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  1. L

    Grid charging question for PW 3 etc.

    Oh one more question please, do we know how fast the grid is charging the powerwall versus solar? Is it similar to what 3000 W of solar production? How does that work if you know?
  2. L

    Grid charging question for PW 3 etc.

    Thank YOU for this great and reassuring response.
  3. L

    Grid charging question for PW 3 etc.

    Heat wave here and I was going to recharge the PW using the grid when the cost is the lowest, if I turn grid charging on, and I have it set up for “self powered” will that work and can I turn it off Instantly, so when I want to stop using the GRID to charge the Powerwall it happens almost...
  4. L

    I just got PTO email from PGE, but now I dont know what to do exactly.

    OK, thanks for answering. Everything I read however it does say that the hotter it gets the less you produce so I don’t know. Guess I will call support and ask.
  5. L

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    I was gonna ask for input as to reasons why NOT to enroll in this, but the posts I am reading make me even more confused. I guess it would be fine as long as at NO time do I draw from the grid as a result of doing this, as I am self-powered and NEM 3.0 and been assured that my sell price is so...
  6. L

    I just got PTO email from PGE, but now I dont know what to do exactly.

    I can’t get over how much lower my production is when it gets over 80 or 85°. The difference is 3300 versus 2300 when it gets closer to 90°
  7. L

    Confused now, I’m drawing from the grid powerwall 3 at 100%. Tech told me that wouldn’t happen.

    Reserve 20%. The guy did say it takes 48 hrs to learn the time based, but I figure as long as my excess still gets sold to the grid, there is no reason not to use self powered. Yesterday TEsla guy said if on Self Powered you cant sell to the grid, PG&E said that is wrong. Hope it is.
  8. L

    Confused now, I’m drawing from the grid powerwall 3 at 100%. Tech told me that wouldn’t happen.

    Sell prices range from $.02-$.08, but the PG&E guy said most of the time it would be two cents. I only have one powerwall 3; have 10 panels for 4 kW, typical daily summer consumption 12 to 16 kWh if heavy air conditioning. In addition to these terrible sell prices, they now charge all...
  9. L

    Confused now, I’m drawing from the grid powerwall 3 at 100%. Tech told me that wouldn’t happen.

    Here it is, now Tesla also confirms that under NEM-3 and in my situation with the battery and sunshine, no reason to use timebase control. Actually got the same guy at Tesla who said he did have it backwards, as I thought. He was very nice about it, Tony. Nice guy and very helpful.
  10. L

    Confused now, I’m drawing from the grid powerwall 3 at 100%. Tech told me that wouldn’t happen.

    BTW Just got off the phone with PG and E and they confirmed for me that at no time will they pay me equal or greater than what I have to pay them for energy so the Tesla Tech had it backwards but that's OK. I have my backup reserve set to 80%-20% reserve and just now having it on time based...
  11. L

    Confused now, I’m drawing from the grid powerwall 3 at 100%. Tech told me that wouldn’t happen.

    NEM3.0 Time-Of-Use Electric Home E-ELEC This is what I was afraid of, it’s off peak time and I’m using the air conditioner needing more than solar is generating and instead of using the power wall, it’s taking it from the grid. I was pretty sure based on what people said that the very most...
  12. L

    I just got PTO email from PGE, but now I dont know what to do exactly.

    Sure would love a tutorial on how to look at the app and see how many kilowatts I’ve sold to PG&E on a given day for what amount of money because I can’t seem to suss that out.
  13. L

    I just got PTO email from PGE, but now I dont know what to do exactly.

    Is there a way to get email notifications of replies to your posts without paying to belong to this board?
  14. L

    I just got PTO email from PGE, but now I dont know what to do exactly.

    Yeah, me either…has anyone who is reading this join the virtual power plant thing and does it ever end up meaning you don’t have enough battery to get through the night etc.?
  15. L

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    Saw this conversation and I am very confused about if I replace my gas water heater with a tankless or a tank electric water heater how many kilowatt hours a day would it take to run it for a 2000 square-foot house and two people who don’t use a lot of hot water. I have 10 solar panels and one...
  16. L

    I just got PTO email from PGE, but now I dont know what to do exactly.

    Thank you for responding, I was just about to ask. Do I have to change my rate plan on my pg&e.com account but it changed it for me because of what Tesla did in my app which they said it would do but I didn’t believe them ha ha but it did. The Tesla person also assured me that this E-ELEC plan...
  17. L

    I just got PTO email from PGE, but now I dont know what to do exactly.

    Have all the answers to my questions and it looks like I am on NEM 3.0 which I heard about before; the Tesla guy says it pays up to $.55 to me from PG&E per kilowatt to depending on the time of day, I’ve heard nothing of the sort in the past only that I would be paid more like four cents so I...
  18. L

    I just got PTO email from PGE, but now I dont know what to do exactly.

    First, I have TWO phone numbers for Tesla energy support and both seem to have daytime only office hours, instead of 24 hours. 877-798-3752 877-961-7652 Is there one that has 24 hour support? What does TRANSFERRING YOUR SYSTEM button mean, it is now showing up for the first time? I am not...
  19. L

    Discussion: Powerwall 3 [Speculation / Discussion etc]

    4.34.1 is the version of the Tesla app on my iPhone and an update button is not next to it so I think I have the newest version if someone else with Apple could tell me thank you
  20. L

    Discussion: Powerwall 3 [Speculation / Discussion etc]

    I still have not paired my phone via Bluetooth with my Powerwall 3. I also still dont have permission to operate/export from PG&E but they have the application now and it should be very soon. My settings button on the app has a blue dot on it which I assume is for pairing the phone as that...
  21. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    I’ve had it happen twice since February. I guess can’t remember when it was installed around there, I’m curious how many hours you will be in calibration process, mine seem to be around 14 the first time and maybe 8 the second time.
  22. L

    Netzero App

    I just downloaded this app. I see "add automation" option, at this point I dont have permission to operate/export (PG&E) and I havent tapped that button yet and what happens when I do? Does it allow me to control things like "self-powered or time of day" stuff? I dont want to make a mistake...
  23. L

    Discussion: Powerwall 3 [Speculation / Discussion etc]

    And the problem with that is you don’t know if it’s an actual power drain in the battery or if it’s just the app and the percentage number is reporting incorrectly like I think mine does often but I’m not sure.
  24. L

    Connecting to Powerwall3 when Internet is down

    OK, that’s depressing. By the way, I’m having my 2nd “caliber in progress“ in three weeks, which shuts down my powerwall and my solar for up to 24 hours. Are you having one? Have you had one?
  25. L

    Connecting to Powerwall3 when Internet is down

    I have a powerwall three also and I haven’t paired my phone to it yet with the Bluetooth because it says I have to turn the power off and back on to do that, but I will do it eventually would that allow the ability to use the app and change the Battery standby percentage or monitor, etc.?
  26. L

    Discussion: Powerwall 3 [Speculation / Discussion etc]

    In my situation, the percentage of drain doesn’t match all the time sometimes it shows less drain than I know it should be based on what I’ve watched seen it do all the other times. But right now I’m having my second calibration in progress in three weeks, so my powerwall is shut down and my...
  27. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    It’s happening again, three weeks later “CALIBRATION IN PROGRESS ,” so no access to my powerwall or solar today, this is happening too often as far as I’m concerned.
  28. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    OK, thank you, I put the post in this thread to avoid being told I shouldn’t start a new thread every time I have a question but I get criticized anyway so just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. I am aware starting a new thread every time I have a question if I can’t find any existence thread...
  29. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    I used that site and I’m trying to understand the numbers. I would do a screenshot here that has my address on it Solar radiation kWh 7.69 for June. AC energy 683
  30. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    My soninlaw has 20 panels and I have 10. Same area of same town. I am producing 2.8 kW and he is 4.1 kW. Sound about right or am I underproducing? Don’t know how the math works. Both Tesla.
  31. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    My battery never went below 55% I’m pretty sure during this process, if it’s true that draining it all the way is good. I would do it no problem.
  32. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    Probably yes but I wont risk it with PGE...what is SCE? So Cal Edison? Yeah no, PGE for me.
  33. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    Oh and I just found out why PGE has not progressed my PTO, there is a form called the AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT that Tesla has to send them AFTER I sign the NBT interconnection doc which I did back on May 8 but Tesla has not done that yet. At least since I am proactive it will get done, but were...
  34. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    11:21 AM today (pacific) the warning on the app disappeared and so far it appears I am back to self-powered 100% as before. SPOKE TOO SOON the PW is full and I am using 1.0 kW but .6 is coming from solar and .3 from grid. Hopefully as the day progresses it will get back to normal. PW is...
  35. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    It is just that it came from nowhere, no warning from the project advisor or anyone during the process. Once every 3 months wont be terrible but hopefully not more than that. Thanks!
  36. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    I am on self powered and I am getting only from the grid right now as this process goes on…I don’t know how else to explain it, but I’ve always been self powered because I’m still waiting for permission to operate export, etc. so I am definitely now 100% on the grid where as the past five weeks...
  37. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    Mine and Don's above are NOT getting any of the solar into the house, it is all going into the PW. See his screenshot above, is yours doing something different? Are you getting solar benefit to the house? Please look at Don's screenshot to see what I mean and compare to yours. THANKS!
  38. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    Thanks for responding...I guess the PW controls everything so during this 24 hrs we are relying solely on the grid. I am and the other person here screenshot shows they are also. Oh well... BTW mine has been doing this since 10:00 pm or so last night or now about 10 hours and the PW was at...
  39. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    See response by Don above, I have the same on my app. I saw it only by pulling up the app, the notice was on the home screen. I called Tesla last night and they said this is a brand new thing that she had to look up while I was on hold. Just hoping it goes back to normal soon, supposed to be...
  40. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    Exactly the same here. Is this news to you also? Nobody every said this would happen, per a call to them last night around midnight my time she said it might be a one time thing, but the way it reads on the app it is going to happen routinely. THANK YOU for answering here, I can now know it...
  41. L

    Powerwall 3 - Version 24.4.2-1 to 24.12.3.

    Last night I got a message on my app that my powerwall 3 was “calibration in progress” and now I have no solar production at all. I’m entirely on the grid for the last 10 hours, it says it will last 24 hours is this happening to you? I’m hoping just so I know it’s not just me? I shouldn’t say I...
  42. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    As you can see what I have posted here, but it’s even worse now while solar is being produced I am still not getting any of it. It’s going into the Powerwall which is not doing anything and I am solely on the grid now… it’s just really not good at all.
  43. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    This is what is happening and it’s new for Powerwall three I guess and it’s for all Powerwall threes so yeah. I just got off the phone with them and they said yes this is new, the bummer is I won’t have access to the Powerwall for 24 hours.
  44. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    The top part about the AC being switched off is part of another section that I accidentally included here. It has nothing to do with this.
  45. L

    Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

    I never heard of this before, but it says my powerwall will not provide power for 24 hours during a calibration. So I will be using the grid only for this 24 hours I guess or not grid only during the day but at night of course it will be grid only. I wonder how often this is going to happen...
  46. L

    Powerwall 3 - Version 24.4.2-1 to 24.12.3.

    24.12.5. c54d0af7 Above is what my update version is, by the way, thanks for responding! This is very helpful…yeah, all of a sudden the draining percentage number was not going down nearly as quickly as it did every day before that and it’s still going down much slower than it was, which I...
  47. L

    Powerwall 3 - Version 24.4.2-1 to 24.12.3.

    Just now realized that if I go out there when it’s dark, I do see a white light on the Tesla logo… it’s not dark right now, but I cupped my hands around it and I could see it. I’m pretty sure. Could not edit my post.
  48. L

    Powerwall 3 - Version 24.4.2-1 to 24.12.3.

    So many questions... 1. I never see any kind of light on my Powerwall 3, does that only happen when it is updating? 2. Am I supposed to have a manual way of updating my PW 3 on the app? 3. The other day all of a sudden the percentage available of the PW 3 was not draining the way I know it...
  49. L

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    I also heard they were proposing to institute a fee for solar customers who aren’t paying for electricity or paying much to supplement those who are without solar which eventually will be the people with the least amount of ability to pay, which makes sense to me and I’m willing to pay a fee...