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  1. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    It’s so awesome seeing everyone finally getting their cars!
  2. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Sorry bro, hang in there. That’s just a recent update.
  3. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    I am trying to click the "Accept Delivery" button on the website after inspecting the car but, for the some reason it is greyed out... anybody know how to fix that? Is there some of document I have to sign? Because when I click the "Review Agreements" button it just takes me back to the main...
  4. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Yep, 3am! The driver couldn’t find my place in my gated community so I had to run outside to flag him down lol. What a journey!
  5. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Lol got my car dropped off at 3am this morning
  6. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Just got the email for final payment and have a scheduled date for September 19th! Woo! One day before my bday 😁
  7. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Got the big blue button today! EDIT: VIN 271XXX with EDD updated to 9-17 to 9-22
  8. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    I am in the same boat as you. Hopefully, we will get better news.
  9. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    I got the text also. Guess we are all gonna make it after all
  10. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Thank you for asking my question
  11. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    I know that but, originally when i open the Tesla app it would just show a picture of the Tesla Y, but now it it's different. There is a blue button that says "Go to Account" and is a whole brand new interface.
  12. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Did anyone else check the Tesla App? I am not sure if they unlocked my app or it was updated.
  13. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Still no love for SoCal, where the SoCal VINs at?!
  14. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Thanks for updating buddy! Congrats on the car! I am definitely jealous 😁
  15. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    This is exactly what most of us are dealing with.
  16. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Lol same as everyone EDD pushed to 9-12 to 9/30
  17. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Before I forget I was looking through the google spreadsheet and I noticed that a lot of people here haven't inputted their information. So, please do if you have the time! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddiukiZ1xf6-bv2mzWE6b9tFX2gpNenvIiYQcWMf6llFiauA/viewform
  18. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Yep, EDD stuck at 9/9. Brace yourself we gonna be pushed another week
  19. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    If there is no SoCal love from Tesla this upcoming week for us May orders we should all resign ourselves to end of September.
  20. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Yes I received that email like in July
  21. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Us SoCal people who have ordered in May are really getting shafted hard. Hopefully you’ll get a VIN brotha, I don’t want no other May order to continue to feel this pain.
  22. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    This morning My EDD was Pushed out to September 9 - September 29. I was in my previous window of September 4th - September 24th. This is the second time this has happened while I was inside my window.. does this rate a badge? Lol maybe call it “Twice unlucky”?
  23. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Congrats but damn.. I am salty af lol
  24. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    inside my September 4th-September 24th window - still no VIN
  25. L

    CA Waiting Room

    I called this number just now and all it did was redirect me to my local Tesla location - and then the sales advisor told me that my order will be delivered in late September but, it could come sooner. lol, these guys are just talking out of their butts.
  26. L

    CA Waiting Room

    We get to wait until EOQ for delivery
  27. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    That would be ideal and I know that all will be forgiven once we get our cars. But damn this lack of transparency and customer service is just irritating
  28. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Yep, that’s the name of the game. They are delaying West Coast orders to get east coast orders out. I feel like us May orders (plus the remaining April guys) are special because we are going to experience our second end of quarter push. It’s unbelievable that all of us were quoted 8-12...
  29. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    September 4th - September 24th now lmao. Damn Tesla sucks ass
  30. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Congrats to everyone who got VINS! I am still October also
  31. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    What a joke. I just called Tesla also and they said that it’s a delay and the only thing they can do is put me on a list to match me with cars that go into inventory. Otherwise it’s going to be the October date. If I hadn’t already installed a home charger and bought so many accessories I...
  32. L

    CA Waiting Room

    Yep, mine was stable at August 26th - September 15 for the last 4 days. Meaning that I was inside my window for 2 whole days until it got changed to October this morning. I anticipate that will probably happen for you too possibly.
  33. L

    CA Waiting Room

    It seems that a lot of people have gotten their EDD changed to October, especially if they were in the August 24/25/26/27 to September 13/14/15/16 range. Either we all gonna be getting our cars or we are going to be delayed.. I guess we will know in a couple days.
  34. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    I am same as above today I got pushed to October also
  35. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    For what it's worth I called Tesla today and they said that I should be expecting a call from them next week for delivery so, there is that. But, I won't be holding my breath lol
  36. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Right behind you at 91 days 😞
  37. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    No change in EDD and still no VIN. I am officially inside my EDD date which is August 26th.
  38. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    All of us May orders are getting screwed. There isn’t any rhyme or reason other than that Tesla doesn’t care and they know that we will wait for one. It’s ridiculous but, they basically have a chokehold on the market.
  39. L

    CA Waiting Room

    I am so tired of waiting! 84 days in already.. I might just go lease another car in the meanwhile.
  40. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    EDD still the same and holding for 5 days straight 8-25 to 9-14 edit: Just refreshed and now it's 8-26 to 9-15.
  41. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    Hopefully it is a good sign and we will be getting VINs soon!
  42. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    My EDD has stayed the same for the last 4 days at August 25th to September 14th - I feel like this is not normal. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?
  43. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    81 days and counting.. EDD hasn't changed for a couple of days. August-25 to September 14
  44. L

    CA Waiting Room

    Wow, tf we got the same build also… Tesla EDD has no rhyme or reason.
  45. L

    CA Waiting Room

    My order date is 5/27 and my EDD is maintaining at 8/22 - 9/11 so, I think your EDD checks out. I spoke to the SA yesterday and they said that my car is likely to be delivered sometime in between the last week of August and beginning of September. So, I anticipate it'll be 8/29 to 9/4; I won't...
  46. L

    CA Waiting Room

    Right now I am on day 78. EDD is August 22 - September 11, if that EDD holds and let's say that I'll receive my MYLR on September 1st, it'll be 96 days total wait time. I am curious what the average number of days of waiting it will be for May orders and beyond because previously months were...
  47. L

    Model Y West Coast waiting room (May 2021 orders)

    The last 3 days have continually shifted me backwards. From August 15th to August 18 and today it’s August 22. When will the madness end?!