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  1. P

    Falling out of love with my Model Y AWD - Sell or Keep

    Tempted to re-affend with another ICE: Say out loud, "Get thee behind me, Satan!"
  2. P

    Autopilot always select wrong lanes before I get into I-580 and I-680

    It makes the same error (chooses left lane when we will soon need to turn right into a lane thick with traffic; chooses forced right lane turn when we will want to go straight and the left lane we are leaving and will need to return to is full of cars) always, repeatedly.
  3. P

    FSD needs to learn how to read signs

    I have had the same frightening experience hurtling towards sharply curved highway off ramps.
  4. P

    Autopilot always select wrong lanes before I get into I-580 and I-680

    I haven't noticed an increase with the upgrade, but this is a frequent problem in town. It will turn into the left lane when we will want to make a right turn or it will get itself into a right lane that will require a right turn when we want to go straight.
  5. P

    Model Y road trip experience with FSD 12.3.6

    Even in Chill mode, I find one of FSD's few errors to be risky, aggressive lane changes. I wish you could leave the "minimal lane changes," option on, rather than having to select it for each trip.
  6. P

    The Good the BAD and UGLY experience Of Cross Country Trip

    It's a good thing that Elon didn't try to fire God when he dismissed his charging team.
  7. P

    Lesson for Tesla Owners - Tire Service from Tesla or not

    Had a nail in similar position (23LRY, 7K mileage). Called Tesla Service and got a friendly competent woman who considered options with me. We agreed that I would take it to nearby tire shop and if I didn't like their offer, Tesla would pick up my car, give me a loaner tire, and look to patch...
  8. P

    Was provisionally approved for car on 5/30 was given vin and delivery window 6/8-6/17 but am confused about financing

    Tesla is good at making great cars. Most everything else they do is hit or miss, amateurish and disorganized. Oh, and also, they think that they are doing you a favor to sell you a car.
  9. P

    BTW big changes in 2024 Model Y vs 2023 earlier Model Y

    My 2023 LRY has no rattles.
  10. P

    Help me decide Model Y performance or Model 3 performance

    Me, too. You shouldn't drive over 80mph, anyway. Don't become a statistic. Use your head.
  11. P

    Model 3 or Model Y - UK

    I couldn't be happier with my LRY.
  12. P

    Speed vs efficiency data

    I do, too.
  13. P

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I love my 2023LRY more than any car I've ever owned, and I respect Musk for his creative genius. But, if he gets in bed with Trump, I'm going to be embarrassed to own the car.
  14. P

    Zero to Sixty in ‘Y Not?’ 2024 Mini Review + pics

    It was "the slicing and dicing" in traffic that worried me.
  15. P

    Really getting annoyed at Tesla - delivery experience

    Tesla makes a great car, Musk is a genius, and the company is disorganized. Nothing is perfect.
  16. P

    Zero to Sixty in ‘Y Not?’ 2024 Mini Review + pics

    Please specify the highways you are using, so that I can be sure to avoid them.
  17. P

    Puerto Rico wants to tax people for Solar generation

    I'm afraid for Tesla, if Musk gets too close to Trump.
  18. P

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    It's nice that Elon knows something about ancient Rome, but I'd rather have a timely software update.
  19. P

    Car wash?

    My car wash mode has worked fine and so has the brushless car wash. I interviewed a Tesla owner before her car went through before I gave them my new Y. No problems so far after a half dozen washes. Not cheap though, $30 a pop.
  20. P

    Do they wash the cars that come off the ship in Southampton?

    Yes, on the one I refused in July, but not on the one that I accepted two weeks later.
  21. P

    Model S "just died". Need steering column?

    How many miles did you have on the car? Had you had any costly repairs previously?
  22. P

    Quick 4-month new MY report

  23. P

    Quick 4-month new MY report

    As does my 2023LRY, and it is flawless.
  24. P

    Can FSD hallucinate?

    How could the car steer to the left if neither FSD or Autopilot were on?
  25. P

    Can FSD hallucinate?

    I, I, too, find that phantom breaking now rarely occurs, although the car sometimes slows as it approaches bicycle images painted on the street as though they were obstacles.
  26. P

    Can FSD hallucinate?

    2023LRY v12.3.6. Not an hallucination: I'm on a five lane crowded freeway with everyone traveling fast. I'm in the middle lane, with cars in lanes on both sides. All of a sudden my car moves over from the center of its lane to its inner right edge. Then two lane splitter motorcycles pass in...
  27. P

    FSD12.3.2.1 issues on first try

    2024.3.15 My autopark has been flawless. FSD makes fewer mistakes than I do. Remaining problems are pot holes and speed bumps. After heavy winter rain for which we are grateful relatively poor cities like Oakland, CA have roads that are Third World level.
  28. P

    FSD experience

    Yes, it "assumes" that the other two drivers will behave as rationally competent motorists. Maybe I've lived in California too long, but I do not assume that.
  29. P

    FSD experience

    2023LRY version 2024.3.15. My complaints with FSD are minor but...It seems that it "makes" decisions based on the assumption that other motorists will be rational and competent. E.g., I am on a three lane highway. Traffic is light to moderate. We are all traveling about 65mph. I am in the...
  30. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I don't think so. I wish it were.
  31. P

    Yay! 2024.3.6 downloading

    I'm on "Chill" and the speed auto set wasn't dangerous for conditions which were traffic free, it was just accelerating rapidly to 50mph in a 35mph zone at 5pm with lots of business driveways to the side. (Should have noted above that phantom breaking seems to be a thing of the past).
  32. P

    Yay! 2024.3.6 downloading

    Just downloaded to my 2023 LRY and did a brief test. Autopark works, speed bump slow down works, lane choice is smooth, speed auto set remains way too fast for my comfort.
  33. P

    100% range on new Model Y LR with 3 miles on it calculates to 301 miles

    This is OCD. Relax and enjoy your wonderful new car.
  34. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You summarize the change well. My experience closely parallels yours.
  35. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Me, too.
  36. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Me, too.
  37. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    V12.3: Two lane, 25mph straight road with parked cars on both sides squeezing the street. A car is stopped in front of me to back into an open parking spot. I stop. I'm waiting, in no hurry for the parking car to finish and clear the lane. Without instruction from me, my Y turns the...
  38. P

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    At times v12.3 does eerily intelligent things then, as in your experience, it cannot be gotten to enter a right turn lane in a timely manner.
  39. P

    Got my first coal roll

    Done to me here in SF Bay Area in the first week. But every other car in these parts is a Tesla so these guys are dinosaurs.
  40. P

    Software update

  41. P

    Software update

    Got 44.30.25 update this afternoon.
  42. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    2023 LRY Got the update this afternoon.
  43. P

    Software update

    As is my 2023LRY
  44. P

    About to buy my first Tesla. What shoud I look out for?

    Meant 2023 LRY.
  45. P

    About to buy my first Tesla. What shoud I look out for?

    My State Farm insurance nearly doubled from my 2017 RAV 4 to my 2013 LRY. Going from O.K. to great is not cheap but worth it. Life is short.
  46. P

    About to buy my first Tesla. What shoud I look out for?

    My 2023 LRY was built in Fremont, CA, and I don't know what difference that might make. But, it is categorically the best car I have ever owned, and I've owned some nice ones. So what if the windshield wipers wipe to their own drummer, the car slows at odd moments, and Elon is too busy getting...
  47. P

    Purchasing experience is SO much worse than it was a few years ago

    Not the rain, the windshield wipers. Did they work?