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  1. Nickdp

    Ford F-150 Lightning RHD in Australia

    Why do you say that ? Have you tried the V2L function? Did a V2L cable come with the vehicle ?
  2. Nickdp

    Another $5000 price drop. Model Y entry point now $58,251

    Seeing the value of your vehicle drop in tandem with drop in new vehicle prices is understandable. But the continual drop in new vehicle prices should not surprise anyone. Elon warned us in August 2, 2006 that Tesla would "lower prices."
  3. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    Try this: Mount the switched socket to the side of the brick pier. From your photo the pier is one-brick wide, i.e. 120mm (110mm plus mortar joint), the switched socket is 101mm wide. You may need to loosen the saddle clip so the conduit has some flex when you rotate the switched socket. Plug...
  4. Nickdp

    Single Phase Charging Options

    Knowledge of the brand is an important measure for sure, but with anything electrical on Alibaba, look for the regulatory compliance mark indicating that it complies with the applicable regulatory requirements in Australia. I couldn't find it on any of the images, but maybe I wasn't looking hard...
  5. Nickdp

    Single Phase Charging Options

    Do you spend time at home during the day plugged in? e.g. work from home / weekends? If so how important to you is the ability of reading and diverting in real-time the excess solar generation to the Tesla?
  6. Nickdp

    Aftermarket mobile charger

    You could assume they all work, if only for a little while as above poster @Stan930 mentioned. Unfortunately Alibaba, eBay and the like are awash with mobile chargers that promise to perform but no mention of warranties or after sales support and no declarations of RCM approval. Of course you...
  7. Nickdp

    Tesla Charging Equipment in Australia

    If your employer is up for it then why not? If not, then maybe this portable 11kW charger might be suitable - it works the same as a fixed wall-charger and delivers 11kW of charging power, the maximum Tesla's can accept. Being portable, on arrival at work when you're low on battery you would...
  8. Nickdp

    Australian standards for home charging an Electric Vehicle.

    I could not find the RCM on any of the pics so I would have to assume the supplier has not declared the equipment is electrically safe and meets all relevant standards.
  9. Nickdp

    Universal Mobile Connector (UMC) in Australia

    thanks for the tip.
  10. Nickdp

    Universal Mobile Connector (UMC) in Australia

    Yes this is becoming a problem for early adopters. Mine failed also and Tesla Service said they can't repair it and Tesla Spare Parts said they no longer stock it as a new item. I still have my Euro-adaptor and 15A single phase and 20A & 32A 3phase tails so I bought this as a like-for-like...
  11. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    So you have 10A power available with some parking spots exposed to weather. I suggest you measure the distance from the furthest exposed parking spot to the 10A power point. If the distance is 3m or less, buy this, if greater than 3m still buy it but put in a request for a custom length. The...
  12. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    Not Tesla branded but for $236.92, it comes with a choice of tails. I'd recommend the 32A 5pin 3phase tail for charging in the bush.
  13. Nickdp

    Question about buying a charger

    True dat - I shoulda said the cheapest "AUSSIE" resellers I have found and they also have the 1m option. Linking to the 32A 5pin is all well and good, but if you wanted a 32A 3pin or a 20A 5pin or a 20A 3pin adaptors for UMC Gen2, you have to buy from AUSSIE resellers.
  14. Nickdp

    Question about buying a charger

    A well written guide that's been around for past couple of years however the links to the 32A Gen2 UMC tail on bottom of pg6 are broken. Alternative online resellers exist, the cheapest I have found is here for 32A 5 pin and here for 32A 3 pin.
  15. Nickdp

    Experience driving Tesla alongside other road users

    Yes - not just Hyundai's.
  16. Nickdp

    Extending the reach of a 10A home charger

    Using the UMC as your nightly charging solution is fine, I did that myself for first year or so of ownership. Of greater concern is that when you are out and about and can enjoy some opportunistic charging care of a friendly power-point, you can't because your UMC is at home..... no worries I...
  17. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

  18. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    and serious spend. 32A 3pin outlets are rare so the 240V 32A connector tail (3pin single phase) tail will hardly (aka never) be used, This alternative doesn't have automatic plug recognition but setting the charging current in the car manually takes seconds, and comes with only the tails...
  19. Nickdp

    Everything Electric Sydney (February 9-10-11, 2024)

    TOCA members can email the Club and ask for a 100% discount coupon code. Might be leaving it a bit late tho' :rolleyes:
  20. Nickdp

    Where can I find the current Tesla Supercharging costs in Australia?

    If I was a M3/Y owner I'd go here - lots of options.
  21. Nickdp

    Tesla Charging Equipment in Australia

    Yes pretty cheap - but it's a single purpose charging solution, and you need to select either 10A or 15A. You'd select 10A and use it for both 10A and 15A sockets assuming the charger electronics are the same irrespective of the plug it is attached to. This would be a low-cost replacement for...
  22. Nickdp

    Tesla Charging Equipment in Australia

    Not quite for delays - it was widely reported that Tesla felt new owners' wrath (of not including UMC's) so they decided vehicle deliveries up to end of March 2023 will receive a complimentary UMC.
  23. Nickdp

    Supercharger - Keith SA

    It's not about stopping headlights shining through, it's about getting double glazing..... ;)
  24. Nickdp

    Tesla Charging Equipment in Australia

    I get the joke, but the OP is getting his Tesla later this year therefore it will not come with the included UMC, hence his reason for asking. I really feel for new owners - unless they do a ton of research about charging before delivery day, not including a UMC doesn't make any sense.
  25. Nickdp

    Tesla Charging Equipment in Australia

    Lots of great questions and kudos for asking... 👍 First the basics: 1) As Mark said in above post, Model 3 and Y maximum charge rate is 11kW, i.e. 16A 3 phase. 2) Tesla Gen2 UMC is single phase EVSE capable of delivering 32A to the car on single phase only, therefore max charge rate is 7kW...
  26. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    from what I see lots of folks are going down that path, start off slow charging with the 10A & 15A tails/Gen2UMC - $550, then add faster charging with the 32A 5pin tail ($270) and 20A 5pin ($250) as needs arise so the complete 10/15/20/32A charging kit come in at $1070, but the 20 & 32A tails...
  27. Nickdp

    Portable charging cable with switchable adaptors??

    This is worth considering also, comes with the same tails as the Juice Booster and as a bonus actually *includes* the 10A tail. Only downside is that you need to manually set the amperage according to the outlet you're connecting to. But at around half price of the Juice Booster I'd say that is...
  28. Nickdp

    Perth to Sydney Marathon Tesla model 3P.

    Great stuff and thanks for the pics. Link to the news article? (too lazy to search SBS) :rolleyes:
  29. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    Thanks for the plug Mike, and yes the adaptor loan program is *just* another benefit of being a TOCA Club member. In fact, I am reliably informed there is a 22kW Type 2 cable currently out on loan returning this week "just in time" to go out again on Friday and "could" be personally delivered to...
  30. Nickdp

    Third party type 2 EV Charger issues

    Great find - I used this link on a desktop PC. Still cheaper than Gen2 UMC but it's a single-purpose charging solution (i.e. CEE 16A), the UMC at least gives you two solutions 10 and 15A albeit single phase. Gotta love the (1 of 1) review "no user manual" 🤣🤣
  31. Nickdp

    Third party type 2 EV Charger issues

    Following this link takes you to the product page but no price. Can you share what the final landed price incl shipping in AUD worked out to ?
  32. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    PSA: links to 32A adaptors at bottom of page 6 are broken. Alternative supplier links for UMC adaptors: 32A 5pin, 32A 3pin, 20A 5pin, 20A 3pin.
  33. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    It certainly is - to put together a 32A portable charger you'd need also to buy the 32A tail - total with UMC-Gen2 is $725 Add the 20A tail and you have a portable charger ready to take you anywhere and charge everywhere :cool:
  34. Nickdp

    Charging Adaptors 101

    Not wishing to take anything away from Luke's excellent write-up, another source of definitive charging information is TOCA's Charging your Tesla - essentially same information but presented differently - can help reinforce 'essential' concepts.
  35. Nickdp

    Type 2 Cable ip55 vs ip65 What to buy?

    The euro-style plug/socket that's on your EVSE, does it have a rubber grommet-thingy and can you lock the plug to the socket by using the socket's grey lid.? If so then your connection from EVSE to the tail is IP67 so rain isn't a problem. I've seen the same EVSE on other websites with the IP44...
  36. Nickdp

    Type 2 Cable ip55 vs ip65 What to buy?

    At 15A you'd be getting approx 3kW, (maybe a bit more that 3kW) so every hour you've gained 3kWh, so "is it sufficient" depends on what you're hoping to do with those electrons... e.g. assume you'd get 6 or 7 km per kWh, calculate how many kWh you've picked up over XX hours now you know what...
  37. Nickdp

    Type 2 Cable ip55 vs ip65 What to buy?

    Well - you did ask, so here goes: IP Rating It's 'almost' a subjective choice, so in considering whether IP55 is acceptable you're making a decision on whether limited dust ingress and protection against low pressure jets of water are acceptable to you. I'm not aware of any Type2-2 cables with...
  38. Nickdp

    Ideal or Cost Effective Home Charging

    EVchargers is "almost" same price as the overseas one for TOCA members when using the TOCA members discount - and you'd get shipping next day and that warm fuzzy feeling of supporting an Aussie business. (shameless plug for TOCA) 🤣 But yeah - I suppose it depends on how quickly you want it....
  39. Nickdp

    HyperVolt Charge Points [megathread]

    Hypervolt's AU/NZ channel partner recommends that in the event of poor or no WiFi connectivity, after powering off the Hypervolt, if possible connect an ethernet cable from the Raspberry Pi's RJ4 jack to the nearest data-point or if accessible, a vacant RJ45 on the router. Depending on your...
  40. Nickdp

    The Universal Mobile Connector is no longer standard equipment with new orders after 8 July 2022??

    Give Ryan at EVCI a call or request a quote, he also offers discount for TOCA members, details are found in Benefits>Business Directory, set filter for Charger Installations and location to West Australia. Ryan installs all the common chargers, Tesla HPWC, zappi, Hypervolt etc.
  41. Nickdp

    Charging caravan park

    Model X would've come with the Gen1 Mobile charger and only included a detachable 10A tail and plug. You can fit other tails by using the Tesla euro-adaptor (available from Tesla) that acts as an interface between other tails and the Mobile Charger. So to charge at 15A you would need...
  42. Nickdp

    Type 2 BYO Cable Model3

    If you only travel outside of metro area 200-400kms and further only occasionally, I am reliably informed that the Tesla Owners Club have a Adaptor Loan Program running where you can borrow a Type2-Type2 cable for up to 4 weeks. Of course nothing beats having your own gear, but if you were...
  43. Nickdp

    My blog post about my trip to Monto

    thanks for sharing John, a map would've helped, but a good read nonetheless
  44. Nickdp

    Can Gen 3 Wall connector charge non Tesla brand EVs in Australia?

    great work with the paint brush - love the brand affinity... was it a hassle to bend the adaptor tail back to the wall to get it to plug into the UMC ? you're the first one I've seen who has actually succeeded.
  45. Nickdp

    Which socket is most common - 20A 3 or 5 pin, 32A 3 or 5 pin?

    it's difficult to predict what type of power sockets are found in the bush - and Plugshare doesn't help as it only has filter for 3phase but that could be 32A socket or a 20A socket, and the 5pin plugs are not interchangeable. Photos help of course, but that's not always the case at every site...
  46. Nickdp

    Tesla owners club australia

    .... and not forgetting their Adaptor Loan Program, free loan of charging cables, adaptors and portable chargers when travelling away from the Supercharger/public DC network.
  47. Nickdp

    Ideal or Cost Effective Home Charging

    Not much, apart from a doubling of charging power, or look a it another way, a halving of charging time as your pumping in 7kW as opposed to 3.6kW, Comparing costs of installing a 32A or 15A socket dedicated for charging arguably the only cost increases would be the cable cost increase per m...
  48. Nickdp

    Electrician in Melbourne

    Not quite. The same install - single-phase 32A wall socket is $495+GST, $544.50 The $450 you quoted is for HPWC single phase install, and is actually $495 to the end-customer. Good luck to any lucky Queensland TOCA members who have actually got Arran to honour that. Typical install prices...
  49. Nickdp

    Gen 2 UMC Charger tails?

    not exactly the same - select the 10A and 15A tails here - would give you the same result.
  50. Nickdp

    Ideal or Cost Effective Home Charging

    If you have single phase go with cafz's second suggestion: the 32A 3phase industrial-type socket and wire it for single phase. Get the Gen2 Adaptor 32A 5pin here, (evse are out of stock), or go with the 32A 3phase AU bundle, socket and adaptor in one package. Bonus: take the adaptor and UMC with...