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  1. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Congrats to everyone receiving their vehicles lately! I wanted to pop in to urge everyone to do a strong checklist before driving off the lot. I’m sure most if not all will, but I’ve noticed a few issues with my vehicle that are a bit annoying considering it is new that I want others to avoid as...
  2. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Haven’t been active on here lately but just wanted to share I picked up the car today and damn is it fun to drive. Drove over 100 miles today with many on the PCH. Also, the 0-60 is insane. I’ve never felt anything like it, it feels like a spaceship or something.. Can’t wait to drive so much...
  3. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I’m picking up my first Tesla tomorrow. I can’t believe it. After all the pushes I was mentally prepared to not take delivery in July or possibly even August. It’ll also be a MASSIVE upgrade for me from driving a 2012 Altima. I’m so excited I don’t know how I’ll be able to sleep tonight 😆
  4. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Got it. So what happens if you pay and reject the car, do you go back to waiting for a VIN or do you have to submit a new order entirely?
  5. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Can someone please give me insight to the final payment component of delivery? This is my first Tesla so I’m not clear on that process. Is it possible to not pay until after inspecting the vehicle? What if I pay prior and find significant issues with the vehicle? Do i need to be concerned about...
  6. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Sucks about the tax, but timing wise being in california has its benefits I guess.. It will come when you least expect. I had absolutely no expectation of seeing a VIN this morning and BOOM there it was.
  7. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Wow, got my VIN this morning after an EDD of June 3rd to June 30th, and just got a text to schedule delivery this weekend. Asked the SA about when the vehicle would arrive to delivery center and they said mid next week. Just goes to show things move chaotically and everything (including EDDs...
  8. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    May 26th - June 30th, May 17 - May 31st, May 25th - June 8th, June 3rd - June 30th, then woke up and checked the app to see the VIN. Got a text couple hours later at 7am.
  9. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Holy *sugar* i got my VIN!!!!! Ordered 4/25 SoCal Grey Black. I’m stoked 😄
  10. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Ah that’s right, my mistake. Who knows what they’re doing then lol
  11. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Because cash up front boosts their bottom line next month. But who knows. Just my theory considering someone who ordered in my city almost a month after me has a VIN with the same config and I’m still waiting on mine. Although EDDs seem random to us there has to be some method to the madness for...
  12. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I think cash payment has something to do with it. Would make sense for them to prioritize cash orders prior to quarter end. Kicking myself for not choosing cash now ha
  13. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Yeah I’m thinking its the cash payment. Originally went with finance as funds wouldn’t clear till mid june, but regretting that now lol. All actions have been completed for a while now.
  14. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    JK i updated since i had to add my new edd in there as well
  15. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I entered as “nzt” before I made my account on here. Feel free to adjust to match my username if you’d like
  16. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    There’s someone on the sheet who ordered 5/21 in LA and got a VIN on 5/24… How’s that even possible we have the same config and I ordered more than a month ago 😭
  17. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Hey everyone. Hope you are all enjoying your model 3 performances (or doing your best to stay sane in anticipation like me 😆). I have a rather important question/concern regarding the model 3 performance. Given the low splitter/ride height of the vehicle, how do you manage driving over bumps...
  18. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    After entering the EDD window twice and it getting pushed both times, I let go of the expectation of getting the car before mid-june at the earliest. Still check the app and forums out of habit, but setting an expectation in the distant future and just focusing on other more important things in...
  19. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Can someone explain how people have gotten information regarding their vehicle prior to VIN assignment? I’ve asked SAs at multiple stores for information, but both have said there is no information they can provide me prior to a VIN being assigned. In both cases they gave me an estimated...
  20. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Similar to waiting for a christmas gift as a wee lad, but the main difference here is there is no set date. Imagine if christmas had estimated dates that moved constantly 😂 I can’t imagine the impatience I would feel as a child.
  21. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    My new waiting strategy is to forget I ordered the car. Model 3 performance? what’s that?
  22. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    That’s what I heard so I’ve been refreshing frequently. Kind of comical to receive a text when I’ve found a break from refreshing the app lol. As long as I get a VIN by the 3rd and my EDD isnt pushed again, I have no complaints of the waiting game.
  23. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    In the past two days I’ve received 3 notification texts from Tesla and none of them have been VINs 🤣 Get my hopes up every time lol
  24. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    You’re fine. Just ask the SA to re-open trade in once you have a VIN assigned.
  25. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Congrats everyone with delivery today! My EDD moved from 5/25-6/8 to 6/3-6/30 today.. No VIN. If it moves again on 6/3 without a VIN I’m gonna lose my mind lol.
  26. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    How i feel watching all these VINs come in
  27. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Last week my EDD switched from May 17th to 31st to May 24th - June 8th. No VIN yet, but I’m really hoping for one sometime this weekend with a 4/24 order. There’s a good chance tomorrow my EDD could change significantly, but seeing VINS drop after crazy EDD pushes gives me hope. Hopefully...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    With all these VINS coming in lately who else is losing their sanity refreshing the tesla app? 😂
  29. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Congrats! Just when i thought i was done obsessively refreshing for a bit… (Same config and location here)
  30. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Just for fun, When do you guys think we will see an influx of vins come in? Early next week? Mid-June? Tomorrow?
  31. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I don’t know what I would buy otherwise.. Buying an older m3p would give me instant FOMO and retain little resale value. Buying a MYP would do the same with Juniper around the corner. Might have to look at other manufacturers and go ICE for a couple years.. 😱
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Hopefully this is an anomaly or it was pushed out in excess to avoid more EDD changes. There’s no way this is what’s to be expected with black interiors…. right?
  33. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    They did start. At least one in dubai and at least one in fremont, CA. GGs its a wrap for us black interiors. If my order is delayed past august I might start looking at other options or put off the purchase until next year.
  34. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Seeing a lot of these today - Later orders being moved up to June. Great sign for those with an impending EDD but no VIN.
  35. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    In a similar boat here, EDD changed from 5/18 - 5/31 to 5/24 - 6/8 last friday, but no VIN yet. I’m just waiting for the floodgates to open lol
  36. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Surely with a confirmed delivery today additional VINS / delivery dates must be going out? Anyone get a VIN today?
  37. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    There appears to be a confirmed delivery on reddit as of a couple minutes ago. Looks like he was able to pick up the car from Fremont.
  38. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Really interesting to see the differences in what SAs are saying. Fingers crossed that this week deliveries and VINS start rolling in like crazy.
  39. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Damn. My Edd just changed from May 17th - May 31st to May 25th - June 8th. Guess its time to stop checking for a little bit haha
  40. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Ah I forgot location is under username haha. Still a noob here. This gives me great hope that my VIN is right around the corner 😁
  41. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    You’re a legend. Where is this?
  42. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    my edd hasn’t updated and is still showing may 17th - 31st lol.
  43. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Do EDDs get pushed at a certain time of day? Refreshing like a madman to see how my May 17th - May 31st date is pushed. Really hoping its just pushed a day or two.
  44. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Same configuration and EDD here. I think the EDD will be pushed slightly tomorrow, and if there’s no VIN by this time next week a larger delay.
  45. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    located in LA ordered late at night 4/24(technically 25th)
  46. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Speaking of panel gaps, can someone direct me to a good pickup guide / checklist? Are there things to lookout for specific to the performance trim? This is my first tesla, so I want to do my best to not get blinded by its glory and refuse delivery if necessary.
  47. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I’m aware of the data, but realistically we really dont know. Someone could get a black interior VIN tomorrow. Based on my EDD moving up, seeing black interior demos, and the ETA of the SA being before the midpoint of my current EDD, I’m choosing to be optimistic 😄 If it gets delayed so be it.
  48. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I have good news regarding black interiors (well at least for myself 😄) I was near my local tesla store, ao i decided to pop in to see if I could gather any intel. I mentioned only seeing white interior vins, and the SA said he wasn’t aware of delays to black interiors and looked up my order. My...