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  1. W

    My experience with 500 miles on my one month old Cyber Truck

    lol that’s such a crazy distance - in European (and beyond) terms that is like London to Jerusalem
  2. W

    my longest drive so far (274 miles)

    Love the map because as a Brit it’s like someone has got a random collection of British town and city names, put them in a bag, shaken it and then scattered them out randomly across a blank map of NE USA and Canada. And then added ‘New’ in front of half of them.
  3. W

    Summon tips

    Ah ok - so “that’s yer lot” at the moment. Oh well was handy in that situation as meant I could open the door without banging either car. Got some odd looks though - but possibly from the annoying person who blocked my door by parking next to me in a half empty car park.
  4. W

    Summon tips

    I’ve got a 2021 M3LR and use an iPhone. I think Summon has been improved but still seems a bit hard to activate. I had someone park too close the other day so did use it but it seemed like I needed to stand right by the driver door to get it to work and move the car back. Any idea where the...
  5. W

    Tyre advice

    I am not sure if they offer this in the UK either at the SC or with a Ranger - will have to find out. I have a KwikFit at the end of my road so that may be simpler.
  6. W

    Tyre advice

    Sorry I should have said it is a M3LR
  7. W

    Tyre advice

    Hi, Finally got a tyre tread depth measuring devices off Amazon that seems to work. I have never really worried too much about tyres as for a long time I lived in London, drove not so great cars and of course the average speed is 10 mph. So just went with pretty cheap tyres as they didn't need...
  8. W

    The Good the BAD and UGLY experience Of Cross Country Trip

    Was it AI generated?!
  9. W


    Ha ha - am I slow - just worked out EM!
  10. W


    EM? I have Unruly on my wish list.
  11. W


    I have to say the Audible updgrade is great. So handy to have it as a native app. So fair play to the Tesla team for this. On this audio front I would like to see: - Paid podcasts working (I subscribe to Rest of History and it doesn’t come up - have googled and seems this is an issue) - BBC...
  12. W

    2024.20 headlights Finally

    We got it a month or so ago in London - but it doesn’t get dark until around 9-10 pm at this time of year so I’ve only tried it once! (Young kids curfew)
  13. W

    Wiki Restricted UK Supercharger sites - parking restrictions / registering / pay to park etc

    I think someone at Tesla messed up that deal with the hotel. I go past it a lot on m25 and it seems pretty empty. Must be a colossal waste of investment and generate minimal amounts - prices are also set pretty low.
  14. W

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Yeah but you have Monkey World and Tank Museum - so win!
  15. W

    Leasing from Tesla and speeding fines…

    Getting their stance from their Gov’s missing in the UK… https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statements/detail/2023-09-14/hcws1030
  16. W

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I tried out the 300KW ones on the north side - pretty good. Other than the price per KWH! But good to have options in Tesla drought areas which are reliable and simple.
  17. W

    Positive Service Experience!

    Good to hear. I found Acton/Hangar Lane very pleasant to deal with but then they didn’t put the pressure monitor back on tyre properly making me think I had a slow leak! KwikFit at the end of my road found that out when I took it in and kindly sorted it out for free
  18. W

    Daft Liverpool decision to ban EVs from car park

    I note they didn’t even commit to reviewing their daft policy… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c90zjne2v0jo
  19. W

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Might be confusion here as minimum in UK is 2 - might be EU wide? Is zero allowed US?
  20. W

    Battery Charging routine

    From what I have read on here basically Tesla manages the battery very well and really just follow the current instructions. Charge for daily use up to 80% but don’t be worried about going above that if needed when setting off on longer trips. It seems like you can endlessly agonise over this if...
  21. W

    UK - FSD, Motorways, Regulation

    So there’s a lot of talk today stateside about a free month of FSD trial. Is there any news as to when FSD might come to the UK? Do regulations now allow it? If not, when might they? Is there any scope for road limited FSD? For examples, that it can engaged say on Motorways or A(M) roads...
  22. W

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    These are definitely needed - a real regular queue point when I’ve gone past (I’ve only used them once myself as quite close to home).
  23. W

    Auto Wipers

    They deffo don’t work very well in UK drizzle - which has been 95% of my driving conditions in Feb-March 2024
  24. W

    Tesla Accessories not delivered

    the wipers for model 3 have been out of stock since I got the car last summer!
  25. W

    M6 toll road charger placement

    The southbound chargers are in the wrong place. There should be one above the toll road split going southbound not after it. Keele is way too far above that and small and slow. The garden centre one is fine but a bit off the route. Just my two cents from travelling to the NW a bit from the SE.
  26. W

    Model 3 vs flooding

    Very true about the debris - big chunk of bumper in a big one lane covering puddle today!
  27. W

    Model 3 vs flooding

    Hi, I thought I would ask this on the Uk board as we seem to be in monsoon season currently. Hard to drive for long in the Chilterns recently without an impromptu ford having appeared. What I want to ask is - how well do Model 3s (and Teslas more generally) cope with medium to deep water? Are...
  28. W

    All Civil War Park Sites, 3LR

    Both sides were Rebels. Kind regards, King Charles
  29. W

    Whats your favourite and least favourite supercharger and why?

    After not needing to use a supercharger for months I suddenly did quite a few miles in the last week and was impressed by the supercharger at: - St Andrews (Brum) - Tesla centre open 8-5 - free coffee - Kings Lynn. Friendly hotel - paid coffee. No parking charge. - Exeter. Wow. So many...
  30. W

    Odd supercharger routing and -10% arrival on recent trip.

    For the above poster contending that the SC rate to go from 80% to 100% is painfully slow - it’s still faster than trying to get a 4 and a 5 year old to finish their packed lunch in Exeter services.
  31. W

    If you get annoyed with negative press ...

    The negative and misleading articles are fairly relentless in the Uk - to the extent Parliament recently had a House of Lords committee complaining about it (like the US senate but unelected - but that does mean you get some Lords with expertise or at the very least an open mind who have no need...
  32. W

    Drivers seat has turned very uncomfortable at 90k miles

    Thanks for that . Had been wondering about asking about if there is any guidance on position.
  33. W

    Daft Times anti-EV article of the day

    EV charging anxiety: My epic search for a socket https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/f089ba34-fb2f-4161-ab18-bfe8185ec9c4?shareToken=7a984c6b80227e16a12293394b291737 - Who sets off on a long journey at 65%? (unless they need to be in difficulties to make the article premise work) - He doesn’t...
  34. W

    Apple Podcasts

    May have to switch back to Apple Podcast app after several years of using Overcast
  35. W

    Tyre monitoring system fault issue

    Hi, I’ve been getting this message for a few days and hoping it would clear but it hasn’t. Any ideas how to resolve it? Or do I need to call Tesla? Tyre seems fine. Thanks, Will
  36. W

    FSD getting things right

    Eagerly awaiting the opportunity to use it one day in the Uk. But I suspect the big issue is roundabouts. We even have ‘magic roundabouts’ near me which are multiple linked mini-roundabouts which make up a giant bi-directional roundabout (with not all humans tackling them very well). But nice...
  37. W

    Charging question

    Ah yes that’s what I was after. I don’t mind using a bit of power at peak times for those purposes I just want to do the big daily charge off peak. And from the manual if the advice is to leave it plugged in I just wanted to make sure it could actually draw down power on peak with those charging...
  38. W

    Charging question

    Hi yes I get that thanks - but what I mean is if you have set it to try to start or stop in off-peak - if the car then does want to use electricity - to say air condition itself on a hot day or to get to a warm temp on a cold day - or other function it might need power for - will it still use...
  39. W

    Charging question

    Hi, If you have an off-peak tariff - and set the car to charge during it using the Tesla app - will it still use the Level 2 home charger (I have a Hypervolt) for things like Preconditioning if that is outside the off peak time? Eg Peak is Midnight to 7am. Tesla app set to charge in off peak...
  40. W

    Out of spec says -"Model 3 is the best!"

    I can rock a 3 despite being 35-55 as I have a 5008 for the 1+3
  41. W

    New Owner incoming

    Congratulations! Loving my first EV which is a 2021 3LR. My only query would be the PCP/100% issue - as a sole trader I know for the 100% it had to be bought outright or on HP (not PCP) - but could well be different for a LTD? I actually went for a 2nd hand one primarily as it meant I could...
  42. W

    Second Tesla service centre open in Ireland

    Although with no tolls quicker from Galway to Dublin. Currently on holiday in Clare and until we went to Galway I hadn’t seen any teslas!