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  1. Fiver

    Supercharger - Cedar City, UT - Main Street

    I mean Scipio is in permitting....
  2. Fiver

    Supercharger - Farr West, UT

    lol here we go again....
  3. Fiver

    Supercharger - Cedar City, UT - Main Street

    At least with handicap spots there is the slight change of getting fined or a ticket. No repercussions for charging your non-towing Tesla in a towing designated spot.
  4. Fiver

    Supercharger - Cedar City, UT - Main Street

    You mean "including one pull through trailer stall that will be occupied 100% of the time by someone not towing".
  5. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Drove by around 9:30pm 6/19. Sorry for dark pics. Concrete has been poured where dispensers will eventually go.
  6. Fiver

    X: What's your 90%?

    What Model X version (battery)?
  7. Fiver

    X: What's your 90%?

    Fall 2018 build 100D so coming up on 6 years. ~55,700 miles, 100% ~276 miles, 90% around 248 depending on the day. 294 max miles when new, TeslaFi says 6.5% degradation today.
  8. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Possibly. The one time I saw the crew working (at least wrapping up) in PC I noticed they had Montana plates. So if you see the same plates around Farr West that's a good hint you may be on to something.
  9. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    I agree regarding the workers never being on site, but there is progress so they must be there at some point during the day. That said, none of it really matters if there isn't a transformer. There have been sites 100% complete that have sat for months waiting on the transformer install. If...
  10. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Photos from Wednesday afternoon, June 12. I did finally count all 20 posts.
  11. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    One thing I haven't quite sorted out, although I always forget to double check when I'm at the site, is where all 20 chargers will go. Based on my photos I seem to only count 17 or 18 stubs. There might be 2 separate for handicap or maybe pull through? Although I think they all are pull...
  12. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Now that the mountains are closed I don't leave town much so updates will be sporadic at best from me going forward. There's a lot of people making the PC-SLC commute though so hopefully others can pop in from time to time.
  13. Fiver

    Supercharger - Lowell, MA

    Black? You mean one without a cover on?
  14. Fiver

    Supercharger - South Salt Lake, UT - S Main St

    Oh man this will massively help the congestion at the SLC showroom location.
  15. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Afternoon of 5/29
  16. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    It was stupid rainy out so I didn't exit the car, but here's pics from 5/25/24 around 2pm.
  17. Fiver

    Supercharger - Baker, CA (LIVE / EXPANDED 40 V2 + 20 V3 stalls)

    Didn't they just do the same thing last fall?
  18. Fiver

    Supercharger - Farr West, UT

    Interesting they are so far apart. Also going to politely ask again: Hey @bmah, as this site is clearly under construction could you remove "permit" from the thread title? Pretty please? 😀
  19. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Stopped in mid-afternoon. The workers were packing up. Briefly looked in the fenced area but didn't see any major changes that stood out. Might be waiting on the concrete to finish curing.
  20. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    5/15/24 Update. Some concrete was poured around the piping.
  21. Fiver

    Londonderry NH Sales/Service Center

    Wow, 23 seconds. At least they got the basic facts in there, but that is some textbook "filler" material.
  22. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    While I have no direct evidence, it is almost certainly V3 backends with (confirmed) V4 dispensers. I don't think there are any true V4 (800v) backends/dispensers yet, at least in North America.
  23. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Stopped in this afternoon around 6:30pm. Only noticeable difference is the hole around the pipes seems to be filled in with dirt, so I guess they are working. No one was there when I went by though.
  24. Fiver

    Supercharger - Wellington, UT

    My X peaks around 150kW. I once saw 176kW for about 20 seconds at a brand new V3 install, but in general older S/X can't enjoy the fast charging you seem to enjoy so much. That said, I'll take my free supercharging over faster charge speeds any day. I don't road trip as much anymore.
  25. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Farr West Utah (Ogden) is V4 but also under construction, and also is Pre-fab. These are stand alone.
  26. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Another pow day in LCC, and on the way back stopped in again... The recent storm has unearthed that this will be a V4 charger location! Also the water is gone from the trench. No apparent change though, I think the snow scared off the workers for a few days. Photo's from around 4:30PM 5/9/24...
  27. Fiver

    Supercharger - Farr West, UT

    A discussion on said topic can be found here. (Yes odd place for that discussion, but the answer is there.) /edit. Hey @bmah can we get the "permit" part of the thread title removed since this is now under construction? I think just "Supercharger - Farr West UT" will work.
  28. Fiver

    Supercharger - Wellington, UT

    As someone with an older Model X, V2's are the bees knees. There's hundreds of thousands of cars out there that can't enjoy V3+. You guys can wait it out at the shiny new V4 charger that's has a double parked Silverado EV hogging spots. I'll take the slower V2 because it's available and will...
  29. Fiver

    Supercharger - Wellington, UT

    Mild disagree here. I don't think you will see them "rip out V2" at all. They will leave them in place until the leases expire, or until the cost to maintain them makes it just not worth it. If the EV revolution really is coming, V2's might be the last place a Tesla owner can get a guaranteed...
  30. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    I swung by yesterday. No work again. Didn't note the water level but the quick photo's I took showed it mostly gone.... I'm headed back to LCC today so I'll peek on my way home.
  31. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Stopped by on my was back from an incredible pow day at Solitude. No progress since the snow started falling, but there is some change to the area next to the concrete vault that I noted above.
  32. Fiver

    Supercharger - Lincoln, NH

    Given the Supercharging team fiasco it's good to see any progress on any supercharger location these days.
  33. Fiver

    Supercharger - Lanaʻi City, Lanaʻi, HI (4 stalls + 36 wall connectors)

    Gonna just say this again: The lot may be public, and the superchargers open to anyone, but they likely are not showing on the nav (or on the Tesla "find us" web page for chargers) because these are not Tesla owned and operated Superchargers. As I mentioned before, Tesla has been known to sell...
  34. Fiver

    Supercharger - Salem, NH

    @Chuq @corywright @Big Earl
  35. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Another Bird day (little icy, but good) and stopped in again on my way home. Again not much change overall but they made a lot of progress on that cement vault hole. Tons of new piping coming out of the vault. In my night pics above, the second one, that whole area next to where the PVC pipes...
  36. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Stopped in on my way back from Snowbird this afternoon. No major changes but there were about 5 guys in the hole with the concrete vault. (the one with all the pipes sticking out the side, pictured above). So they are working....
  37. Fiver

    Supercharger - Vernal, UT

    @Big Earl @corywright @Chuq
  38. Fiver

    Supercharger - Farr West, UT

    @Chuq @Big Earl Think it's safe to move this one to the "under construction" category.
  39. Fiver

    Supercharger - Farr West, UT

    Did you notice any crates on site that look similar to this?
  40. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Swung by today, no change from the photos above.
  41. Fiver

    Supercharger - Lowell, MA

    317 days. It's up there but not the worst.
  42. Fiver

    Supercharger - Lanaʻi City, Lanaʻi, HI (4 stalls + 36 wall connectors)

    Much like the Moscow supercharger, I think this one is technically out of Tesla's control. They just sold the hardware to a third party. In this case that third party happens to be a Tesla board member. It's rare, but there are "private" superchargers. That's why this one isn't on Teslas...
  43. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Whelp I was close, but apparently wrong on the placement. So I take back everything I said. Perhaps they are going in the middle of the lot instead of the north side for snow removal reasons?
  44. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    That is the correct location, it just needs to be switched to "under construction". /edit Thanks @Big Earl
  45. Fiver

    Supercharger - West Lebanon NH

    I mean if all the landowners in the area of Exit 9 say no, what can you do? Not saying that's what happened, but it's not unheard of. That's a deep red part of the state. Also who knows, maybe Eversource (or whoever runs the juice up there) said they couldn't provide it without some major...
  46. Fiver

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    I do not, but based on the fencing I'm guessing the 20 spots along the north side of the parking lot, edge to edge, will be where the 20 stalls mentioned in the permit goes. Basically where my square is from that post I made in 2019. I'm obviously kidding that I was the reason they chose that...
  47. Fiver

    Tesla Service centers and dealerships now allowed in Vermont

    Forgot to mention, the Cybertruck on display had a vin in the mid 3,000's. I forget the exact number. It had foundation badging, but I don't think is a cyberbeast.