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  1. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Thanks for clarifying - it seemed you were making a statement that FSDS would typically just run into the cutting car/truck without intervention, which would be alarming to someone investigating FSDS for a future purchase.
  2. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Woah, "completely typical" is a bold statement. Again, I've never experienced this, as my car brakes when cars/trucks have cut out in front of me, admittedly late and usually quite hard of a brake. I have my foot over the brake pedal and am ready to intervene, but so far have not had to. The...
  3. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It's hard to tell from video, but my experience would have been the car starting to brake fairly hard, around 7-8 seconds in your video. Looks like you initiated the lane change around 6 seconds or so. Would be nice if it started the slowdown earlier, and more gracefully, than waiting for the...
  4. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    So far, in my experience, whenever a car or truck "cuts" out in front of me, FSDS has braked, usually pretty hard, for them. I have never attempted a lane change at the same time, so I have no experience to confirm or refute your experience, or to say that's "normal" for FSDS. Nearly...
  5. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In your case, disengaging was the correct procedure, and I would have as well in your situation.
  6. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I personally would have just let it go. The truck came out, and my bet would be that FSDS would have slowed down to let the truck complete its maneuver, and then continued in the #3 lane. If the truck wanted back into the #3 lane, and signaled, FSDS would have slowed down to let the truck move...
  7. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You mean this FSDTracker? (teslafsdtracker.com)
  8. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    And his experience with stop signs is the exact same that I have, which is perplexing when I read people who say it sits there for 10 seconds with no traffic around, or starts fumbling and hesitating in the middle of the intersection. Hopefully everyone gets better stop signs now. Just watched...
  9. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Looks like it's still stopping behind the line - not much change there. Stop signs looked good. Turns looked pretty good - though it needed to push the acceleration a bit on one ULT. Still having trouble picking a left turn lane, but looks like it's not as jarring as previous.
  10. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I thought about this recently, and I'm curious if this blow-back against AVs and ADAS systems, like FSDS, are a temporary problem. It takes time for culture to adapt and change to new technology. AVs, like Waymo, and ADAS systems, like Tesla FSD, may well be ahead of their time, planting the...
  11. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    It should, yes. I only have anecdotal evidence from a drive on Friday. Crossed the same tracks twice, and both times the car slowed when crossing.
  12. D

    Camera Calibration for FSD in 6.5 miles

    DAS = Driver Assistance System (AP, TACC, FSD, etc)
  13. D

    Mercedes approved for ACTUAL self driving in the USA. And will accept responsibility.

    Not sure what the discussion is about - ADAS and AVs will cause accidents - period. There is no such thing as foolproof, accident-free computer-aided driving. So, if you, or governments, are waiting for flawless ADAS/AVs, then they're just passing the buck to the next administration, hoping...
  14. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    For some reason your comment made me think that in many states it's illegal to kill yourself, which I find hilarious.
  15. D

    Mercedes approved for ACTUAL self driving in the USA. And will accept responsibility.

    Is the lane change discussion about L2 or L3? According to Mercedes' Drive Pilot (L3):
  16. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I think my favorite is when someone says the slowing/stopping is smooth for them, and they're told "no, it's not smooth, look at the regen bar". I just imagine someone in the car, the car is slowing/stopping and they think "wow, this is pretty smooth, I like it", then they look at the regen bar...
  17. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The only time I've experienced no turn signals is when I engage FSDS while in a turn lane. But if I engage outside the turn lane, I always get turn signals for upcoming turns.
  18. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just noticed something with the new spring update. I have HW3 (Intel Atom), and when FSDS engages, I get the full screen visualizations (I have that enabled), and starting to enjoy it. The upper right has a small ghosted version of the map, with traffic information in it, as I'd expect...
  19. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Ugh, I'm done arguing with you over this. You literally used the word comfort, which is a subjective term, in your description of objective. I hope Tesla gets the smoothness you're looking for some day. I really do.
  20. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'm not arguing that it can't improve. And I don't experience jerky steering. And I don't find the deceleration curve annoying. But I also don't mind the office at 72 degrees, while some of the staff are freezing and have space heaters. I like large gaps between me and the lead car, while...
  21. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    And there is a distinct group of people who thought it needed additional smoothing. You're talking about a subjective issue. Is the current smoothness satisfactory for many people? Yes. Can it be smoother? Yes. Smoothness is about an acceleration and deceleration curve. What is the...
  22. D


    There's quite a few metrics we need to see before answering your question. For one, what is the average wait time for a ride? Two, what is the average cost of a ride vs Uber/Lyft/Yellow Cab? Three, how much time does each Waymo car spend in a ride? Four, how much time is spent...
  23. D


    No, I think they had about 100k a month or so ago and then decided to terminate the wait list and go fully public.
  24. D


    My comment was based on Waymo sub-reddit discussions from current Waymo customers, and the comments about recent waitlists were about 1-2 months ago or so. Here are a few comments from about 2 months ago:
  25. D


    According to some reports from customers, the waitlist was over 100K people about a month or so ago. So with the waitlist over and rides available for all, that's quite a few customers read to start using.
  26. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    This is exactly what I would expect if you've set the parameters yourself. If you have ASSO enabled is where the system will handle it for you with the offsets we calculated. No surprise at all the speed jumps up if someone has manual offsets set with a percentage or set amount. Perhaps some...
  27. D

    Autonomous Car Progress

    I love when he applauds - he's so enthusiastic about it.
  28. D

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    People are so worried about batteries - the technology has evolved rapidly in just a few short years. Now there are major breakthroughs in Solid State batteries, with a few companies ready for testbed trials on short-range EVs. In a few more years we could be seeing Solid State batteries in...
  29. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Since we've done all the calculations, and tested with multiple confirmations, the numbers I gave are correct. Do the following to test: 1) Drive manually on the freeway, set the profile to Chill (which will be 5% over the limit), and drive just under the speed limit 2) You'll see the limit...
  30. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I already quoted from Mercedes: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/8323608/
  31. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    If full highway speed becomes real for Mercedes at L3, I assure you that it will be at the speed limit (driver will NOT be able to modify the system), it will be at a very comfortable gap to the lead car, and will not allow for lane changes. Even if the lead car slammed on the brakes, the...
  32. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    He's laughing because we already know all this. Chill = 5% Average = 10% Assertive = 15% So, you're in Average mode, the car detected 65 limit, and set you to 72.
  33. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    From Mercedes:
  34. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    To highlight just how ridiculous this entire driver monitoring system is, and how utterly screwed Tesla is in the courts and with NHTSA, when they have no actual means of confirming the driver is paying attention. Wheel torque? Weights / COMMA.AI devices. Cabin camera? $2 sunglasses. Seat...
  35. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA - oh that's rich. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in R&D, hundreds of man hours of highly skilled engineers, and the camera-based driver attention monitoring system is thwarted by a pair of $2 sunglasses. 😂🤣
  36. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    With the number of people complaining about getting dinged for looking at their screen for more than a few seconds, how was the guy on his phone on FSDS, unless he was on an old version of FSD Beta?
  37. D

    Tesla Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Litigation, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, No. 22-05240

    None, but that's not too surprising. It can take years for class actions to reach verdict, if they're not dismissed after discovery. A few class actions have already failed, one fairly big one was dismissed due to the arbitration clause in late model contracts.
  38. D


    Guess this made it to some AI boards.
  39. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Rolling stops are a potential safety issue. Speeding isn't as much. I also think there is presidence with CC. If NHTSA slammed a company for allowing the car to speed, then all cars would have to get slammed.
  40. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Customer: The car constantly makes this terrible noise when I'm driving Mechanic: Let's go for a ride *car works perfectly* 💀
  41. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Do you have MLC enabled for the drive?
  42. D

    FSD needs to anticipate turns and freeway exits

    😂 I know JB, the statement was sarcasm, and the SIC was intentional. As for the rest, people need to remember it's an L2 driver assist. It means you can participate. Want to get over a mile earlier? Use the turn signals to get the car over when YOU want it to. (Tip: enable MLC to make sure it...
  43. D

    FSD needs to anticipate turns and freeway exits

    Here here! My car just keeps going in a straight line. I was heading to LA and ended up in Canada. 😉 Of course the car changes lanes for exits and turns. On freeways it begins around 1.5 miles if you're in the far left lane, and usually makes the final lane change before the exit at about 0.5...
  44. D

    Traffic Aware Cruise Control (TACC) won't be available on FSD v12?

    I cannot disagree with your experience, but only tell you my experience. AP on city streets (pre-FSD Beta) always forced me to confirm intersections, even on green lights, except when there is a lead car. Once I was invited into FSD Beta (v10) back in 2021, the problem obviously went away, as...
  45. D

    Do FSD strikes ever get reset without striking out?

    5 strikes and you're suspended from all ADAS functions for 1 week. Then the strikes reset to 0. The 1 week timeout will count on your 1 month.
  46. D

    Feeling scammed on FSD retrofit. Am I in the wrong?

    What is not evident is how that remediation must take place. For older cars where hardware is required, but cannot be retrofitted, the only course may be to remove all ADAS functions from those cars via software updates. It would then be up to lawsuits on whether Tesla must compensate for the...
  47. D

    Feeling scammed on FSD retrofit. Am I in the wrong?

    From NHTSA (for some context):
  48. D

    FSD Warning #1

    It's going to take quite some time for our American culture to adjust to AVs and advanced ADAS. The leader in the AV field, Waymo, gets quite a bit of love from locals (just Google "waymo vandalism"). The amount of anger that comes from people who feel inconvenienced by another driver, even...
  49. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The law is mostly about what's reasonable. The car stops with a decent gap between itself and the car ahead, or a few feet from the stop line. Is that unreasonable? Scenario: Your car comes to a red light and stops with a 10 foot gap between you and the lead car. A distracted driver behind...
  50. D

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Whoever updates the mapping data for that road should be flogged. Epic map failure.