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  1. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    It’s a design flaw in the car IMO. Glass is extremely strong but weak if you attack it directly from the side. A seal is needed to protect it.
  2. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    The photo is the windscreen incident (most recent. The video is of the previous incident of the cat breaking the roof glass.
  3. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    That’s the first incident where it cracked the roof glass. Furthermore, the cracks only show from certain angles anyway, so you probably still wouldn’t see it.
  4. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    I literally have it on video. Here’s the url (change the stars into “t”) h**ps://streamable.com/5wouzm
  5. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    Here’s the damage to the windscreen. It only seems to have cracked the top layer of the glass
  6. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    I have already posted the video of it breaking the roof glass. However, the post is still awaiting moderator approval (presumably due to containing a video link).
  7. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    https://streamable.com/5wouzm When the cat slides down the glass there isn’t the slightest scratch. The damage occurs at the end of the video when it gets its claw into the gap and I guess hits the glass from the side in between the layers. There are three sounds at the end of the video, the...
  8. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    I already bought a solar powered animal scarer after the first incident. This discourages the cat from climbing onto the car via the front but it just climbs on via the rear now. I even blocked off its favourite points for jumping onto the car with planters, but of course it just finds an...
  9. J

    Cat cracked my windshield and roof glass

    A local cat likes to climb under and on my model 3, often to get a better view of nesting birds (or just when the car is warm after use). It sometimes gets its claws in the gap between the glass and the bodywork when climbing up or down from the car. Last year it cracked the roof glass, and...