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  1. Tricky16

    Wall charger now shows in app

    Just to follow up on this in case it helps someone with the same problem. After trying everything I could think of I contacted Tesla support. They said it was a known issue and that there was a fix in the TWC fw 22.7.0 (which I had manually installed). They asked me to do the following: 1. Turn...
  2. Tricky16

    Wall charger now shows in app

    Thanks, Will try when I get home this evening. Just to double check, what firmware release do you have on your TWC?....The reason I'm asking is I don't recall seeing a schedule option on the page (and I was looking for one). If my FW is not current it might explain my issues.
  3. Tricky16

    Wall charger now shows in app

    Thanks for feeding in. I am connecting to the TWC local wifi and have double checked the status at It shows that the TWC is connected to my home wifi. In the Tesla app when I swipe to access the TWC and press schedule, I am prompted to join the TWC local wifi, which I do. I’m then...
  4. Tricky16

    Wall charger now shows in app

    thanks for the reply - The TWC has been connected to my home wifi since it was installed a few months ago but i've just double checked its still connected. Tried setting the schedule again and it immediately returns the error "Unable to communicate with the Wall Connector"..... My router home...
  5. Tricky16

    Wall charger now shows in app

    I've just switched to Octopus Go and I'm trying to set up off peak charging times in my TWC. I have accessed the TWC through the Tesla app (scanned QR code/joined TWC wifi etc) and in the schedule page, I am able to enter my start and stop times.... however when I press done I get an error...
  6. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    There’s a small area in front of the rear wheels on each door that has film….where its particularly prone to chips.
  7. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    V good collection experience at Southampton today (had v low expectations). The car was clean and no issues at all except a few bubbles in the PPF on the rear doors. Pointed it out and they took the film off and reapplied within 5 mins. Sure it’s been covered here but there is a parcel shelf and...
  8. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    😂I’m happy in my land of unicorns and denial, as long as I get my car next week
  9. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Had a call from Tesla today to check that I'm ready for delivery and did I have any questions. I have a long drive from Southampton so asked how much charge I was going to get.....Was surprised that he was able to connect to my car and was able to tell me the actual charge now (65%)! I'm...
  10. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    I received an invitation by email yesterday
  11. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    I’m due to collect (Southampton) on the 21st June and got a text with my reg number yesterday morning.
  12. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    From WuWa. Looks like Shanghai is opening up.
  13. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    All the details in my signature - bought with combination of trade in and PCP.
  14. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Got a text from Tesla this morning confirming my VIN (previously only in source code) and my licence plate number… allowing myself to think it might be happening🤞
  15. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Collection booked! 21st June at Southampton. does this help to identify the ship?
  16. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Have just had the delivery text message!! collection booked for the 21st June!
  17. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    I think its in or around Thorpe Park......wont swear to it though
  18. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Just had a call from the Teslas trade in team to confirm bank details and I asked about arrangements for collections at Bluewater. He said that they’re no longer doing collections from Bluewater and are moving these to Staines instead. I took the opportunity to switch to Southampton….
  19. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    The app requests access to Bluetooth so that you can use your phone as a key for your car
  20. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    I have a LRW VIN number in the source code too! Have also notice a small change to my EDD… now 17-30 June. As @Raj2022 said, the app asked for Bluetooth access for the first time…🤞
  21. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    My trade in offer expired last week. I submitted my current mileage and the new offer arrived after a couple of days… unfortunately MUCH lower than the first offer. Reluctantly accepted however I’m still trying to get them to properly reflect the value in the payment / PCP details
  22. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    My EDD changed from 18-30 June to just "May" a few days ago. It has just gone back to 19-30 June
  23. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    HORIZON LEADER seems to be underway and heading towards Shanghai south 🤞
  24. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Apologies if this has already been asked and answered previously. With 3 ship reportedly on their way to Europe, based on what I've read about previous quarters, shouldn't VIN numbers be out in the wild by now or is it still too early? I read on one of these threads that they're allocated just...
  25. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    My EDD has just changed from 18-30th June to just “May”
  26. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Sorry. Realised as soon as I posted then deleted. Straws/grasping.
  27. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Shanghai factory appears to be shutting down due to supply chain issues, according to Wu Wa
  28. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Me too
  29. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    My EDD has just changed to June 18 - June 30
  30. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    So, with VIKING ADVENTURE finally out of contention, the ships identified in this thread as worth watching (for Europe) are: THEBEN and GLOVIS SPLENDOR. @Mr Miserable is GRAND PAVO still a potential? Any I’ve missed?
  31. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Currently at anchor off shore.
  32. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Interesting thread. Seems to reflect what has been said here about VIKING ADVENTURE. It may only be for France with no RHD models but a sign things seems to be starting.….. clutching at straws, I know.
  33. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    I'm not sure finding this forum and the Marine Traffic app has made the waiting time go quicker but it has definitely become a bit of an obsession.....that said, the sea's around Shanghai have suddenly become very absent of any vehicle transport ships (except Bess) at a time when I am hoping for...
  34. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    I’ve reached the point of resignation on the Model Y order rollercoaster so went shopping. Bought a powered frunk kit from Hansshow…. At least I’ve got a tracking number for it which is more than I’ve got for the car… (15% off with promo code BTG)
  35. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Noticed that THRUXTON goes to Southampton via Shanghai arriving within the window a lot of us seem to have been bumped to. Is it a likely candidate or should I just chill for a few weeks?….(i think I know the answer)
  36. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Same delivery window for me too. MYLR with a Bluewater pickup
  37. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    Question for @Mr Miserable …. Do the Tesla ships usually dock at Hangzhou Bay or the port to the north of the city, near Gaodong? Or somewhere else?
  38. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    EDD has just been pushed back… Estimated Delivery: June 04 - June 30
  39. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Wonder if this affects existing orders….
  40. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    He also said that there’s definitely nothing coming from Berlin to the UK as they’re not yet set up for RHD production…
  41. Tricky16

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Ordered a MYLR wht/blk 20” with Bluewater collection on the 12th March. My EDD has remained May 16 - June 13. I booked another test drive today for my wife who didn’t get to drive before I ordered….while at the dealership I asked about my EDD and the likelihood of the delivery being...
  42. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    PCP + trade in MYLR/black/black/20 Bluewater OD March 16 EDD still May 16 - June 13 🤞
  43. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements

    ☹️any other possibilities on the horizon?
  44. Tricky16

    2022 Shipping Movements
