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  1. OxBrew

    MS Total Loss-Supercharging Lifetime Insurance Reimbursement?

    If it bent the battery, or battery mounts, I could see it being that expensive to fix. Just a thought. I got hit on the rear quarter in a Subaru Outback, and it bent the whole car like twisting an ice cube tray. From the outside, it didn't look as bad as this one. But a subtle wrinkle in the...
  2. OxBrew

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I have to spend 2-3 years rebuilding it first. Might put 500 miles a year on it. Long term plan is to yard out the Y drivetrain and put it in the 71 2002. *braking Last 02 I had went 75k miles with nothing but oil changes, points and plugs. Pretty bomb proof cars, and no rattles. Sorry for...
  3. OxBrew

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You're joking, right? After the free trial, not only did I not subscribe, I also turned off AP, and rarely even use TACC. It's all garbage and makes you complacent. You need your muscles actively engaged in steering the car to be able to take over in time. FSDs tried to swerve into oncoming...
  4. OxBrew

    how does the new end to end FSD work, need a block diagram from of data flow from the fleet to DoJO to an individual's car

    If FSD is average, and you make everyone use it, the accident rates will be the same as they are now, but all above average drivers will be at higher risk of crashing than before. If FSD is 75th percentile, then yeah, the over all crash rate might go down, but the top 25% are at higher risk...
  5. OxBrew

    how does the new end to end FSD work, need a block diagram from of data flow from the fleet to DoJO to an individual's car

    Interesting, I find the opposite is true. Babysitting the teenage lane keeping driver takes more effort than just steering myself, for me. I drive 700 or 1000 mile round trips on weekends every 4-6 weeks. Since Fall 2023 I've gone back to full manual driving with short bits of TACC on some...
  6. OxBrew

    how does the new end to end FSD work, need a block diagram from of data flow from the fleet to DoJO to an individual's car

    Just to beat a dead horse: L2 (proba ly L3 also) is pretty useless. Nearly impossible to overcome the complacency. If it fails 2X in 200,000 miles it's doing worse than an average human paying attention. I think ADAS (currently FSD supervised) should always have the human steering, so they...
  7. OxBrew

    Freeze my UI and OTAs please.

    Yep. Started a discussion about this, getting a sense of how people feel. As a product designer, its interesting to learn about user attitudes around this stuff.
  8. OxBrew

    Freeze my UI and OTAs please.

    In theory its a cool idea to make old cars better with new software. In practice, the bugs, broken and missing old features are not worth the one new thing I wanted in 1 out of 10 updates.
  9. OxBrew

    Freeze my UI and OTAs please.

    I know. It's an owner's forum, we all bring our own perspective. Just venting into the void. Not going to be an owner too much longer actually. After the last update I got the dreaded all your settings are back to default (sort of). I've been here for almost 3 years, I've seen enough to...
  10. OxBrew

    Please Explain Tesla's Interface Choice

    I think the Frunk not being able to self close messes that logic up.
  11. OxBrew

    how does the new end to end FSD work, need a block diagram from of data flow from the fleet to DoJO to an individual's car

    Naw, I didn't ask for it, I don't want it, I'm just giving feedback that it can fail 5 times in 100 miles. It is nowhere near ready for general release. And it's not actually pre-release at this point, if I understand right? The logic of "supervised" is self-defeating: Tesla: "it can drive...
  12. OxBrew

    how does the new end to end FSD work, need a block diagram from of data flow from the fleet to DoJO to an individual's car

    I coumd find normal routes where it did fine. Thats irrelevant if I can find 5 places it fails in 100 miles of use.
  13. OxBrew

    Freeze my UI and OTAs please.

    As soon as I can get an equivalent with full access to supercharger network, I will.
  14. OxBrew

    how does the new end to end FSD work, need a block diagram from of data flow from the fleet to DoJO to an individual's car

    The car started near full throttle acceleration into the intersection with the approaching cars about 3 car lengths to the right. I rolled about 10 feet. Literally 3 more feet and I would have been in front of the first car. As I hit the brake and stopped, the cars passed in front of me, about...
  15. OxBrew

    Freeze my UI and OTAs please.

    I want off the update train. Freeze my UI so it never changes again, like any other car out there. I'm busy, I don't have time to keep up with the changes, figure out where everything is, constantly re-learn how to pop open the music shortcut, where the favorites are, how to switch between...
  16. OxBrew

    how does the new end to end FSD work, need a block diagram from of data flow from the fleet to DoJO to an individual's car

    I have about 100 miles of free trial 12.3.x, and I had to slam in the brakes about 5x to not actually crash. One time, cars coming down a hill from the right at 45mph, car started to cross, right into their path. Would have been a major T-Bone 1 second later. Another time it almost crashed into...
  17. OxBrew

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Only 179 years to go. Needs to be able to drive about 3 lifetimes without an intervention to be better than 75th percentile drivers. 50th percentile is not good enough. You'd be asking half the drivers to get into a more dangerous car. Actually might need to be better than 90% of drivers to be...
  18. OxBrew

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I love how every FSFs cheerleader here always has to add "they just need to fix xyz and it will be perfect, I hope soon!" You hope? What the hell? You realize that all of your 0 intervention drives are meaningless, right? You could drive 100,000 miles on FSDs with zero interventions and...
  19. OxBrew

    The NEW UI

    Every PM has to pee on the UI just to leave their mark on it and justify their jobs. Then they get to add it to their list and try to get a promotion or at least a good bonus. (On our 21 model Y the vertical regen bar is pretty fat, easy to see, just sayin)
  20. OxBrew

    Ordered a Used 2021 MY; will I regret not getting a 2022 or later?

    right, typo. can't edit.
  21. OxBrew

    Ordered a Used 2021 MY; will I regret not getting a 2022 or later?

    Mid 2021 is peak Tesla. I would never own one later than 10/21 when they took out the USS. Atom vs Ryzen is nothing burger, no real difference. I've driven the Ryzen, effectively the same. If you don't like the harsh ride, get some Koni Red shocks. $600or $800 plus installation. Not Lexus...
  22. OxBrew

    TACC doesn't work correctly after the 2024.14.8 update

    Beware: when my FSD free trial ended, many settings went back to some default. Had to re-enable all kinds of random things like auto cancel turn signals, actually dis-able auto navigation (wth? car always gets that wrong), Joe mode and several other settings. And I agree, auto steer is more...
  23. OxBrew

    Colorful FSD track instead of plain blue- what is it?!

    This is simply the toggle "Always Rainbow" in the toy box. Lots of settings have been randomly changing on their own on the last software. I suspect changing drivers is not loading the full profile settings. I'm getting settings I know are from my wife's profile.
  24. OxBrew

    Colorful FSD track instead of plain blue- what is it?!

    There was a setting to make rainbow road always come on when you use FSD or AP. I think in the toy box or somewhere?
  25. OxBrew

    AP/FSD related crashes

    Square that with Elon/Tesla's continued hammering that Teslas using "AP" crash x times less frequently than all cars. Where do you draw the line? The implied message is AP does better than humans. I'm human. When do I let FSD over ride my flawed judgement? Its a lose lose scenario. Teslas are...
  26. OxBrew

    Supercharger network is critical infrastructure

    Who regulates the wire feeding their house? What if the power grid was sold to Amazon, and they decided to cut all rural connections because the ROI was too low? Who do you turn to then? BTW fire departments are generally pretty socialist.
  27. OxBrew

    Thread for the most minor of suggestions

    Lots of rocks get thrown up by oncoming traffic and bounce across the center line/divider. Just sayin.
  28. OxBrew

    Service Center Nightmares

    Actually the reverse is true. If you assume you're going to spend 2 years finding and fixing issues, better to do that before release, since the cost to repair is 100x or more than just fixing in the first place. I work in product development, in an industry that demands compressed schedules...
  29. OxBrew

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I know a former senior engineer from Tesla (who designed many significant systems we all rely on every day) who refuses to buy a new Tesla in large part due to lack of stalks. (also buried wiper controls, lack of stalks exacerbates that). He's keeping his older model with stalks.
  30. OxBrew

    I am frankly shocked by how stunningly ugly the Cybertruck is

    lol, got the head in the sand covered. what's next, a paper bag with holes for the eyes?
  31. OxBrew

    Koni - Special Active (Red - Formerly FSD) and Sports (Yellow) - Coming Soon for Model 3 and Y

    The alignment of the top cap on the fronts can be marked before removing the old one. As long as the spring is settled in the lower mount in the right spot, marking the top of where the spring ends on the cap gets you close enough. I didn't mark my first side, and just eyeballed it by looking...
  32. OxBrew

    I am frankly shocked by how stunningly ugly the Cybertruck is

    Outside the Tesla bubble, the CT is universally derided as a sad joke. Even inside the Tesla bubble, a ton of otherwise pro Tesla folks are saying no thanks. I think the most agreed on sentiment is it looks like it came from the set of Dr Who (1970's) or Lost in Space.
  33. OxBrew

    I am frankly shocked by how stunningly ugly the Cybertruck is

    I'm all for bold designs that are not afraid to break new ground, or just be practical first. Giving a bold look to a truly ground breaking vehicle provides a strong anchor in people's memory that they can mentally tether all the awesomeness to (or if it fails, they tether all the failures to...
  34. OxBrew

    Cybertruck is a scam.

    He deserves to have his full remarks quoted here. TL;DR if you think Elon has some brilliant master plan, you need to get out more. This sentiment is exactly equal to the 4 other Senior engineers I know personally who spent anywhere from 10 months to 12 years at Tesla. Ethan Heald, public post...
  35. OxBrew

    Supercharger network is critical infrastructure

    Not take it over, Not take it over, but set minimum performance standards ( up time, density, usage data sharing, and similar )with a clear pathway toward enforcement and brokerage of maintenance contracts if minimum standards are not met. It's a public utility, and should be regulated like one.
  36. OxBrew

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    lol, 2024.3.25 is downloading, been all day. Up to 75% after at least6 hours (giga fiber, very fast connection). After installing, if it happens today, the gummie will have fully kicked in, so no testing FSD for me. Tomorrow I will be kicked to the curb with all the rest. If I cared at all, I...
  37. OxBrew

    Additional layoffs

    Just fired the entire Supercharger development and support team. What the hell is wrong with Elon? Why the hell does he still have a job? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-guts-teslas-charging-163054060.html
  38. OxBrew

    Done giving Tesla the benefit of the doubt on Autopilot and adaptive cruise control- it's JUNK.

    Emergency Lane Departure is now off in my car. Over the weekend it tried to steer me into an oncoming lane head on into another vehicle, both of us doing about 40-45. 2 lane country road with no painted lines. No AP or TACC on, it does not allow it, wisely. Just driving along, the standard road...
  39. OxBrew

    Full FSD Free Trial: Why I'd never buy it . . . ever.

    Yet still an abject failure, 1/25th as good as it needs to be.
  40. OxBrew

    Full FSD Free Trial: Why I'd never buy it . . . ever.

    I know the long term solution for bad intersections and unsolvable problems: don't even try. FSD research is a waste of billions of $$$ we should be plowing into solutions to our life support on this planet, not iterative improvements to problems that don't threaten our survival. Fiddling...
  41. OxBrew

    Full FSD Free Trial: Why I'd never buy it . . . ever.

    FSD is no longer Beta. I'm not down with helping fix a dead end product that should never be released. Tesla had one chance to convince me, they went all in, and failed. I've also had no accidents in over 600k lifetime miles. I keep FSD from actually crashing almost every time I use it. One...
  42. OxBrew

    Full FSD Free Trial: Why I'd never buy it . . . ever.

    I think the late braking and scary closing distance is a fatal flaw that cant be fixed with current hardware. It just cant see far enough down the road. My friend is a pilot, engineer, built his own Otter, has 2 Teslas (3 and S) that he bought the day afyer he drove my Y, and thinks FSD should...
  43. OxBrew

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    Wow, just totally divorced from reality. I'm sorry we can't have a reasonable discussion. Global auto production capacity literally, factually, cannot come close to the fantasies you're spouting. On top of that, people don't have the actual economic capacity to buy all those magic new cars...
  44. OxBrew

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    Humans driving in the MAJORITY will exist for decades past any fantasy self driving cars. Do the math on turnover in new car sales. It will take 40 years to get there, minimum, if you're really optimistic about increasing turnover in the future. Earth just does not have the capacity to make a...
  45. OxBrew

    Model Y Suspension Advice

    Thanks! First I've heard of threads crushing nuts. I've heard of one time use torque to yield bolts. I'll investigate and replace properly.
  46. OxBrew

    Buying a used Tesla and I have concerns.

    Also pass on the smell from the vents. If a kid spilled milk down the dash that may never come out. The rest of it can probably be cleaned. If it's rotten milk smells, they can persist for years, I know this first hand.
  47. OxBrew

    FSD now $8,000. Who's buying?

    No. Free was not enough. Disabled it after 2 weeks. I might pay 500 for EAP. I'm a bit curious about how broken TACC is actually, can't trust it anymore. Slows too much too often. Feels like it has no confidence.
  48. OxBrew

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    Well they shut down their entire new mobility effort 4 years ago, including their self driving effort. Apparently the had a profit of over $1B in 2023 for the first time ever.
  49. OxBrew

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Totally off topic, should get a new thread: Major UI update says "Ryzen MCU" so Atom gets a pass? I'm ok with that. I'm really totally and completely over UI updates. Please just stop, or let me freeze my UI. Very bad idea, unless its a recall for a safety update.