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  1. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Haha, oh well. They have my stuff twice now so I've doubled down 😜
  2. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah same here. Had to give my registration details, licence photos etc. again and now my final invoice has disappeared lol now in limbo again. Not sure what's going on. Strange thing is, it's only for my M3P, the MYLR is still OK and hasn't changed.
  3. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    The option to choose is great :-) hope I can choose Osborne Park :)
  4. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah just saw that :-(
  5. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I have a good feeling about tomorrow 😉
  6. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    just got my updated invoice this morning. now to get papers signed again and wait for the updated EDD :) Its getting close now! 🥳
  7. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah, I just got my application for vehicle registration again. Do we need to fill it out again?
  8. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Nice! Looking forward to my message now too 😊
  9. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Still waiting for my invoice :-(
  10. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Thats what i was wondering too lol
  11. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    ooooh nice! Thats really good news then. I was hoping that pickups would start that week :) fingers crossed for a text on Monday then :p
  12. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I wonder how far along the new O'Connor delivery center is from being ready. I know someone said that the 8th is open day but wondering if they are on schedule or not.
  13. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Ahh man, when i read your first post about all this i really did feel for you! I was happy that Tesla sorted you out though and were honest about the whole thing and didn't try to hide anything so thats a huge positive. Im really happy for you that you got a new VIN so quickly. I bet you are...
  14. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    All good :-) mine is in there somewhere! hopefully its not now sitting on an ants nest like the other poor guy :-( Really hoping that i get my firm EDD next week!
  15. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Did you guys see any M3P Ultra Red cars in your travels around Freo yesterday?
  16. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Can confirm that the M3P is also in there. Hopefully its not too long before they start giving us delivery dates and the current end date gets pulled in a bit :-)
  17. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Ahh gotcha. I'm being overly eager here 😄
  18. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I'm surprised that I haven't received a message from Tesla yet saying that the cars are in country. I thought that's what they typically do.
  19. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Almost here!! It's sooo close haha
  20. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Man, that's REALLY unlucky. :-( I bet it will turn up the day after you get the car 😄
  21. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Decent amount of weight right there. Do you know when it leaves Singapore?
  22. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Dugong has docked in Singapore now. Not sure how long it will be there for but next stop.... Freo baby!! :)
  23. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Aaaaand it's back and still on time :-) woohoo!
  24. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah I also just saw that. Been watching it these past few days so I'm really hoping it's just a glitch.
  25. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    It's getting there slowly but surely lol. Painfully slow 😥. So is its next stop Thailand then?
  26. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Just had a look and they are all there again. Must be working on the site or something.
  27. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Damn, that stock moves quick!
  28. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    What date is it leaving Shanghai for Thailand?
  29. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Ahh OK. Well hopefully the backlog clears up for us since we are having to wait like 2 months for ours.
  30. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    So what do they actually do there with those cars in the yard? I thought tesla pumps them out ASAP once they get off the ship.
  31. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Haha, u have way more experience than me ;-) Hmm, I didn't consider congestion at Freo so that makes sense. 👍
  32. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    @Sturty looking over the dates and eta of Dugong it's not making sense to me. Right now Leo is scheduled to arrive in Freo on June 26th and its leaving from Singapore Dugong is scheduled to leave Thailand on the 17th June and arrive in Freo on the 27th according to Mol Ace but Thailand is...
  33. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Perhaps but all depends on the amount of cars at the Tesla collection centre still needing to be collected and any prepping they need to do I guess.
  34. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Thanks for the info :) im sure there are a lot of people on here wanting to know what's going on. Please keep us posted if you hear anything.
  35. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    What do you think the wait time would be before the trucked over cars get here and we can take delivery? 3 weeks from now perhaps?
  36. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Send some of those cars to WA :-) we've got like no stock here 😆
  37. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Ahh man, the weekends are killing me these days now with no updates 🤣
  38. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    haha, Damn!! Dedication right there, love it :)
  39. V

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Looks so good!!! That's the same spec as mine too! Can't wait for it to arrive 😍
  40. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Woohoo! Congrats guys! Those are the emails that I want too lol. Still got a bit of a wait unfortunately 😕
  41. V

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    i was checking for hidden VIN's constantly and never saw anything until they popped up in the App. You can also check to see if the VIN's pop up in the Gen 3 charger as some people have seen theirs over there before it appeared in the app
  42. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Thanks for the summary of whats going on, i really do like all your updates :) Keep them coming! 💪
  43. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Try this using your vin. RoRo Syknight tried but nothing came up so might not be on a MOL Ace ship.
  44. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Sounds like you are all on the same ship lol. Now it's a race to see who's ships get here first haha. It might be you guys since ours have gone on holiday in Thailand for 2 weeks 😄
  45. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Woohoo, super lucky being the LR and Quicksilver colour :)
  46. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    hopefully its good news and you get updated to a better EDD with actual dates :-) fingers crossed!
  47. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Awww man :-( So Leo is taking the cars to Thailand at the moment, dropping them off then Dugong is now on its way to China and then to Thailand and then im guessing to Perth? Damn these cars are really getting around lol
  48. V

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    wow, yeah that sounds a bit crazy. Just sitting there on the docks with sea salt and other elements all hammering the cars.
  49. V

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Oh crap, haha sorry bud i am obviously caffeine deprived this morning. Dont know how i missed that :-/ i just went straight to NZ lol It is a bit strange because doesnt it say somewhere that EV cant travel from West to east?
  50. V

    New Model 3 Performance news

    I dont believe Leo Spirit will come to Brisbane this delivery as it is scheduled to come to WA then Adelaide and then off to NZ :-( @Sturty is the master tracker and might be able to give you a better guess as to which ship yours might be on.