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  1. Power Hungry

    Hydrogen Vehicles

    Read an article yesterday about a BMW Hydrogen vehicle about to be released. Still runs on electric motors but powered by Hydrogen. What threat does Hydrogen technology have to the continued rollout of EV chargers?
  2. Power Hungry


    Okay I'm more than frustrated. This is an old thread but I still haven't solved the windscreen cleaning problem and the car is 12 months old. I posted that I had trouble months ago and had all sorts of seemingly good advice on how to clean my windscreen glass. I've since used Bowdens glass...
  3. Power Hungry

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    I don't know what this say's about my relationship with my wife after 55 years of marriage but after numerous 'slowdowns/braking events' last weekend, she demanded I don't use Autopilot and drive the vehicle myself. Maybe what this actually means is that semi autonomous driving is still a way...
  4. Power Hungry

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    OOOOPS! 😆😆😅😂
  5. Power Hungry

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Yes I understand that in some circumstances conservative driving approach might trigger an event. But, each 'slowdown' I had was at around 110 km/h on expressway conditions. There was no apparent reason the car would 'brake' as it did.
  6. Power Hungry

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Yes I think you're right. It was probably more a slowdown although when doing 110km/h on an expressway, when the car drops into regen breaking mode, it definitely felt like a breaking incident. It frightened the crap out of my wife so much she demanded I actually drove the car myself. As I said...
  7. Power Hungry

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    Bugger! Drove from Noosa to Brisbane and back on the weekend and had 5 or 6 phantom breaking events in 'Autopilot'. It had happened occasionally in the past but this was much worse and quite unnerving.
  8. Power Hungry

    Vendor My Tesla Remote - A 3rd party remote that doesn't ask for your credentials

    The Watch For Tesla app is absolute rubbish. It's stopped working for me.
  9. Power Hungry

    Charging Adaptors 101

    Hi there all, I've only ever charged at home on our Tesla Wall charger and I'm going away for a while and will need to charge at least a couple of times so what will I need, what is the most common plug? I know one I'm hoping to use is CCS/SAE, will that fit our Tesla Y? Sorry but it's all too...
  10. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    From memory I was on 14.3 before. I was surprised to see the much better grey blobs rendered in the download info notes because no-one else had mentioned this AFAIK. I'll take a look after download and see what improvement.
  11. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Just downloading 14.8 now and it says minor fixes but I was thrilled to see 'HD, 3D Park Assist rendered images'. I'll be interested to see the difference from the grey blobs we had before.
  12. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Seriously, I'd like to know what PWS is...
  13. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I think I remember a horror movie about orange blobs.
  14. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Oh! I can't agree with that statement. Crypto is a great investment. :):D:rolleyes:
  15. Power Hungry

    Superchargers in Australia

    I think you're being a bit tough on Elon. After all, the shareholders are making him fight for his AUD $84.9 billion bonus and that's making him very cranky.
  16. Power Hungry

    I've enagaged lawyers in an attempt to recover FSD cost (Australian owner)

    The definition of stupidity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different outcomes.
  17. Power Hungry

    I've enagaged lawyers in an attempt to recover FSD cost (Australian owner)

    I don't agree. He just lives on a different planet to most of us.
  18. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    BTW, what is UWB?
  19. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Problem is they will probably introduce it for the Y in the next update or so?
  20. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    My understanding with 2024.14.3 is that Auto boot opening is included. See below... Stand still behind your trunk with Phone Key unobstructed, listen for the chimes, and the trunk will open on its own. To enable this feature, go to your vehicle settings > Locks > Hands-Free Trunk. Ensure your...
  21. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Holy Cow! I had no idea you could go through roundabouts with TACC on. Each time I approach a roundabout with TACC it goes in so quickly with no apparent attempt to brake at all so I chicken out? Maybe I should harden up and give it a go. I will however, bring my Will up to date before doing so LOL.
  22. Power Hungry

    I've enagaged lawyers in an attempt to recover FSD cost (Australian owner)

    There's no doubt Elon is the 'great disruptor' of our time. If it wasn't for him the Prius hybrid would still be the 'green' way of the future. I can cut him some slack because he's way ahead of the curve with automobile technology and his thought process is years ahead of where we currently...
  23. Power Hungry

    Superchargers in Australia

    I wonder... As part of his sacking the supercharger team Musk reckons he's going to continue the expansion of the supercharger network. To me it makes good sense to be increasing the number of chargers at existing sites at this stage rather than expanding into new sites. There's little to no...
  24. Power Hungry

    I've enagaged lawyers in an attempt to recover FSD cost (Australian owner)

    I have no idea why (and how) Tesla keep selling FSD as an (expensive) option. It is disingenuous and really should be unlawful in Australia whilst it remains illegal to use. Even Enhanced Autopilot isn't functional at present. Luckily I didn't fall into that trap but a good friend did and is...
  25. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    So you think you were the last to get updates? Huh! I can assure you that compared to me you're well up the list LOL.
  26. Power Hungry

    Superchargers in Australia

    I reckon Musk is to Tesla what Jobs was to Apple.
  27. Power Hungry

    Hardware 4 in Australia and how to set home for a house in an estate.

    Thanks Tam. Unfortunately FSD isn't on the table for Australia at this time (and maybe never will be).
  28. Power Hungry

    Hardware 4 in Australia and how to set home for a house in an estate.

    Thanks Sammody, you are a genius. One day I'll learn to read and be able to refer to the Manual LOL.
  29. Power Hungry

    Hardware 4 in Australia and how to set home for a house in an estate.

    Hi again, Firstly, I was wondering is new 3's and Y's delivered to Australia have the new HW4? And if they do, is there a marked improvement in the vehicles? Secondly, we live on a gated estate on a golf course in Noosa Heads. I'm trying to set 'Home' as my address but it defaults to an address...
  30. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Arrrgghhhh from me too
  31. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Now I need a finger protector as well.
  32. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Are the new vehicles delivered to Australia HW4 or still HW3?
  33. Power Hungry

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Hmmm! I LOVE regen braking and one pedal driving. Our MYLR is 10 months old and there isn't a skerrik of brake dust on any of the wheels. Our old Benz had silver mag wheels and after a couple of weeks driving they were black on the inside and just dirty on the outside.
  34. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    That's it... I'm selling mine :p;)
  35. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Yeah, I still get the odd 'dry wipe' too.
  36. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Some on 8.7, others on 8.9 and still others on 24.14. WHAT?
  37. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I'm not sure about anyone else but I find this 'Software Updates' thread extremely difficult. There seems to be a hundred different software versions out at any given time and a hundred different things being updated. Some here, some there, some not at all. Matrix headlights etc here, but not...
  38. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I note many people use Waze for warnings. I used Waze extensively before the Tesla Y (because Benz had Apple carplay) but to have to use a 3rd party App for something like this is in our Tesla ludicrous.
  39. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    can't speal for other vehicles but the Kia Sorento's alert was a voice alert "Speed camera ahead".
  40. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    We hired 3 KIA Sorento's for our drive yourself holiday in NZ recently. All 3 reported audibly on speed cameras and the like. But, if you asked me which car is better to drive, the decisions isn't even close. Out MYLR is streets ahead in almost every other aspect. Ypu'd think it wasn't too hard...
  41. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Why the hell can't we have voice notification like most other vehicles in the 21st century?
  42. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    What I learnt from my 'investigation' (some 4-5 years ago now) when I was considering buying one (RFID protectors were being heavily advertised at the time), that there wasn't a single incidence recorded anywhere in the world at the time where information had been successfully stolen using a...
  43. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Oooops, apologies. I thought you were referring to those wallets that are supposed to stop individuals stealing you credit card details.
  44. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Did a lot of investigation on RFID and what I learnt is that it's bull***t
  45. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

  46. Power Hungry

    Ambient lighting in the Model S

  47. Power Hungry

    Ambient lighting in the Model S

    Hi mate, congrats on your new S that's on the way. The S is what I wanted too but when I attempted to order last April they were already unavailable in RHD. How did you get yours?
  48. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Beats me but that's what it is and I only downloaded it yesterday.
  49. Power Hungry

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Ha! My June 2023 MYLR has version 2024.2.7