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  1. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Björn Nyland has checked exactly that. The test he did with the long range was with wheel caps on, the plaid was without. He said this makes a difference between 5-10 wh per kilometer. To sum it up, they are the same efficiency wise, some psi more or less will make more difference... please see...
  2. B

    LR vs Plaid seat question

    not speaking of the very new sports seats, there has always been a difference in the seats of the long range and the plaid. long range is as you described in your first post. plaid have a black contrast liner and the artificial leather has holes in the side portions, s far as I know they are...
  3. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    VO has improved no doubt. But it's far from perfect especially if you need to come really close. The MS has to offer more than the basic models and that is undoubtedly a bumper cam. I know this approach is Tesla style to push innovations and thats mostly good. In this case, not introducing a...
  4. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    ... and there is a reason why the CT has it
  5. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    We have V4 Superchargers in Germany, 800V is the future... should save about 10 minutes from 10 to 80%
  6. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    the exterior is fine for me, but the rest would be a dream, I would add a updated 800V battery with higher capacity on the list... I am willing to pay more for that
  7. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    ... You know I'm from Germany und know the Porsches quite well... Tesla and Porsche are fighting on the Nürburgring, and currently Porsche is really ahead. But they left out back seats and some comfort features in the Weissach package, to make it lighter. That's not really an option for daily...
  8. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    the new Taycan has some major improvements that will lead to longer range and on top a bigger battery. Specs are already available. Tesla still gives me a hard time, why are they not leading the technology as they used to do
  9. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    I don't wait for HW5, but I want the higher price MS having at least the features of the cheaper M3... If I would take delivery now, I feel like that this (ambient lightning, lane departure warning led, maybe front bumper camera...) could come the next day around the corner and I own a old...
  10. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Front camera is very helpful for small spaces we have here in Europe... and come on Tesla that's less than 100 bucks
  11. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I test drove M3H and MS one hour each directly after each other. The M3H had the 18 inch wheels, MS the 21. The M3H impressmed me!! Sound prooving M3H is definitelly ahead, road noise much better. You can tell from the the first moment that you don't hear the tyres rolling that much. Micro...
  12. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    There are more decisions that are hard to understand... canceling USS and not introducing a front bumper camera at the same time for the top of the line Model... and then shaving another 2000 bucks of the price???. Man what would have been possible to make the car more attraktive with 2000 bucks...
  13. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Regarding the new Sport seats, do the front seats got pockets for the second seat row?
  14. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I don't get this, reducing the price by 2K.... but not investing in better build quality, USS, front cam, ambient, massage seats... Tesla you are in the wrong path (to me)
  15. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    from Plaid perspective LR is 50% slower...
  16. B

    Just ordered Plaid today ..realistic delivery date?

    To me, the stop of production was well planed... in Europe Tesla showed EDD April/Mai for Plaids from Dec. onwards. That was long before bridge collapse or lay offs... I am quite curious what the first April produced Plaids will look like... anyone who got a EDD for a (April produced) Plaid already?
  17. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Were already cars shipped build date 01.04. onwards?
  18. B

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Any signs that production is currently delayed (because of possible Updates)?
  19. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    ... and don't forget the new Porsche Taycan Turbo GT ;)
  20. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    ... it's not needed, but we obviously want it, otherwise everyone would have bought a LR... acceleration is mind blowing fast in the LR (but nowhere near the plaid)... and plaid plus was in the agenda
  21. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    ... they got to make the plaid more attraktiv to bei able to rise the price, or at least sell more Plaid vs LR. battery ist the liimitation regarding power, the motors are more capable... so we will see what they do about battery... just thinking
  22. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    I think this "minor" update will be shown same day with the M3L Line departure indication, seats, rims, ambient, cam improved material (maybe seats only, floor mats, they could improved easily ).... battery, we will see (rather not now)
  23. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    Tesla was always ahead of the game in terms of technical features... now others have 800V, ambient, front camera (which is stone age for most others)... I still like the MSP, but they have to do something, they need to do their homework...
  24. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    Yeah I thought so... I most likely will go one step back, but not two... EQS is also an alternative and there is more to come.
  25. B

    Who is waiting on the 2024 changes to order a Plaid?

    i am definitely waiting for updates before I oder the Plaid. All the features that already arrived with the M3 are more than welcome: ambient lights, lane assist indication, better sound proofing... then the MS needs to get features on top, like sport seats with massage, nicer rims, min. 10%...
  26. B

    2024 Model S warnings: regen braking, steering assist etc disabled

    Heard about the same issue in the German forum, mainly after hard nreaking from high speed around 130 Miles... Not solved yet
  27. B

    2024 Model S vs. Plaid

    Ah, okay... got it, you mean other videos from Björn Nyland, yes i saw all these... this Plaid has some additional issues ... flodding, and seems to bei not pefectly repaired ;)
  28. B

    2024 Model S vs. Plaid

    Thanks, just in case, can you propose a specific video, that came up your mind? I was checking YouTube Back an forth
  29. B

    2024 Model S vs. Plaid

    Hallo, my name ist Tom, I am from Germany and this is my first post. I am just about to get an model S, after owning bunch auf different Mercedes /AMGs and Porsches, rather the powerful species. was also thinking wether getting a Model S LR or a plaid. LR ist still amazingly powerful...