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  1. A

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Well when I say earful it wasnt like I was yelling and screaming. I was polite but firm. I told them how if they dint know they should not probably tell customers wrong info and how their stories dont match from employee to employee. Also in my case I was told that the salesperson assigned to...
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I called Tesla for an update. The person told me the cars are on Theben (those who missed MC delivery on PK) and should be delivered soon since Theben has unloaded in PK. I was happy with the news... but.............. I was in Parramatta and went in Tesla store for shits and giggles and they...
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    They wont call. You will have to call and hassle them Theben is supposed to dock tomorrow
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Are you also a fellow sufferer from Glovis and MC saga? Did you call Tesla today and ask whats going on
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    My EDD has now changed to March 12 - April 2. What is yours showing? I dont understand why this is the EDD if Theben is docking on 23rd?
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    My edd has disappeared from the app. Does your show still?
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Thats correct. I checked Melbourne port departure schedule and it said Theben is scheduled to leave on 22nd. However, I am afraid PK schedule doesnt mention Theben in arrival section so there might be chance of further delays!
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Hi. Fellow sufferer. Yea the current story is the same from Tesla that the cars are coming by Theben. A fellow sufferer told me the docking schedule for Theben in port of Melb is feb 16-17 and Kembla is feb 19-20
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Hi GC and MC survivor. Car was mistakenly taken to Melbourne and now being arranged to he sent back to Sydney. Delivery timeframe Feb 17 to March 9. I have an email from Tesla stating the cars are not being trucked but being sent to Sydney via a ship called Theben. I checked the status and the...
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I would force them to assign a new car to me but I have purchased via Novated lease whcih is tied to my VIN. Changing the VIN now will mean a new agreement with Novated leasing. This has already happened once because of reassignment from Glovis to MC. Not sure if its worth going through this...
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Hi All Really happy to see a lot of fellow Tesla enthusiasts getting hold of their Model Y finally. A few people like myself havent been so lucky as I am part of the Sydney MC saga where some cars didnt get unloaded in PK. When my EDD changed from Early Feb to March, I called the Tesla rep...
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I doubt this will happen. What is the next port for MC after Melbourne?
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I totally second you mate! I wasnt rude to the rep who broke the news to me but I tried very hard to remain calm!
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Just got off the phone with Tesla. They have advised due to whatever reasons unknown to them, some Sydney based cars didnt unload in Port Kembla and have gone to Melbourne instead. Now Tesla is trying to organize for the said cars to be returned to Port Kembla. As such, some Sydney based...
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    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Hi. This has happened to me too. Not sure what is happening here. I called Tesla Customer rep and he had no clue what is going on.