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  1. L

    What is Open Pilot?

    @Sanderpman12 you can get some of the hardware on the comma discord for cheaper than the official site
  2. L

    Can anyone help with enabling supercharging?

    Not yet. I am still poking around for help on this. Was hoping you found something. I am hopeful though. I'll PM you once I found something Have you found any relatively sane workarounds in the interim? Or Just no long distance travels for you?
  3. L

    Can anyone help with enabling supercharging?

    Any luck on your end @jjj3la ?
  4. L

    Anyone offering supercharging re enable ?

    Hi TMC community, I am curious if anyone knows if MCU2 can also be modified to enable SC or we have to stay on MCU1?
  5. L

    Let the hacking begin... (Model S parts on the bench)

    Yall are amazing!!
  6. L

    Can anyone help with enabling supercharging?

    Anyone knows if MCU2 can also be modified to enable SC or we have to stay on MCU1?
  7. L

    Can anyone help with enabling supercharging?

    Hi @Mmmlll Do you mind PMing me the contact of this person. I'll like to try it. Thanks.