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  1. N

    Long trip - optimate charging and a 250kw question

    Thanks, I can't wait to dive in and learn all the little details.
  2. N

    Long trip - optimate charging and a 250kw question

    Thanks, this is all very helpful. I'm about to take delivery of a new Model 3 and drive it coast to coast in the first week. As a first time EV owner, I think I might be a little nuts, but looking forward to the adventure!
  3. N

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Really awesome! Made me think that perhaps I need to get a red one in addition to silver :)
  4. N

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Has anyone taken delivery or dealt with the Raleigh center in the past few weeks? I have a VIN and an EDD rapidly approaching in just a few days and it has been crickets from them. I understand each location tends to vary in responsiveness, so thought perhaps someone could share their recent...
  5. N

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Sorry, that should be Model 3 Performance, no S. I'm such a noob.
  6. N

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Hi, new here but thought I'd add my info if it helps others! MSP | MSM/B | FSD | Ordered 28 July | VIN 10 August | EDD (at the moment) 22-29 August I'm pleasantly surprised at how quickly this has progressed because the original time range was something like 6-9 weeks. I guess we'll see. I...