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  1. T

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    That's fine if they crater the price to 10 a barrel. I'll buy a gas car then...lol
  2. T

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Well, we are about at that point now. I think the Model Y now costs a few thousand less than the average car in the US.
  3. T

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    This is a different measure than what the OP was talking about. OP said that the price of oil would collapse by 2022. It didn't in 2022, 2023 and not in 2024 either. The truth is that oil will contain to remain an important part of our world for as long as any of us live, and that's OK. Just...
  4. T

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    It's 2024 and the price of oil didn't collapse. In fact, it's consistently higher than it's ever been. This is why you should never listen to publications like Bloomberg. They have an agenda they push instead of reporting what is actually going on. You become misinformed. By the way, I'm all...
  5. T

    Model S Photo Gallery

    Wow, that is gorgeous!
  6. T

    Do the lies about Tesla ever stop?

    I know he said that and guess what? It was effective. The advertisers left for a month or two and now they are back. Why? Because they can reach the most people for the least amount of money. I use their ad system every single month. It's extremely effective. I was actually really shocked.
  7. T

    Do the lies about Tesla ever stop?

    You are just proving my point in my original post. The legacy media attacks him constantly because they hate him.
  8. T

    Do the lies about Tesla ever stop?

    That's exactly the standard people hold him to. They hate him so much because he's allowing all voices on X. These daily attacks on his companies were never a thing until he bought Twitter. It's literally led me to buy his car, and buy X premium just so I can support him.
  9. T

    Do the lies about Tesla ever stop?

    Made a mess of Twitter? It's never been better or had as much engagement. You must not like hearing other points of view. Tesla is the number one selling car in America. People love them. I have yet to ever speak to someone in real life that isn't absolutely beaming about their Tesla. I actually...
  10. T

    Do the lies about Tesla ever stop?

    https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/27/jd-power-tesla-loses-its-ev-quality-edge.html Notice how Elon is under constant attack now? All of his companies are attacked by the legacy media ever since he bought Twitter. I don't believe a word of it. What say the forum?
  11. T

    Anyone repeated ceramic coating after a few years?

    Great to hear! I think I'm just going to get the ceramic coating and no PPF. I'm glad to know it works. Thanks for the reply.
  12. T

    Power out - now I know why we got Powerwalls!

    Oh yeah, definitely. I JUST bought a Model Y. I won't be getting the CT or S for another 4 or 5 years while I save.
  13. T

    Anyone repeated ceramic coating after a few years?

    Great question. I"m about to get my first Tesla and will be applying ceramic coating myself to it. How well did it hold up for you over the first few years? Do you think it's worth it when it's all said and done? Did you get PPF as well or just ceramic coating? Thanks.
  14. T

    Power out - now I know why we got Powerwalls!

    I've lived in my house for 7 years and not one power outage. It's basically going to boil down to if I want to put my saving for a Model S or CyberTruck behind by 15k or not. That's a decision I'll make a little later down the road. I just bought a Model Y so my funds are drained a bit...lol
  15. T

    Should I accept Delivery Model Y LR RWD?

    Ignorance is bliss: (Ecclesiastes 1:18) "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."
  16. T

    A Cybertruck Tow Competition...

    Really enjoyed the video. Thanks!
  17. T

    Driver's door won't close... have to wait 2 weeks for service!

    This is exactly what duct tape is for.
  18. T

    Power out - now I know why we got Powerwalls!

    Thanks for the response. That's kind of what I was thinking. I'm still going to try to find a way to somewhat justify this for my house. I love the tech! :D
  19. T

    Should I accept Delivery Model Y LR RWD?

    So true. You paid for a new car and that is exactly what you should get. Not a car that's been in an accident. Tesla tried to get me to take a 500 mile demo car for 250 dollars off. I said I'll wait for the new one I ordered. 250 bucks isn't worth 500 miles.
  20. T

    Power out - now I know why we got Powerwalls!

    Thanks for the write up. This is kind of the conclusion I have came up with too. It's not to save you money. It's more of a comfort/safety type of purchase. I don't think it works for my particular situation, but I was looking for someone to sell me on it by telling me something I wasn't...
  21. T

    Accelerates Into Home With Rear Wheels Locked

    I think it's likely this old man pressed the "gas" pedal down and thought it was the brake. Notice in the video there are no brake lights on. This happens a lot with older people.
  22. T

    Should I accept Delivery Model Y LR RWD?

    No way. Tell them to get you another car. You bought a new car and that is what you should get. Not a new car that has already been in an accident. I would demand a new VIN.
  23. T

    How much was the SuperCharger team worth?

    This makes more sense. It's not like they abandoned the super charger business. Elon is very fond of that unit as he's said it's a fortune 500 company in itself. It's quite amazing that Elon figured out a way not only to build the cars, but to be the owner of all the "gas" stations for those cars.
  24. T

    Power out - now I know why we got Powerwalls!

    I mean that's cool, but how often does that happen to you? I was looking at these power walls for my house, but I just couldn't justify the cost for my situation. I've lived here for 7 years and the power hasn't gone out once. I understand it can save a little money by using the extra power...
  25. T

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    Oh yes, This is what I missed. "The EXACT same way a friend of mine's wife did. (not an EV)" I thought you said "died" not "did"...lol
  26. T

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    I don't understand why EV owners hate ICE owners and vice versa. It's literally just a different type of fuel that power each car. Who cares?...lol
  27. T

    Done with Tesla

    Why didn't you just put the CC info on the app? Credit cards have fraud protection if you notice bad charges.
  28. T

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    Haha. OOOOOOHHH. That makes more sense now. "Ready to kill herself" makes much more sense.
  29. T

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    Your friend's wife literally died in a car because someone wouldn't break out the window?
  30. T

    Replacing my wife's car with an EV?

    Wow, I just bought a Model Y and tried to give my wife the 2017 Ford Escape. She didn't go for that....haha. You are fortunate that you have a wife that is OK with a Yaris while you drive a nice Tesla.
  31. T

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    No, that is not a good comparison at all. A toddler can accidentally slip into a pool. A toddler isn't going to accidentally lock himself in a Tesla that just happens to have a dead battery. The chances of that are VERY remote.
  32. T

    A Phoneix grandmother locked out of her Tesla with her grandchild in the back seat

    Worse comes to worse, you can always pick up a rock and smash the window. This really isn't some huge problem.
  33. T

    Time to disable bluetooth as a key?

    I wonder how many Tesla owners put a pin on their car. Can we get a show of hands?
  34. T

    Hissing sound when any heat/ cold is on

    Have you checked for snakes?
  35. T

    2020 M3P vs 2024 MY standard

    It's irrelevant. You can get EV's with more range like you are talking about, if you want. With EV's you can top off your tank literally while you are sleeping and for much cheaper. You can't do that with gas. I'm not trying to dunk on gas cars, but whether it's a gas or EV car you still have to...
  36. T

    202X Roadster Delay Legal Action?

    Wow, that would be a bitter pill to swallow. Chalk this up to a learning lesson! Never pay that much for a car that doesn't exist. Too many things can go wrong, as you are finding out. I hope they release it soon for your sake though.
  37. T

    2020 M3P vs 2024 MY standard

    This is a good point. Nobody ever studied how much gas mileage they were getting in an ICE car. They just saw the gauge was close to empty and then filled up. I'm not sure why people have a different mindset with an electric car. It's just another form of energy to power your car.
  38. T

    Tesla's Charging Woes: Why I'm Ditching It for Long-Distance Travel

    So what? It's a 1 time thing. Or charge to 90% or whatever will get you to your destination. Maybe stop to eat lunch while you are charging or go see a site. A lot of these charging stations have stuff like that around them. Stopping 5 to 6 times is not the way to go on a 500 mile trip. That...
  39. T

    Tesla's Charging Woes: Why I'm Ditching It for Long-Distance Travel

    You should charge to 100% before you go and then to 100% one more time. That's 1 stop. Not sure why you only charge up to 50%. Why would you not use HALF of your battery?
  40. T

    "Person trapped in a tesla when battery dies" news story

    Ever since Musk bought Twitter, it's been an endless stream of negative articles against all of his companies. They seek to destroy him. Believe nothing from this wicked legacy media we have in the West.
  41. T

    Is Rolls-Royce going to put this small nuclear reactor into a car?

    Wow, that's a cool idea. This is definitely going to take some selling to the public though.
  42. T

    Starting warranty repair request but warranty expires beforea repairs?

    That's not true. Ford gave me free repairs for a broken AC and a free rental car a YEAR after the warranty had expired.
  43. T

    Vendor 🚀GIVEAWAY! Teslaunch X Key for Tesla Product Drop: Join Our Test Program

    I will buy one of these because my wife for some reason is against using her phone as a key. I'll do a review for free. You don't even have to give me one for free to review.
  44. T

    Model Y range question

    Well, there you go, if the Highland charges faster then that shows they are making improvements. This stuff will take time. Battery tech is really hard. I wonder what the charging rate was back for the first M3 as compared to the Highland.
  45. T

    Model Y range question

    That's a very relevant detail for the vast majority of people. I just looked at the 80k base Porsche Electric Macan. It's WAY slower than the performance Model Y and even slower than the AWD Y. Battery charge time isn't relevant for most people as they charge over night at home. Even on trips...
  46. T

    Model Y range question

    How much does a Porsche electric SUV cost?
  47. T

    I had to take in my Model 3 four times for a broken AC. I have had it for 6 months. Anyone else have this problem?

    Some times that stuff happens. I had this happen with my Ford Escape years ago. Broke 3 or 4 times. It was working when I left the repair center, but then would break later in the day. No one could figure out what the problem was. They gave me a new computer in the vehicle, new AC unit...
  48. T

    Cybertruck is a scam.

    This post didn't hold up very well.....LOL
  49. T

    Is the cost of PPF worth it?

    LOL. He owns his own PPF installation shop. That's why he's saying that.
  50. T

    [UK] Do I buy a 2016 model S

    Oh yeah, that is such a rip off too. Wow, you can't get the 7500? I guess everything evens out in the end. They get you some way.