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  1. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    Had my EDD update five days earlier than it was, too. Only just got my VIN on Saturday, but also haven't received any communication other than an invite to another dumb virtual orientation.
  2. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    I've used Plaid for tons of other apps that connect your bank account to some other system. I mean I guess the joke's on me if one day they get hacked and someone takes all my money, but I don't think it's some kind of sketchy integration like most people seem to assume it is.
  3. W

    Current Delivery Times

    May MSM crew assemble!
  4. W

    Current Delivery Times

    With your same 9/11 EDD that I had, I think good things are in your future. Also FWIW, I never got an email (and Distill didn't catch the change), so I just logged in this morning and saw the blue button. Just a heads up in case you were waiting on one of those to give you the good news!
  5. W

    Illinois Waiting Room

    After many, many long weeks, finally got my VIN today. Final EDD looks to be 9/16-9/19, so just a few more weeks to wait.
  6. W

    Current Delivery Times

    After 104 days, I've finally got a VIN!! 261XXX and EDD is now 9/16-9/19 (long trip from Fremont to Chicago, apparently). To all my other May orders, be strong.
  7. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    Been sitting at 9/11-9/25 all week. I believe this is the closest I've ever been to my EDD, so barring a setback this weekend, I'm hoping I'll have my VIN by this time next week.
  8. W

    Current Delivery Times

    May 23rd order here. I think this is the closest I've ever been to my EDD, and the shortest range. Hoping something happens soon, but I'm very prepared to watch everything push back over the weekend.
  9. W

    Current Delivery Times

    Ah nice. I have basically the exact same build as you, and ordered about 5 days later. Hoping I get some good news soon...
  10. W

    Current Delivery Times

    What was your EDD range before this? Also congrats!
  11. W

    Current Delivery Times

    You should be paranoid. I don't think they let an EDD span across the EOQ.
  12. W

    Current Delivery Times

    9/11-9/25 now. Technically 4 days further back from my last one, but that's the smallest window I've ever had.
  13. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I can assure you there's a design/pattern to this, but not one that will ever be based on common sense or equity. They just have a system with like 50k variables, and then they try to create an output of a specific day for people. It was an insanely bad decision on their part, so now you just...
  14. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    Seems like everybody’s date basically just got set to October or January, probably to correlate to each quarter. I’d imagine it all will get reset tomorrow.
  15. W

    Current Delivery Times

    Did your EDD shift to October before this?
  16. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    It's nuts that your EDD was never even before October. You ordered at almost exactly the same time as me. I'm in Octoberfest right now, but otherwise have always been in the September timeframe.
  17. W

    Illinois Waiting Room

    Agreed. The weekends are always funky. But if you were in the October/November range, you're probably going to save a lot of stress by just setting your expectations for "sometime before the end of 2021".
  18. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    That's so weird. I don't think I've ever seen an EDD that was a number of weeks outside of the original order form.
  19. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    EDD just went to October. RIP
  20. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    The person I talked to seemed pretty confident I'd have a VIN assign in the next few days. My EDD is much earlier than yours, but we both ordered on basically the same day.
  21. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I got an orientation email like two months ago. Don't get excited.
  22. W

    Our third Tesla and it seems customer service has gotten worse!?!?

    It's such a shame, because having a truly great ordering/delivery experience is actually one of those things that could have differentiated Tesla as much as their cars. They clearly have tried to do it by making the process as automated as possible, but as soon as supply/demand crippled their...
  23. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    As someone who has been on these forums for over a month, you should know by now never to have hope. Only the worst personalities are rewarded in Tesla Land.
  24. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    I'll be honest, this was your fault for ever thinking the end of September was real. Tesla is very transparent in how terrible and useless their system is.
  25. W

    Our third Tesla and it seems customer service has gotten worse!?!?

    I dunno. They have a backlog of sales that seems to last well into 2022 at this point, so something tells me they won't give a damn about this until sometime late next year when Ford really starts taking off.
  26. W

    Our third Tesla and it seems customer service has gotten worse!?!?

    Been saying it, but the second there is literally anybody that can offer a competitive car, Tesla is absolutely boned if they don't fix their customer experience.
  27. W

    Midwest Waiting Room

    You ordered in July and got a VIN already...? This is truly the worst-run company I've ever seen in my life.
  28. W

    Current Delivery Times

    Well this makes me feel better. Mine has been pretty much the same 20 days for almost a month now.
  29. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I hate to break it to you, but I'm 99% sure that's just because they won't let the end date extend beyond the end of the quarter. Mine did the same thing a few days ago, then when it flipped back to 9/7, the range increased to 20 again.
  30. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I feel like I've rarely seen any MSMs. I've been sitting at a 20 day range in September for weeks now.
  31. W

    Advice needed for charging install in Chicago

    Budget...even though I agreed to front the money for at least 6 months, and organize all the work.
  32. W

    Current Delivery Times

    This one is particularly crazy. Did you also complete your profile on 5/8? It seems nuts that you would have finished everything that early, and had dates so far in the future. I was 5/23, and my dates end up being a few weeks longer than people who ordered after me, but nothing close to yours.
  33. W

    Current Delivery Times

    Nah, never changed anything. Just waiting...
  34. W

    Current Delivery Times

    Considering you ordered a month after me, I'll be very upset if that's true. But best of luck to you!
  35. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I mean it makes sense in terms of how their dumb system is automating this...but obviously it makes no sense in terms of any actual logic or goal towards a positive customer experience.
  36. W

    Current Delivery Times

    Right, what I mean is the dates are either starting somewhere in/after October, or they won't reach it. I think yours being a 3 day range only correlates to the fact that the starting date is inside the quarter, and Tesla's system won't put an end date outside the quarter. But practically...
  37. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I'm pretty sure they just literally will not let EDD ranges extend between quarters. Mine has consistently been at a 20 day range, but as soon as the front moved to 9/17, the range shrunk to 13 days to keep it in the quarter. You should probably think of yours as something more like 9/27 - 10/17.
  38. W

    Current Delivery Times

    You're like me!
  39. W

    Current Delivery Times

    The only semi-acceptable explanation is that they just have the MYP and MYLR on totally separate production lines, there's way less demand for the MYP, and there's no way to switch one over to the other. If that's not the reason, then the MYP is being prioritized purely to boost quarterly profits.
  40. W

    Current Delivery Times

    If it makes you feel better, you ordered a month after me and your range is still closer...
  41. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I removed my trade in. It did nothing. My EDD has since moved back about two weeks.
  42. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I accidentally clicked the link to "cancel" while I was waiting for a refresh, and there was no confirmation to stop that process. My profile looks the same as yours, and my EDD really hasn't changed at all since that happened. It doesn't look like it affects anything.
  43. W

    Current Delivery Times

    Yeah, when I ordered it was supposed to be end of July at the latest, but they said there was a chance it could be delivered by the end of June. At this point I'd be pleasantly surprised if it's before October.
  44. W

    Current Delivery Times

    You and me both, my man.
  45. W

    Current Delivery Times

    Correct. Now deliver all new cars until the end of 2021 to only buyers in Illinois, please and thank you.
  46. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I doubt they literally stop shipments for EC or something like that, but it would be incredibly naive to think they aren't optimizing their production for quarterly deliveries/profit. They have ~80 different configurations for a MYLR, and they're constantly building cars. They're likely going to...
  47. W

    Current Delivery Times

    I'm 5/23. This is all so nuts.
  48. W

    Current Delivery Times

    6/25 order date?!?!?! I'm going to lose it...