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  1. Q

    How many Tesla's in New Zealand

    It's not criminal. It's trying to be fair to ICE and electric wrt to road tax. ICE / hybrid pay their excise. Diesel and battery users pay their RUC. I am a big user and RUC didn't stop me. It's not popular to subsidize one group at the expense of another.
  2. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    that's what I said. They throw Way the tank along the way fir good measure. now we are getting into the real stuff. Can you do the cooks version without the immediate distillation? The fuel has to lift itself is the problem. Efficiency of engine is the solution. What's the maths in between...
  3. Q

    defect appeared in trunk interior lining. owned this Y for a month (love it btw), but not this.

    Looks like someone slammed the bejesus out it with something white in the way.
  4. Q

    Charging issues after 1st supercharge

    Wild guess. They replaced the wrong A/C converter of three. Need a service visit.
  5. Q

    How many Tesla's in New Zealand

    How come Y outsold 3 so strongly when the subsidy was on? A case of free upgrade syndrome? Or Y not really competing with 3 and Rav4 hybrids are doing relatively better? Rav4h availability was weak until this year so probably helped Y along.
  6. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    Yeah, the payload bit on top isn't contributing, so Sputnik got a ride on a rocket that was 100.0000001% efficient is what I was getting at. Sputnik fell down pretty damn quick so it must have been a bit low to be what we would call LEO these days. Back to efficiency. I hark back to the...
  7. Q

    Lights are on and remained when car is parked

    As far as I can tell, Controls is the second one down on the main menu.and Quick Controls is the car icon in the corner when you are any place else in the box of tricks. Anyone know if you can set it to chirp on walkaway but STFU when you use the keycard to lock? I have chirp set on WA but...
  8. Q

    Tesla mobile charger vs non-Tesla charger

    The joker that wired in my wall unit would faint if I showed him that panel. I had to tell him to use fexiduct instead of cutting and stepping junctions to cross over the existing wiring ducts.
  9. Q

    Tesla mobile charger vs non-Tesla charger

    Sounds like all told you have been quite lucky in not burning the house down.
  10. Q

    Water entering into Passenger footwell from under glovebox, with fix

    Are the cabin filters not themselves HEPA filters? Tres confusing.
  11. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    Ok. But why not carry on with kero in the other stages? Smaller tanks, less to lift for the primary, more payload less rocket??
  12. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    Can you expand on that please? I would have thought efficiency would be the sole criterion in order to get the payload up and cost be damned. The kind of efficiency I recognize for a rocket is to able to lift its own weight fast enough to get to LEO and have spare thrust to do the same for...
  13. Q

    Can't get in car. Neither app, nor key card working.

    Tesla were doing it by the book. You can't blame them for your broken window. You could blame DrDiesel for not warning you of the potential for glass damage with no power though. He''ll live with that ok. I think you will feel like it has been a learning experience if you can power up the car...
  14. Q

    Can't get in car. Neither app, nor key card working.

    I don't know if it applies to your older vehicle but there is a DIY back stop way of getting the car awake to the duff battery if jumping it isn't enough. It may be in that checklist you were already given. I think what you have is a battery with enough poke to fire up the computer but not...
  15. Q

    Can't get in car. Neither app, nor key card working.

    Which is why you don't ask Walmart to sell you a battery. Maybe they have the right one but it's not any sort of starting battery.
  16. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    that's great, but they haven't built anything suoerhravy lifting yet so in the meantime it is vaporware. Not saying it won't get done although 1% seems a stretch. I guess if you take out the development cost and the cost of building spaceships, the cost of turning one around could get down...
  17. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    Had a wee dig around. Starliner has a rather heavy structure on account of being reusable. Half as heavy again.,empty of fuel, as a SaturnV! I find that astonishing. Nobody quotes a LEO payload. SaturnV apparently could LEO hoist 140,000kg but the max it did was the old space station @...
  18. Q

    Model Y : AC Replacement $3800-4200 (Common Issue)

    I was under the impression from the OP that no diagnosis had been done. Loss of refrigeration does not automatically mean the compressor grenaded.
  19. Q

    Model Y : AC Replacement $3800-4200 (Common Issue)

    What a crock. They don't service A/C that sprung a leak, end of story?
  20. Q

    80% to 100% how long

    Thanks! I doubt there's too much difference between pre LFP chemistries. If there is it will show up so worth doing regardless. All data is good data.
  21. Q

    80% to 100% how long

    I would be very interested in anyone's data on how long a lower rated supercharger takes to get a battery from 20 30 40 50 60 up to 80%. Just in case I need a belt to get away on a long trip. The local SC is 125kW but there is a 300kW 3rd party one coming that might 150W per stall. I am...
  22. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    I was looking at rocket dimensions as they relate to BIG ROCKETS, like the Ariane which is the subject of the thread. It is not a pissing match with Starship over what it can do for what price with a refuel aka TWO rockets. Simply batting around big payload to LEO capacity and what is...
  23. Q

    Can't get in car. Neither app, nor key card working.

    Not BS at all. It's called troubleshooting. They have confirmed car is asleep and it needs a jump. I believe most of the time the simple jump will get you mobile to go get a new battery. The dead battery isn't usually totally expired but needs a external shunt to reconnect the big battery and...
  24. Q

    Constant +12v in rear trunk area?

    I think the minimum to have running in camp mode is the ventilation fan on 1. The computer must get pretty bored.
  25. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    To get another idea of how hard it is to chuck stuff into space consider the Saturn V that lifted up the Apollo missions. It is still the biggest rocket ever made. I will have to look up the stats. I would be surprised if the Starship will be more than 10% more efficient in terms of payload to...
  26. Q

    Acceleration Boost option - trial? Feedback?

    No. Read the forums. Every other active thread is about a glitch that wasn't there before an update. Every time it takes months of fixing and all the while they never acknowledge they broke anything.
  27. Q

    Bioweapon defense mode is not loud

    Where are these extra filters? I think they are one and the same two filters on the right side of the "transmission tunnel" in the footwell.
  28. Q

    Ariane 5 discontinued - to be replaced by Ariane 6

    Probably not without a major materials breakthrough. I suspect harmonic vibrations would be a big problem in a yet more rotund ship. The more you lift the more fuel required but that adds more weight at takeoff. You only get so much thrust from burning stuff with liquid oxygen. The thing has...
  29. Q

    UK leased, Model Y Long Range, mandatory servicing/schedule?

    Milage would advise. There's oil in the drive unit that doesn't last forever. A check of the radiator coolant fluid is scheduled as well. Check your contract. If I was running a lease operation I wouldn't be trusting clients to get the necessaries done and would have an arrangement with Tesla...
  30. Q

    Acceleration Boost option - trial? Feedback?

    Snakes on a m f plane!!! Tesla can't even perform upgrades to the software reliably. No way I'd be plugging in a 3rd party gizmo.
  31. Q

    Bioweapon defense mode is not loud

    2 and 2 says they screwed up the "upgrade".
  32. Q

    Bioweapon defense mode is not loud

    Maybe you already run at high speed? Mine is usually 3 or 4. BWDF ramps it up to 8 and unhelpfully leaves it there when disengaged
  33. Q

    Can someone explain what these charging numbers mean/translate to

    59% is quite a few kW in credit so there's definitely some phantom units in the system. If you add say 200 phantom miles to the achieved miles you might come out roughly even.
  34. Q

    Can someone explain what these charging numbers mean/translate to

    A wild guess, the 50% that you saw on delivery had some additional ex factory juice in it that was never counted.
  35. Q

    Will I get FSD from this used Tesla (non-Tesla dealership)

    Someone got well burned on an ex auction vehicle that had been a crash repair writeoff and Tesla had kept schtum about it until it wouldn't charge at a supercharger.
  36. Q

    Will I get FSD from this used Tesla (non-Tesla dealership)

    I think you need it all in writing. At this stage the dealer has a car but no title? Not familiar with your CarFax thing.
  37. Q

    Will I get FSD from this used Tesla (non-Tesla dealership)

    Only solution I see is to get the dealer to register as the owner and then see what happens to the FSD. If Tesla wipes it after you buy it then they are thieving so and so's not learned their lesson and small claims should be able to take care of you as has happened in other cases? Alternative...
  38. Q

    Tow bar availability

    Only option is a train ride to Gatwick and go knock on the front door? There's the UK local sub forum that might have enough traffic to get you some better info. Only trouble is the last person to get one by asking may have got the last one in the country. Do the UK ones come from Germany or...
  39. Q

    Will I get FSD from this used Tesla (non-Tesla dealership)

    The key to your dilemma is who is the actual vehicle owner right now. Whoever owns it owns the FSD, according to the car and accepted wisdom here. If the previous owner initiated a transfer of the FSD without telling the dealer they committed a fraud on the dealer. Or they could have told the...
  40. Q

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    I didn't mean to imply sentry would get you locked out. Sleep gets you locked out. Sentry uses more battery. Little battery failure locks you out. Big battery lack of sleep slowly kills the big battery. It's a giant circle of death. Best keep a 9v in the bumper and sleep where you can.
  41. Q

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    Sooner or later the 12v is going to stop accepting a charge. When that happens the doors stay locked. That's probably going to happen quicker the more you use sentry. Not a reason to avoid using sentry in sketchy locations. A good reason to stash a 9V in the bumper.
  42. Q

    Bioweapon defense mode is not loud

    Depends on the flatulence potency of your companions. You may even wish to remove your own stank quicker than quick for their benefit. Hence one button to immediately change what the A/C is doing and go to high power exhaust mode.
  43. Q

    Will I get FSD from this used Tesla (non-Tesla dealership)

    Correct on all counts. You have summed up the possible misstep that a newbie could incur being self deluded or deceived by a cunning dealer. It would not be a lie to claim the car has full self driving capability, in lower case, when it has a Full self driving computer, neglecting to mention it...
  44. Q

    255/45/20 vs 275/40/20 on induction

    The look different to 255's. The other way to look at it is Tesla stock sizes are quite stretched. Teslas look odd. It gives the tyre better aerodynamics than a normal profile. I am quite suspicious that running around at 2.5T on stretched tyres could be another reason tyres wear out rather...
  45. Q

    Will I get FSD from this used Tesla (non-Tesla dealership)

    There's a lot of screens so be careful here. My car has full self driving capability so it says under Software menu "Full self driving computer" but doesn't have the software enabling it. It has autopilot which I dare not use after the craptastic job cruise control does in recognition of...
  46. Q

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    A battery that does not get sleep turns into a sad battery.
  47. Q

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Spin the wheel as you accelerate the old fashioned way and spin it some more to either finish the job or match the speed already attained.
  48. Q

    .99% APR Financing Promotion (May 10 - May 31 2024)

    They are trying you on for a sucker.
  49. Q

    App vs Car Charging Discrepancy

    I can never remember the rating for my battery. Now I can't find it. My Tesla app doesn't report home charges only the paid ones at a Tesla SC. The check meter I got installed with wall unit over reads by a massive amount, useless. My power co will only give monthly reports on my usage when...
  50. Q

    Model Y Roof rack

    Here's where you are going wrong. It's PPF cut to the shape of the pad that sits on top. Sticky side goes to car. Shiny side has an arrow that then indicates the positioning of thc J hooks that you install before the rubber pads go on over the top. The shiny side won't attract any more dirt...