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  1. G

    Netzero App

    Consider enabling Export Everything to ensure PW is drained to reserve?
  2. G

    is this low production?

    Looks like you downloaded grid data CSV from the Tesla app, which can be very inaccurate. For me it ignores all my grid exports. Simple sanity check is to download your usage data from Netzero and compare to your utility bill data.
  3. G

    Netzero App

    Thanks very much for the detailed response! Understood.
  4. G

    Netzero App

    Hi @offandonagain, one minor issue I see with solar estimates: the monthly estimates are inconsistent with the summed daily estimates. My April 2024 summed daily estimates come to 1128.1 kWh but the monthly display shows 1034.5 kWh. Or perhaps they are pulling from two different PVWatts...
  5. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Yes there is good chance the paperwork process of getting onto DSGS wastes May-June earning potential, knowing the speed of Tesla.
  6. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    It depends on the number of events in a season. It seems ERLP has a lower floor but a higher ceiling for payment, as it scales with the total amount of kWh over baseline each PW discharges. Below section of the Tesla ERLP VPP site says a minimum of 7 events for typical payout of $140 per PW...
  7. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Just noticed this link via the Tesla app > Virtual Power Plant > Program Facts, info icon. As of April 2024 all new VPP users will be enrolled in the DSGS program. Folks who had participated in previous years will still be in the ELRP program, unless they disenroll and enroll in DSGS...
  8. G

    Netzero App

    Hi @offandonagain, I noticed recent Netzero updates referring to Utility Rate Plans. I can't find any sign of this on my app running on iOS, is this feature applicable to all?
  9. G

    Charge on Solar (for Powerwall)…

    I am grid charging but at the hours right before 3pm, after solar has mostly filled the PW, instead of overnight. This minimizes the GC energy used. I indeed used a Netzero schedule automation to do this.
  10. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Very interesting. Looks like VPP in CA will be moving to an average kW model more similar to Eversource (New England) Connected Solutions program, which compensates $225/kW for up to 60 events, up to 3 hrs ea, for a battery's "contribution" which is its total discharge during an event, vs the...
  11. G

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    Perhaps recent Netzero automations make TBC vs SP superfluous since you have full control of behavior, in which case you are all set. I setup my TBC prices last summer. In case you want to try TBC, one other note is I think 50% for sell is too extreme. If you are on PG&E EV2A, try these...
  12. G

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    Hmm, not sure what's going on there. IIRC, it took a couple days for the TBC algorithm to learn the new conditions so it wasn't an immediate change. Also, I think you need to setup analogous Buy/Sell prices for Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak, not just Peak.
  13. G

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    Net generator here too. I have 7kW solar and one Powerwall2. My PTO was Sep 2021 so am in NEM 2.0. My provider is PG&E and my CCA is Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE). I have similar concerns as the OP in trying to balance maximizing my annual payout, while using the PW2 gently. To this end I...
  14. G

    Powerwall 2 Available Energy After 2 Years

    Congrats, that's about as quick and seamless a warranty replacement process as I've heard. You may want to check your full pack energy after the battery is at 100% for a few hours, it may go up to ~15kWh
  15. G

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    @RKCRLR I use TBC and am able to self consume solar power during peak. You need to do the following hack, go into the Tesla app settings, Utility Rate Plan, and set your Sell Prices to be 10-30% lower than your Buy Prices. This incentivizes the TBC software to act the way you want. For...
  16. G

    How Do I Responsibly Report a Powerwall 2 Hardware Safety Defect?

    Hi @mudder thanks again for the investigation and wondering if you've heard back from Tesla or Intertek? I watched the teardown videos as well, would you mind if I posted links to this forum? In one of the videos you mentioned characterizing the battery pack's full capacity when you get a...
  17. G

    Powerwall 2 Available Energy After 2 Years

    Hi @Vostok see the discussion on what we think are the origins of the 37 MWh throughput limitation here. Practically speaking, the warranty is still 10 years and your PW2 still having a usable capacity of 9.24kWh or 9.45kWh (depending on if you use 13.2 or 13.5 kWh specified original capacity)...
  18. G

    Powerwall 2 Available Energy After 2 Years

    I agree that anecdotally I see higher failure rates in the early PW2s. My own experience attests to that. My first PW2 failed 1.6 years after install, but the replacement PW2 has been rock solid. I thought that Tesla made true reliability improvements for my replacement PW2, but what if they...
  19. G

    Powerwall % Degradation

    I'm using it for VPP, occasional grid charging, and I grid-exported a couple times....so I'm planning on Tesla invoking the 37.8MWh cap on me...
  20. G

    Powerwall % Degradation

    I agree - the ground truth is lifetime discharged energy I was getting fancy and trying to use the formula to predict when my system will hit the 37MWh limit based on current and historical performance...need to think about that some more
  21. G

    Powerwall 2 Available Energy After 2 Years

    My hunch is Scenario A, and the PW came with at least 14.5 kWh initial capacity. If that's true you've lost ~1kWh of capacity per year on average over ~ 5 years. That's way too much degradation for a healthy PW. My 1st PW2 (P/N 3012170-05-B) was installed 4/5/21 and it died 1.6 years later...
  22. G

    Powerwall % Degradation

    If only discharge is counted, shouldn't lifetime "cycles" be energy_discharged / 13500? This automatically includes the PW's actual round trip efficiency. I see other folks using an average of charged and discharged, but not sure why that is more meaningful Not a huge difference but it gets...
  23. G

    Netzero App

    Set an automation at midnight for backup reserve 100% and ensure grid charging is disabled
  24. G

    Netzero App

    @offandonagain here's an unsolicited feature request... Current graph view in Tesla app and Netzero offer scrubbing data: "Tap and hold on the graph view to scrub and review data from specific timestamps. For example, you can scrub and see that your solar generated a peak power of 6kW at noon."...
  25. G

    Powerwall % Degradation

    My opinion: the 37.8MWh of aggregate throughput warranty limitation for PW refers to output only, not the "round trip" input + output. The 37.8MWh value is obtained by assuming a user fully discharges and charges a PW once a day, every day, for 10 years. For reference, see this explainer on...
  26. G

    Netzero App

    @offandonagain FYI I noticed in Month/Year/Lifetime views the bar charts for Powerwall and Grid don't show the correct values for Charged and Exported respectively, when you hover. They are showing the Discharged and Imported values twice. Keep up the great work
  27. G

    Netzero App

    Don't know your system specifics but can likely accomplish this by setting Backup reserve to whatever (eg 20%) in Tesla app and then setting up 2 automations in Netzero: 2pm: Time-based Control, Enable grid charge 3pm: Self-Powered, Disable grid charge TBC at 2pm to force 5kW grid charge per...
  28. G

    Netzero App

    Look forward to event based automation... In my case I am a net exporter, so my somewhat competing PW goals are 1) never consume from grid during peak or shoulder 2) minimize cycles on the PW to hopefully increase system longevity. I use Time Based Control with optimized buy-sell prices for my...
  29. G

    Netzero App

    Wanted to share kudos to @offandonagain for writing an excellent Powerwall companion app. I was using it to download accurate usage data (Tesla app still gives me erroneous Grid export values). But the Powerwall automation feature added a couple weeks ago is truly awesome. (Is this the only...
  30. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    I am watching for this today. So far no grid charging of the PW pre-VPP. PW was down to 8% overnight.
  31. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Could be the case. Mine is at 23.12.11
  32. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Almost like SP mode overrides. Try TBC see what happens?
  33. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Discharge rate seems tied to backup reserve level and your max export rate. Ran an experiment: 25%: 3.5kW 10%: 4.7kW 50%: 1.4kW Back to 25%: 3.5kW Takes a few minutes for discharge to catchup to reserve change. I like this new behavior; allows one to get to the end of the VPP period and be...
  34. G

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Same here, VPP and my one PW is discharging at 3.3-3.5kW. Hope this allows me to make it to 9pm while staying above my 25% reserve, minimize grid import from 8-9pm
  35. G

    iOS app Energy data bug

    Anyone else seeing energy data discrep after updating to iOS 4.23.2? I have Tesla solar and Powerwall, app is consistently showing different kWh totals on a given date for Month view vs Day view. Strangely for me it only seems to impact the date 3 days prior to today, all other dates are fine...