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  1. D

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    June 20th in the Netherlands!
  2. D

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    You can also hear the difference. Upward or downward dual-tone while "gear" is selected (either auto or man). It takes a while to get used to it!
  3. D

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    And despite being a LG pack! 😜
  4. D

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Unless you want her to give birth on the fly! 😜
  5. D

    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    It still has INSANE mode, so the chance of it being as fast or slower than previous is unlikely imho. We'll see!
  6. D

    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    Which battery does this M3P have in this clip?
  7. D

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    A litte heads-up about delivery in the Netherlands (Shanghai built). Despite stating in the final invoice that delivery date was june 7th, now they said "No, that's the boat arrival date in Zeebrugge (Belgium)". So delivery earliest june 14th. So no, in Europe it's not going any faster...
  8. D

    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    Thank you Viperau for this exciting review!! Can't wait for mine to be delivered :)
  9. D

    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    Yes and as a sidenote: The LG pack seems to lose way less power with lower SOC than the Panasonic ones. So the US car is "faster" at very high SOC (90%-100%), maybe as fast as LG between 70-90% and "slower" below 70%... And degradation of the LG pack apparently is way less than the Panasonic...
  10. D

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Hi, mine got 30km in it as well. I think it's just a default value. Most likely will be a lot less than 30km (20 miles). My previous model 3 stated the same but was delivered with 8km (5 miles)
  11. D

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I understand. What I meant is, that when I click at top left, there is still ---- at VIN, but it still could already be visible in the top right side header of the final invoice, like in my case! So in other words: VIN assignment--> Final Invoice WITH VIN and Delivery Date--->After considerable...
  12. D

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I've got my VIN as well and pickup date june 7th 2024 in the Netherlands. Just keep your eye on the documents folder in the tesla app. There was the final invoice already, while there was nothing to be seen (and still isn't) on the main screen of the new Model 3 in the app
  13. D

    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    I just ordered one in the Netherlands. ETA according Tesla end may, latest beginning of june 24!
  14. D

    Problem with WIFI

    Have you tried to enter Service Mode and click "Reinstall Software"? Solved my problem atleast permanently!
  15. D

    Raven LR vs LR Plus range issue: car value

    I'm afraid too it's connected to rev of battery. When Elon tweeted about the increase in range etc that was the same time when I saw in epc tesla parts catalog that rev "F" was released. Same applies (I think) to increased SC rate of 225 kw now for only the newest rev "G" batteries. BTW rev "H"...
  16. D

    Raven LR vs LR Plus range issue: car value

    Hi @Lorians Could it be that you have a rev "E" battery? Which could be a reason why you won't have the extra range available?
  17. D

    Tesla increases Model S and X Supercharging rate to 225 kW

    According epc tesla (parts catalog) 1086755-00-H is even out already!
  18. D

    Calling P85D owners world-wide for survey and complaint letter

    Can you please summarize Dennis, in English :smile:, what does it say?
  19. D

    Calling P85D owners world-wide for survey and complaint letter

    I hope and assume you're right about this! It's said too specifically BASE not to mean anything... I'll do precise measurements with my vbox when it arrives end of oktober! (I'm interested in a 1/4mile trapspeed. I expect it to be 120mph or slightly higher)
  20. D

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    P90D Ludicrous Ordered 08/01 Confirmed 08/06 In production 08/16 Building 08/27 Complete 09/04 Hoping Staggered on Michelin Pilot Super Sports/improved taillights/updated pano roof...
  21. D

    Calling P85D owners world-wide for survey and complaint letter

    Why does it say P90D BASE OPTION?? This sounds to me as if it's not applying to the Ludicrous version?
  22. D

    Happy Birthday to me... it's a P90D

    I fully understand that, sorry for not realizing that! Nice to hear that you can feel a difference at all at higher speeds... sounds encouraging to me! Nice lights, no more moist for you overthere! :smile:
  23. D

    Happy Birthday to me... it's a P90D

    Thx Pete90D for all the usefull info!! My P90D Ludicrous is to be delivered end october.. I'm very interested in 0-100mph times... <7s??? :smile: And of course the passing power (times) 62-124mph for example (100-200km/h).. That's where the P85D falls short in my opinion! Do you already have...
  24. D

    Werkelijke wachttijd - Model S

    Yep, P90D om helemaal precies te zijn :wink: Zin in dat ding, alleen het duurt nog even tot eind oktober, begin november...
  25. D

    Werkelijke wachttijd - Model S

    Daar zit je al boven, want ik wacht op een P90DL en heb nummer 100.300 die 2 weken geleden besteld is!:smile:
  26. D

    Help justify my P85D dreams

    Very well said Manis +1 !!
  27. D

    Will the P85D's top speed be changed to 155 mph?

    That's the thing here: It isn't delivering that much more. And if it does, it's for a very short period of time. (Realist said for 7 km driving 250km/h. That's just 1min40secs. After that, just 120kw (173?!?!?!hp) was available. Just to compare: Audi is coming with RS5 TDI shortly. "Just"...
  28. D

    [updated with *] P85D 691HP should have an asterisk * next to it.. "Up to 691HP"

    I'm afraid you're right! Only hope for me in that regard is firmware upgrade on April 30th.
  29. D

    [updated with *] P85D 691HP should have an asterisk * next to it.. "Up to 691HP"

    That's exactly what I'm missing too. Acceleration from 100-200 km/h. Maybe it's an european thing :)
  30. D

    [updated with *] P85D 691HP should have an asterisk * next to it.. "Up to 691HP"

    I'm completely with you Kris81, All the other tesla's perform better than advertised and the p85d doesn't. For me at the moment it's a "freak"car that's insanely fast from standstill to let's say 60mph. Only if the car isn't in warm or hot state. From 60mph to 100mph it's just fast and from...