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  1. S

    New to the forum - M3 RWD Long range pickup on Monday.

    Ha ha, I’m worried we may miss out on a feature I haven’t considered!
  2. S

    New to the forum - M3 RWD Long range pickup on Monday.

    So the wife wants a new car 😂 can anyone tell me if there’s any other differences other than the speed and audio?
  3. S

    New to the forum - M3 RWD Long range pickup on Monday.

    So not a lot of love for the brand new? My wife will be the ultimate deciding factor 😂 but I want to try and steer her to the correct decision
  4. S

    New to the forum - M3 RWD Long range pickup on Monday.

    Any reason in particular? What about warranties etc? I haven’t seen any 2021 LRs for 30k seem to be 38 ish on Tesla site Forgot to say got a referral code too which saves a few hundred doesn’t it?
  5. S

    New to the forum - M3 RWD Long range pickup on Monday.

    Hmm what would you personally do? Go new RWD LR or used LR? I’m mainly thinking of warranty, etc
  6. S

    New to the forum - M3 RWD Long range pickup on Monday.

    Oh another thought! (Sorry!!) Does it still have the heat pump and power boot etc? All I’ve figured so far pros and cons of M3 RWD LR vs M3 LR Pros: brand new so more warranty, Ryzen infotainment Cons: no ultrasonic sensors, slower, no premium audio Any difference in insurance? Tyres etc?
  7. S

    New to the forum - M3 RWD Long range pickup on Monday.

    Hi all! Congrats to those who’ve got the cars! I’m on the fence currently whether to go with a brand new M3 RWD LR or whether to go for a used M3 LR.. I can’t find anywhere that lists the model differences? Obviously the M3 LR is dual motor and faster to 60 ( l currently have a 330D BMW and...
  8. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Is it possible to get more cards? Just thinking if one was missing or something
  9. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    thanks so much for all the advice. Going to sit down with the wife over the coming days, watch a few reviews (if anybody has any they’d recommend?) then see about grabbing a test drive as neither of us have driven something like the Tesla before.
  10. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Also what is the Tesla warranty coverage? And if buying from a garage is anything needed to switch the car over to myself? Any sort of reset etc?
  11. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    I’d probably be tempted to go LR to be honest. Good shout on the tow bar but it’s not an issue for us fortunately. Did I see someone mention there were a few other differences between RWD and LR? Audio and some other bits?
  12. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Amazing! Thank you. So I think for me ideally it’ll need to be the “changed” model as I like the idea of the changes. Not fussed about Ryzen massively, be nice to have but will be over budget.
  13. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    That is amazingly helpful! Thank you ! What made you switch to a used car? Better value for money? I did a bit of a search on the intel vs Ryzen and whilst clearly Ryzen is better apparently there were some updates which improved things a bit? Finally, are there any obvious ways of telling...
  14. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Wow!! About to book our car in for a £420 “full” service 😂 wouldn’t miss that rubbish
  15. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    To be fair I'm not too fussed by the tyres, just trying to be aware of any points which mean the Tesla would be dearer to run / things to look out for etc. I wouldn’t be bothered by the foam insulation at all, as long as they’re a decent tyre that’s safe and legal I’d be happy with it
  16. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    That’s good to know, so pre 2022 isn’t going to result in a terrible car Good to know
  17. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Thanks, is the CPU a dealbreaker in your opinion? Would they ever offer an upgrade for it in the future for cars without it? I assume a 21 model will be largely the same functionality wise? This is the sort of thing I worry about getting wrong where I’m missing something decent because of a...
  18. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Oh crikey, thanks for all that info! ok seems a good deal more research is needed on my part then. The main thing is I don’t want to end up with a car that’s got a rubbish system in it that’s slow to use etc. also if there’s a particular year that the battery tech improved or heat pumps came...
  19. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    That’s interesting ! So quality went up when it switched to Chinese production? That’s good advice though, I don’t want a car I’m unhappy with and if that means waiting a bit and putting a bit more aside for a “better” car then so be it. Does that switch coincide with what the poster above...
  20. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Some great info here, thank you! So it seems it’s not such a minefield as with some ICE vehicles in trying to get all the spec you want? I’m not sure if 2022 models will be in our budget to be honest, are the previous ones a serious downgrade? As I say I’m green to Teslas but I have seen...
  21. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Useful info thank you! I may have misunderstood the tyre thing, I saw a thread on here about the costs of them being around £300 each which compared to my current car is about £100 dearer. Charger isn’t an issue, I’m a sparks and have a PP charger installed from when I was charging the company...
  22. S

    Hi! Potential new owner and first EV

    Good morning all! Have recently signed up to the forum because I feel the time is coming for us to switch over to an EV. A bit about me, I’m an electrician and spent a bit of time working for Pod Point (no longer) so EVs are not a complete strange phenomenon to me however I’ve never actually...