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  1. ChooseFreedom

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    I'd say the mins vary by state, similar to the maxes. For example, here in KY, we have roads with a 55mph max speed limit, and a 40mph min speed limit. The highways have a 70mph max and a 55mph min. These would strictly be for roads without left-hand exits, of course. Not sure about roads with...
  2. ChooseFreedom

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    Apologies for implying you're not punctual. Full disclosure: I don't have FSD. And I would completely agree with your statement about it's limitations, and many people not getting what they were promised. I think if FSD is to be embraced, it's going to have to operate at least at minimum speed...
  3. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    Inflation is the sole result of a lack of scarcity, in the money supply. There is no other cause of inflation. If the gov stops endlessly creating fiat out of thin air, inflation stops with it. Supply and demand have nothing to do with inflation. Prices will still fluctuate without inflation...
  4. ChooseFreedom

    Highland Front Styling, Better or Worse?

    Super easy to remove the letters and add a T logo.
  5. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    "In fact, corporation(s) won't pay the VAT. Consumers will, it just gets passed right along." So right off the bat, you're increasing inflation for everyone. Not a great start. And then, in an economy built on debt and the absolute necessity of adding more debt, you're going to discourage...
  6. ChooseFreedom

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    And yet, you're exactly the kind of drivers who should use it more. Slower is safer. Period. FSD will save lives, because less impatient, under-trained, under-educated, and down right riskier, drivers are doing the driving. I like to drive fast sometimes too. But when it comes to daily...
  7. ChooseFreedom

    new yoke retrofit quote, should I do it?

    I find it hard to believe that you can't adjust the wheel where, at least going straight, that you have an unblocked IC. https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/models/en_us/GUID-DEB259CC-ABAC-4BFC-8D10-B7B1BBCFCB1F.html#:~:text=Use%20the%20left%20scroll%20button,scroll%20button%20up%20or%20down...
  8. ChooseFreedom

    Highland Front Styling, Better or Worse?

    Technically, any air that goes through the slit doesn't have to go all the way to the edge of the bumper, so yes?
  9. ChooseFreedom

    Highland Front Styling, Better or Worse?

    I'm guessing there are/will be aftermarket options for fog lights that could be mounted in the lower grill opening. The Performance version does have air flow slits for aero as well as passive brake cooling.
  10. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    I love your willingness to think about the hard questions and not just stop at the surface like most do. In regards to the power generation, new nuclear is: a) 10-15+ yrs away in the US unfortunately, and, b) doesn't really fall under a carbon tax, if you're trying to eventually phase out...
  11. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    That's not Universal Basic Income! That's welfare.
  12. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    The main problem with the 2008 financial crisis was less about how it happened and more about why. Sure, there wasn't enough regulation in place, but the real reason it happened, especially with the big banks, is because they knew they had politicians in their pockets and would get bailed out...
  13. ChooseFreedom

    $11,016.42 repair for what seemed like a minor rear-ending

    Could be related to running new wiring for the new hatch? I'm not familiar with the schematic.
  14. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    Agreed. That's the epitome of all the Congress/Federal Reserve's decisions! In a truly free market economy, predatory businesses do not survive for long, because there is always another option for people to take their business/money. And reputation matters. But that's only part of it...
  15. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    The size of a business is not a margin qualifier. Every industry is different. Company size has very little to do with margins. Plus, revenue doesn't mean profit. Far too many variables to base this strictly on amount of revenue.
  16. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    Won't be popular with the corporations that are getting their taxes raised. I suspect you'll see many larger corps move out of the state if this passes. What then? Who's going to pay for the UBI? This will be another example of why UBI doesn't work at scale. Nobody wants to pay for it. No...
  17. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    TL:DR In what universe is $750 a YEAR a UBI plan? $62.50 a month won't pay most electric bills.
  18. ChooseFreedom

    Cyber Truck Gloss Black DIY Wrap

    👏👏👏👏 Bravo!
  19. ChooseFreedom

    NEW Model 3 Highland review!

    Yeah, everyone will have their own experience and perspective. I never called the changes "better". Just different. And cars that are so different in so many ways, are going to have some of those ways be debatable. Each individual gets to decide for themselves what's a deal breaker and what...
  20. ChooseFreedom

    Car washing...

    The underbody covers are plastic, and designed for front-to-rear air flow. The high powered underbody pressure washers at car washes blast the undercarriage at a vertical angle. So yeah, I believe water can get in. And of course the battery is in it's own case. I'm not saying the water has...
  21. ChooseFreedom

    Car washing...

    It doesn't have an auto wash setting. You still would have to be in it and manually put it in Neutral to use an auto wash. I don't recommend auto washes anyway, especially do not use an undercarriage wash! That pressure can get between the under panels and harm the battery. In a pinch, I have...
  22. ChooseFreedom

    NEW Model 3 Highland review!

    You still can't compare 4-5 months of habits to a 10 minute drive. If they had been learning on a '24 for 4-5 months, then hopped in an older one, their reaction could very well have been the exact same!
  23. ChooseFreedom

    Sunroof sticking out

    Hasn't happened to me (fingers crossed), but you may need to remove the sunroof glass and check the slide tracks for obstructions. It's pretty simple. There are a couple of good YT vids out there. I have an early version that has the glued panels, so I can only reach the front half. But if you...
  24. ChooseFreedom

    NEW Model 3 Highland review!

    Every single one of those points should end with "for me". (Except the gloves problem. That's a real issue) They are your opinion based on your experience, which is perfectly fine, as that is what this post was for. But don't write your opinion in the form of fact. It's only your reality based...
  25. ChooseFreedom

    Model S Sun roof

    Nope. too much trouble. And one less option to have to stock. I don't think you can even get a glassless roof anymore either.
  26. ChooseFreedom

    Ford CEO promises L3 highway by 2026

    If that's the case, then why develop past L3? The point was for RT's and if we don't want to have to pay attention. Also, I don't believe that eventually keeping human involvement will be a positive thing. For now, maybe, but eventually, no. The system will be too fast and able to determine the...
  27. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    Did you get that chart from WTF Happened In 1971? If not, check it out. You see that one, and many more. You'll see how many aspects of life were affected when fiat money was introduced. Yes, that chart is showing the productivity to hrly compensation correlation. But it's actually an example...
  28. ChooseFreedom

    Ford CEO promises L3 highway by 2026

    What's the human number? It's clearly over 99%. But how many more 9's is the best human? 2,3,4 maybe? So the real number has to use humans as the base. Otherwise, how can you accurately pick a goal number? The day the overall system is even just equal to the best humans, then it's ready for...
  29. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    I would argue that those countries are the cause of the problem, not AI/robots. These problems already exist, and have long before computers. So why not go at the source now! Why wait for some imaginary time in the future? You act like AI/robots took over yesterday. They aren't taking over...
  30. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    Never at scale. It doesn't scale, isn't sustainable.
  31. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    Okay, this is very informative, thank you. I've been under the impression that a UBI would be basically the same amount for everyone. If I'm understanding you correctly, UBI is just a repackaged form of welfare, with better optics and marketing. It's a Robin Hood plan to tax the rich and give...
  32. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    There are tools already available that convert BTC to fiat. I have a Fold card, that can replace your bank account. You can send your direct deposit to it, choose how much to convert to BTC and how much to leave as fiat to pay bills. It's getting easier and easier to move away from fiat and live...
  33. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    If that's what it takes, YES! If all it takes is someone taking the time to help people understand it, be that someone! Don't just accept being controlled, because you're not willing to do a little work. I understand that the older half of the baby boomer generation have struggled with...
  34. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    Again, all ideas, no details. That's what's wrong with it. At least I'm offering actionable solutions.
  35. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    You can call it the "Everyone gets rich" dividend. It doesn't matter what you call it, it's a terrible idea, that no one has even remotely explained how it would work on a national scale. Yang has "ideas". I'm skeptical of his "plans" behind them. "where income doesn't start at zero" - So what...
  36. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    There are always going to be winners and losers in life. Timing usually has a lot to do with it. UBI just feels like another version of, everybody gets a trophy. I hate it.
  37. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    I've tried to keep my thoughts at least remotely related to UBI. First, I never linked the price of Bitcoin to the USD. That's what you were doing, and I was stating that they are not. My point about the devaluing of USD is only related to BTC in that the more USD declines (on it's own), the...
  38. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    That's not the VALUE or Bitcoin. You're looking at the USD price of Bitcoin. Yes, there is a difference. But until you invest enough time in learning about Bitcoin, you don't see the difference. That chart doesn't show the value of Bitcoin. It's showing you the DEvaluing of the USD. Also, how...
  39. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    I see UBI as the vehicle for countries to use to introduce their CBDC's. It just makes sense. It's the easiest form of disbursement. But far too many people now understand how bad the idea of CBDC's are. For the US gov to implement UBI, they'd have to use fiat. That is the Dem's wet dream...
  40. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    Same with my dad. I sent him one, very mild, article only speaking of BTC on the edges, and I thought he was going to disown me! He watches too much MSNBC. Change happens one funeral at a time. Any "plan" to speed up BTC adoption is only going to work if it begins with education, and...
  41. ChooseFreedom

    Door handle paddle sensor switch issues

    Yeah, so much simpler a design. The left one (that i have) is a mess. So many weak points, any of which will brake it. Not sure of the backwards compatibility. If I set up a mobile service to replace mine, will they install your version?
  42. ChooseFreedom

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    That's the reaction to all companies that are still in the raising funds for "research" phase. They may have some working fleet, but really, they're still in development. They haven't asked the hard questions, like you did, about the long-term sustainability of their business model. They're...
  43. ChooseFreedom

    2024.14.6 problem

    My .7 did not fix my issues. Hopefully .8 will.
  44. ChooseFreedom

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) is coming

    None of these stupid steps are even needed if we just fix the money! None of these problems existed, or in most cases, were even possible prior to 1971. https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/ Fix the money, fix the world. It all leads back to the money, and how the gov broke it. And they've been...
  45. ChooseFreedom

    2024.14.6 problem

    I just got .7 yesterday, and this morning after it updated overnight, I still have the map rotation issue. I haven't had the other mentioned issues in this thread, just the map randomly rotating 30°-45° then back. It's randomly annoying.
  46. ChooseFreedom

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Under those parameters, there wouldn't be enough data to compare. 😂 Taking out weather-related ones, and mechanical failures as well. How many accidents don't involve someone: drunk/high, distracted, or otherwise intentionally breaking the law? What's left? How else do accidents occur? Only...
  47. ChooseFreedom

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    I didn't use the 1000 drives number. My point was that some number has to be established. Then the bar is set for companies to pass. Quick internet search: about 20,000 reported crashes per DAY in the US, so roughly 50 days to reach 1 million. ~7.5 per million are non-fatal w/injury The...
  48. ChooseFreedom

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    To be fair, we really don't know what level of reliability the governing bodies are going to require before they'll approve anything. I don't think they even know at this point. Are they going to compare it to human data? Wrecks per trip average? Does L4 have to have half the wrecks? 1/100...
  49. ChooseFreedom

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Also keep in mind, even having a working prototype doesn't guarantee anything. You still have to create a viable profitable business plan/model. You can have all the investor funds, but if you never create a business that can be profitable, those investors go away. Having the technical...
  50. ChooseFreedom

    2024.14.6 problem

    I'm back on MCU2, and after this latest 14.6 update, my nav has a glitch. It will randomly spin about 90 degrees, then go back. And it happens whether I have the compass set to the car or to North. If it's set to the car, the map spins, and if it's set to North, the car spins. This happens...