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  1. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It's so variable in my testing. The V11 highway stack still has an intermittent issue where it won't act on manual lane changes for a bizarrely long time (10+ seconds), when it's completely clear. It's intermittent, but common enough I've been noticing this for months. On the other hand on...
  2. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I knew it, Elon wants to watch me drive via the cabin camera 🤬
  3. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I’m not shocked either, but there are factors that could have (or will) tip the balance in the other direction: - more training compute coming online - Tesla AI engineers skill improving over time - improvements in data curation and collection techniques - improved validation and testing...
  4. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Oh no even Omar is less than overwhelmingly positive. Rollout paused, I'm calling it 🤣 I do agree with his sentiment though. It's been over 100 days since I've gotten v12, and a bit over 6 months since the first customer releases. Improvements in that time have been very minor, if any. I...
  5. G

    Supercharger - Copper Mountain, CO

    I’ve been surprised how long it’s taken them to migrate over to the V4s, honestly. Well over a year since launch of the first V4s and there are still V3 installs in progress (multiple here in Colorado)
  6. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'm still on 2024.14.9, I thought most FSD testers were in the same boat
  7. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It would be pretty unbelievable that they don't know - it's just a hard a problem I guess. That's fair, I'm totally putting words in his mouth. But Elon isn't the most precise communicator at times. I think what I'm skeptical of is if I got an FSD release that was worse on smoothness it would...
  8. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    v12 (12.3.6) is all over the place in lane positioning for me. Quite annoying. On highway where it reverts back to v11 it's normal (which is to say virtually perfect at lane positioning on straights), so I don't think it's a camera calibration issue.
  9. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    When Elon says "interventions" I assume he means "safety critical interventions", or cases where the car does significantly the wrong thing. Otherwise it doesn't really make sense to say fewer interventions but less smoothness. The vast majority of my interventions are pretty minor things...
  10. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    But they have to have some motivation for the changes they make. I'd like to at least see notes like "added 100k video clips for lane splits to reduce lane decision wobble". Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but I'm just curious what problems they're going after.
  11. G

    2024 Highland Tesla Model 3 Performance Deep Dive

    New M3P feels like a much larger improvement than the 0-60 times alone would indicate. Anecdotally, from a quick test drive it feels substantially faster than a LR AWD acceleration boost through the full range of 0 - ~90 (allegedly, lol). My car really drops off after 60 or so.
  12. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    They used to have real release notes, then they got lazy
  13. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Sure they are, Tesla's FSD strategy is fundamentally "test at scale, on real cars, in production". If not for robotaxi, what are they building for? I liked them, but they have to view through a lens of "what problems are the engineering teams hoping to make improvements or changes to this...
  14. G

    Supercharger - Copper Mountain, CO

    Woah, that was quick! First V4 dispensers in Colorado. I wonder why they went with this one as the first V4s. Definitely welcome to have better compatibility with Rivians and various other vehicles with "wrong" position charge ports, especially for the I70 corridor. I didn't realize there was...
  15. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The way they prove its sufficiently ready though is via millions of miles of testing. When they eventually make a meaningful change to the monitoring requirements (either L3 operation or driverless operation in a limited region), which I do think will eventually happen, it won't coincide with a...
  16. G

    Suggestions for Enhanced Verbal Feedback in FSD

    The end to end AI doesn't drive the on-screen visualizations - those are powered by the existing neural nets that from V11. The tentacle is the output from the end to end AI.
  17. G

    Suggestions for Enhanced Verbal Feedback in FSD

    I’m not disagreeing with usefulness of a feature like this, but rather the feasibility of it in E2E AI.
  18. G

    What’s the build quality on pre Shanghai model 3

    I have to disagree with some of this. First off, Fremont has produced cars with both LG and Panasonic battery packs over time so that's not a benefit of Fremont in all cases. The US doesn't always get the prime supply. The 4680 Model Ys were only made briefly but were pretty poor in terms of...
  19. G

    What’s the build quality on pre Shanghai model 3

    I have a 2019 Fremont Model 3 (with a bit over 70k miles on it). Build quality been acceptable - but not perfect. The driver seat wiring harness got pinched and damaged by moving the seat (fixed under warranty). The rear trunk wiring harness was also replaced under warranty. One of the buttons...
  20. G

    Suggestions for Enhanced Verbal Feedback in FSD

    Tesla has many more important things than most of these ideas. In particular, making an end to end driving model supply explanations of its actions is not at all trivial. Large AI models don't know (per se) why they do things - they aren't logic based, like traditional software, so you can't...
  21. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Definitely not a primary source, I got the sense that he had a number of contacts inside Tesla and generally shared filtered info from them. Hard to gauge reliability, especially since the actual sources likely had incomplete information at many times. But it was credible enough to keep me...
  22. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    FSD waiting has gotten boring since Teslascope stopped leaking juicy but vague tidbits. Has the latest v12 release gone to employees yet? How are we supposed to know? :mad:
  23. G

    Done with Tesla

    Bad news: you're correct, networks are not inherently secure. Good news: no well built e-commerce system relies on your internet connection being secure. Credit card data is all encrypted in transit and it's designed to facilitate secure transactions over insecure networks. There's no good...
  24. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yeah, there are some divided highways in Colorado (typically with 55 speed limits) where V12 will engage. It works just fine, subject to my usual complaints with V12 (inconsistent following distance, lane positioning, and late braking for lead traffic). I've driven around 70 mph for extended...
  25. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In some cases people have preferences (acceleration speed for a stop sign), but there’s a lot of cases today where the car is simply jerk in ways that are undebateably bad. Offhand examples: - jerky steering through my local roundabouts - yo-yoing follow distance - uneven deceleration slowing...
  26. G

    Accelerates Into Home With Rear Wheels Locked

    Not positive on CT but on 3/Y yes, it serves as an emergency backup to the hydraulic brake system. Hold down the park button to activate.
  27. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Oh, not me. It took me 15 minutes to get out of bed this morning. Joking aside, I'm highly skeptical we ever see wide rollouts of L3 systems with these short 10-15 second takeover times. Humans are bad drivers already under normal conditions, let alone acquiring situational awareness within a...
  28. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I literally just got that fixed under warranty. My 2019 Model 3 started inconsistently throwing that fault - the service notes say they found the seat was pinching the wiring harness for the seat belt pretensioner and they replaced it for free (out of warranty by a little bit too). I'd suggest...
  29. G

    Done with Tesla

    If you’re aren’t willing to enter your CC in app I don’t think you can use Supercharger. And the vast majority of third party chargers require a credit card. How have you owned an EV for 10 years? No road trips ever? I can’t imagine owning an EV and not using a credit card for charging...
  30. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    FSD is quite good on steep mountain roads! Even really curvy and tight hairpins. I'd use it more if those were the funnest to drive manually. That reminds of a mildly amusing, but baffling, interaction I had once. I'm loading up my bike in the Model 3 at a trailhead in Colorado. A guy with an...
  31. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Right. 🤣 Remind me to check in a year: "has FSD been sued and regulated out of existence by NHTSA?" What I find particularly laughable about this is normal cars have literally no driver monitoring and people text and drive all the time. You seem to have this notion that Tesla has to have...
  32. G

    Why does Tesla not use 4680s on the Model S, And is it the same reason on why the Plaid+ was cancelled?

    Performance concerns aside, Tesla is feeding most (if not all) of their 4680 production into Cybertruck. It’s not clear when they’ll have excess capacity as they ramp both CT and cell production in parallel.
  33. G

    Model S v 3 - $25k price difference worth it

    S is bigger, faster, longer range, more screens, more premium interior, etc. When you say 15k difference I assume you’re looking at the M3P vs base S? The S gets 100 more miles of range! That alone is worth a lot.
  34. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Driving habits may vary geographically. People learn from those around them, adapt the local enforcement (or lack thereof), etc. In Colorado (Denver area) it’s exceedingly rare for people to fully stop, when there’s no cross traffic or other reason too. I’ve observed people very closely, lol...
  35. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Agreed. There's a lot of ways we could do it better, but an easy one from an infrastructure perspective would be replace a substantial number of stop signs with yields That would require drivers to exercise a reasonable degree of care and due diligence, which I doubt most drivers would do...
  36. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    ^ IMO this is totally correct. And exactly why we need updated laws with more reasonable requirements for autonomous vehicles. I'd suggest something like requiring always slowing to 5 mph at all stop signs, and slowing to 1 mph if any pedestrians or bikes are present in the areas. That kind of...
  37. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    We'll probably never know exactly how this discussions went done between Tesla and NHTSA. My theory is that stop sign detection is extremely accurate (or at least once the car thinks it sees a stop sign it's highly probable there actually is a stop sign), on the other hand speed limit detection...
  38. G

    Supercharger - Arvada, CO - W 56th Ave

    Nothing happening at the moment. Fences are all down but no sign of a transformer yet. Is this going to go like that one Supercharger by the airport that took a year?
  39. G

    Poll - Most exciting things to own a Tesla

    Also, can propose adding "endlessly debate what charge limit you should use and how much its degrading your battery"
  40. G

    Poll - Most exciting things to own a Tesla

    We're all here to argue :mad:, change my mind
  41. G

    Error after software update - Car won’t start

    It's definitely in the service mode menu. Don't remember the exact menu it's in but it's easy to find (if one can't find it you probably shouldn't be doing this anyway)
  42. G

    Is this normal AC behavior?

    Usage time. The filters don't degrade with age, per se, unlike some automotive components. It's not necessarily a function of just mileage; hours of operation are probably a better metric since HVAC can run with the car stationary. The amount of dirt and dust in the air makes a big difference...
  43. G

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    Lots of fancy words here. The derivative of position is velocity. I think you need to invert your statement: when velocity is zero you’re stopped and do need to pay rent. (Side note: people generally take ideas more seriously when you avoid obfuscating the message with unnecessary technical...
  44. G

    Is this normal AC behavior?

    In my 2019 Model 3 (so pre-heat pump HVAC) it typically wouldn't require fan speed 8 in 80 degree. Once it hits 95-100 though then yes I'll keep the fan up there. So not totally unreasonable but a bit high.
  45. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Woah, feels like something's unusually bad with your car. That's a lot of distance shown - mine has never been that far off (not that I watch it that closely all the time, but when cruising on AP I've looked at adjacent vehicles on the vis a fair bit). And from watching a pile of FSD testing...
  46. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I've never seen it be so off as to be a risk of collision during a merge. But I also try to avoid merging into super tight gaps too, and avoid using only the visualization because it doesn't show rearward far enough for my taste. That's how most prudent drivers behave (watching for pedestrians...
  47. G

    Coming Soon - Tesla Summon

    I wouldn't read into it too much. It's a pretty low investment for some designers and software engineers to start thinking about a ride hailing app and build some prototypes. I'm glad they're doing that, so it's not rushed - but I wouldn't infer any FSD timelines from it
  48. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Testing FSD and experiencing the truly awful handling of basic stop sign controlled intersections has made me think a lot of about how best to meet the (apparent) NHTSA requirements for a full zero MPH stop. Lately I've been stomping the brake at the last moment, making that full zero MPH stop...
  49. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The second clip he posted was good too. Car is going to the median now too on 12.4, I think that was gone in 12.3. So, progress, I think. As people have described it 12.4 is seeming like true 2 steps forward and 2 steps back kind of release.
  50. G

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    America is incapable of walkable cities. I’m not that bullish on Tesla FSD prospects (certainly not a “robotaxis live in 2 years” person) but I firmly believe robotaxis will become a thing before US metro and suburban areas become substantially less car dependent. Technology has a strong proven...