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  1. M

    Model 3 Ceramic Detailing

    Just got mine done today and can tell a big difference. Will see how well it holds up. If you are only keeping for 3-5 years it may not be worth it. The 5 hours seems concerning. Most require 5-6 hours for wash, degreaser and first coat then at least 8 hour cure before the top coat.
  2. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Picked my car up today. For those waiting, hang in there it's worth the wait. Pickup was incredibly easy, took maybe 10 min and 9 of those were me looking over the car. The wait is terrible once you mentally commit to buying one and checking the app every few moments but be thankful we have as...
  3. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I read that in another forum and it just feels cruel to know it happened. Only two more days though....
  4. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I learned that all Midwest deliveries go from Fremont to Chicago via train then delivered by truck. Mine was shipped from Fremont Thursday morning and arrives to KC today. Once you confirm it ships, looks like it's about a week to the dealer. Something to monitor once you get your VIN and if...
  5. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Bummer. I dug around for the forms for you but all I saw on the registration was a dealer trade-in. Unfortunate but at least you knew it going in.
  6. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I'm not sure if Texas operates the same as Missouri but we have a Form 426. I'll pay full sales tax on the 53k Tesla purchase price. When I sell my Truck (selling for 32k to a coworker) I will file a Form 426 to get back the sales tax on the 32k (only pay sales tax on the difference). Hopefully...
  7. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I waited until I got my VIN. Emailed my SA and she switched it in 30 seconds. I went in to the app and selected Tesla financing and filled that out. Was approved 5 min later. You are fine waiting until you get a VIN.
  8. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Quick update. Got my VIN text 7pm on 2/11. Uploaded insurance info and applied for Tesla financing and got approval 5 min later. Received text last night to schedule delivery for 2/25. All my texts have been around 7pm CST.
  9. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Just received my VIN (174XXX) text. KC delivery. My EDD updated from 2/19-3/5 to 2/25-3/1. Seems like delivery should be a couple weeks away!
  10. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    My EDD narrowed to a 2 week window this morning. Been at 2/8-3/8 since I ordered. Hoping a VIN happens soon.
  11. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I'm in KC and the storm sweeping across the midwest has made roads bad. They shutdown I-70, not sure about I-80. Wouldn't surprise me to see some East Coast/Midwest deliveries get delayed by a few days.
  12. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I am but the actual draw from both on won't exceed the capacity (tiny 3/4 hp pump). They also will never be on at the same time as my pool pump runs during the day while I'm at work. Also plan on charging at 32 amps because I won't need anything more. I have my subpanel protected with a 60 amp...
  13. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Both electricians I've had out would not put in a smaller breaker. They would only pull 6/2 with a 60 amp breaker. I have a 60 amp subpanel for our pool so I lucked out but wasn't anticipating going the full 60, only want 40.
  14. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I ordered on 12/11. Changed from PW to MSM on 12/21. Same EDD, in fact it hasn't changed once.
  15. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I still have my reservation and I'm likely to get the go-ahead to order as well. I saw the pricing tool and was shocked it cost 20k to add the extended range battery for an XLT. I think Tesla resale will hold for awhile and even before Covid, they held their value well. As the US transitions to...
  16. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I'm in KC and this aligns with mine. Along a little different build, seems reasonable.
  17. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I have the same. Full coverage quote for me was $110/month in MO.
  18. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Did you call local SA or main number?
  19. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Haven't followed Texas closely but they were having success with preproduction, are they producing vehicles yet?
  20. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    From everything I've read, this is all playing out the same as in the past. East Coast and part of Midwest done in February and remaining Midwest/West Coast in March. Sprinkle in some outliers as people reject or place holds. If you are EC/MW and you aren't getting a car or narrowed EDD end of...
  21. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I've been doing that for a month. My dates still haven't moved from my original order. I suppose that's a good thing given what's happening to others.
  22. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Mine is still 2/8-3/8. I bet we end up with the same shipment.
  23. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Wasn't sure how my signature would show up in my last post. Might be helpful to add your info as a signature so people can see it.
  24. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    For those who received an EDD change, were you notified via text, email, etc or just noticed it when looking at the app/account?
  25. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Yep but that's the same info if you do cash, financing, etc. The lien just appears under that (at least in MO). So when you go to the DMV you will have Tesla saying car is in your name and then when DMV fills out paperwork for the title, they will see the lender has a lien in the system and will...
  26. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    The state issues the title not the manufacturer. The lender files a lien with the state at the time you borrow the money. From Tesla's standpoint they shouldn't care if you hand them a check from your personal checking account or a credit union at delivery.
  27. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I wouldn't think that matters since it's all online but who knows. Feel like you, AshN and myself might get order at the same time.
  28. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Seems odd your EDD is that late. I have same specs and location. Ordered 12/11 EDD 2/8-3/8.
  29. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    That's quick. Congrats!
  30. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    In Missouri we have sales tax and pay only on the difference of the new purchase and once you sell your current car. I'm not sure if CA works the same way. As with all my finances, I maximize return anyway I can get it. I would recommend selling private party but if that's outside your comfort...
  31. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I noticed new builds done have EDD for SR or LR. Performance is Nov. Doesn't seem right
  32. M

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    I just asked this under M3LR. My account shows no EDD. The custom builder shows no EDD for SR and LR, shows M3P EDD Nov. I think maybe just some updates?
  33. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I checked the app and online, I don't have any EDDs listed. Wonder if things are getting updated? Anyone else experiencing this?
  34. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    You are not alone. I've only done this for about 3 weeks. Not sure how people have done it for months.
  35. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Same. I'm selling my truck to a coworker and he doesn't care when the transaction happens.
  36. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Dang, almost like buying it today. Surprised it's pushed that late..
  37. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I ordered the same, can't wait. Congrats
  38. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Is that common?
  39. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Yep as long as it's below 55k (as written). See what happens when negotiations start back up.
  40. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Wild you've had that many. Mine hasn't changed in the 3 weeks I've had my reservation. I'm sure my time is coming.
  41. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I was just talking about this with a friend. Traditional auto manufacturers change their style every couple years to get people to buy "the latest" and the seem to spend little on tech. I'm glad Tesla has destroyed this concept with OTA updates and avoiding typical dealership buying experience...
  42. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Didn't figure they'd do that but I guess it's worth asking.
  43. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Thanks. Makes sense but could also seeing them raise the price because someone would pay it vs waiting a few months.
  44. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    This might be a dumb question but when new vehicles hit Tesla's website, do they include FSD or are they trying to make 10k? It's never been obvious to me but would hope it would include it.
  45. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Same, still 2/8-3/8. You get moved up?
  46. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Wow that's fast. What was your original EDD?
  47. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    What was your OD and hold date? I assume no VIN at the time of hold?
  48. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I think waiting until you get a VIN. Right now there isn't much they can do as far as I know.
  49. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Yep, agreed. Mentally braced myself for 3/31 and if it's sooner, lucky me.
  50. M

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I was wondering what the new year would look like given amount of holds released on 1/1 and the latest year end push. I ordered 12/11 and EDD hasn't moved from 2/8-3/8. Feel like end of March may be likely.