in front of you while driving (especially at night) is a benefit of the Model 3.
  36. F

    202X Roadster Delay Legal Action?

    eVTOL. How will it fly?
  37. F

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    Physics. Sometimes it can give you a warning, but sometimes it can't.
  38. F

    2024.20.1: seatbelts alert sound almost inappreciable

    I feel this way about a lot of software updates, but then they leave it that way. What I've started to think instead is that the software devs are young, make whatever changes *they personally* want, and there's a lot of turnaround so things are perpetually in flux and flip-flopping. With so...
  39. F

    Coming Soon - Tesla Summon

    Except Uber is already exceptionally unprofitable doing this, and they have plenty of Teslas too. How does getting into the unprofitable taxi business benefit Tesla?
  40. F

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    Because little kids would open the door on the thruway. The electronic latch lowers the window before popping the door so that you don't damage the window or the door seal. In a software update, Tesla also added the "lower the window" functionality upon opening with the manual release, however...
  41. F

    Which home Wall Connector

    Just my opinion. I wouldn't pay more for it and then have to have an additional unnecessary adapter floating around. Looks like it sits inside the base, but it also seems like the base might be larger to accommodate.
  42. F

    2024.20.1: seatbelts alert sound almost inappreciable

    Sure it is. Apparently, the NHTSA thinks so too. They already require a warning for the driver, but are proposing expanding that to all seats. I have young children who I sometimes need to remind to buckle up... and I rely on the car's warning system to alert me. This is why I no longer install...
  43. F

    Which home Wall Connector

    @Ric Shaner - yeah, @ucmndd is right. Just get the $450 Wall Connector and find an electrician to install it for a reasonable price. Do 60A if you can, but if it's significantly less expensive for less amps, that'll be okay too. Enjoy the EV experience! Home charging is fantastic and so much...
  44. F

    Tesla 3 RWD Long range 2023 range?

    I see. I've been paying attention to the US Model 3 since 2021 and that hasn't existed, but perhaps in your area it does. Since you're looking used and third-party, I'd just recommend that you really review the specs. Third-party sellers mislabel Teslas all the time. Get proof right from the...
  45. F

    Tesla 3 RWD Long range 2023 range?

    Long range RWD? I don't think that configuration exists, although it did at one time years ago.
  46. F

    Which home Wall Connector

    Code in most places requires a GFCI breaker for a 14-50 EV outlet. Once you add the price of that breaker, plus a high quality receptacle, it'll actually cost you *more* than getting the Wall Connector... and the Wall Connector is a safer choice. There are more than a few posts on these forums...
  47. F

    Which home Wall Connector

    That said, if your panel is close to where the Wall Connector will be and you have the capacity, then getting a 60A circuit won't cost much more... so you might as well max it out. Mine is a 50A circuit, so 40A charging (80% rule). It's true what @Sophias_dad said... our heaviest driving days...
  48. F

    Which home Wall Connector

    Also, there are two wall connectors. The "universal" one has a plug for non-Tesla vehicles... don't get that one. $450.