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  1. wschenk

    Model S REST API

    I'm very excited about this. We'll be able to simplify our processing quite a bit. This is what we do now: Why Short Term memory is a thing: forgetting as a creative act
  2. wschenk

    Model S REST API

    The API seems down in general for me right now.
  3. wschenk

    Model S REST API

    I'm not sure that I'd use the language "blame", but I believe that Tesla is doing it. If I had to make up a story based on zero evidence and wild speculation, there's probably someone one AWS slamming them and inadvertently DOSing them. Since places like heroku don't give you fixed IPs, they...
  4. wschenk

    Model S REST API

    We've spread over a few different cloud providers, google and digital ocean seem to have access.
  5. wschenk

    Model S REST API

    I treat it as the time that the tesla servers last got data from the car.
  6. wschenk

    Best Tesla Apps/Tweaks

    That's a unique feature! Very fun.
  7. wschenk

    Model S REST API

    That was a weird night over here at mission control...
  8. wschenk


    We'd love to add it, but right now we're still looking for the API for supercharger availability that's shown on the map.
  9. wschenk


    We have both iOS and Android, we'll ask which one you'd like when we get through the list. (We are letting people on in batches to ease the load.)
  10. wschenk


    TesLab only hits the tesla API when the phone is in motion. So, for example, if you are sleeping and your phone we don't access the car and won't wake it up.
  11. wschenk


    What platform are you on? We're working on getting it down, but I'm seeing 2-3% of phone drain. It is potentially more when you are driving.
  12. wschenk

    Best Tesla Apps/Tweaks

    We use the GPS in the phone to trigger a bunch of things so running on the phone will give you the best experience. Unless your iPad has cell networking, though I haven't tried that at all...
  13. wschenk

    Best Tesla Apps/Tweaks

    That's basically right -- the app isn't public quite yet. We're working through emails now, we got over 1000 people signed up for the beta over the last few days. We had planned on inviting 50 folks a day, but we're having to upgrade our plans. We've been working on scaling up the backend...
  14. wschenk

    Best Tesla Apps/Tweaks

    Teslab is both Android and iOS
  15. wschenk


    You shouldn't need to use the same email address. Can you message me your email addresses and I can take a look. The reason there is no Twitter login on Android is because there's a bug in the react native implementation of the Twitter SDK. Once that's fixed we should be it in
  16. wschenk


    If you charge your password on Tesla. Com all existing tokens will be invalidated. We lose access to the car and so you won't be able to track anything. Tesla has sort of half implemented oauth. We use your user name and password to get a token, and then access the API with that token. It...
  17. wschenk


    That's definitely an option. The other thing we are thinking about is how to support multiple cars, which the data collection engine on the back should be able to but it will require a change in the UI to fully support. But there's a lot already on the dev back log... We will keep you posted...
  18. wschenk


    Working on a server level fix, think we have identified the issue
  19. wschenk


    Are you still having this problem? What platform/version? (android/ios)
  20. wschenk


    Note you should be able to see this in your activities if you get to "activity" -> "my own"
  21. wschenk


    Yes and no. Two phone can be paired with one vehicle, but they will be treated as separate vehicles by the server. It won't screw anything up. Ben and his wife are my test case here, and we are able to tell which phone is on the car and keep the data and whatnot separate. This obviously...
  22. wschenk


    Any chance you could send over the android development logs? (Probably not, it's sort of a pain to get to it, but on the on chance you already have it set up...)
  23. wschenk


    The charge report represents what we know about the battery from the time you unplugged the car until you plugged it in again. (Technically when the battery state goes from anything to "Charging".) We then calculate what we know based upon the battery readings between those two times, and any...
  24. wschenk


    The main thing that we trigger events off of is the drive state of the car, and secondarily what is going on with the charger. When the phone moves we look at the car, and if there's something interesting happening to it (charging, or transmission engages) then we keep paying attention to it...
  25. wschenk


    I would love to that at as well. The answer is no, we are just monitoring the same data you can get on the main app, just putting a lot more logic around it. The mothership has historical data according to the service station people I've spoken with, but it's not, as far as we know at this...
  26. wschenk


    We've split out non driving trips now, still have them on the backend but are looking for a different place to put them. Right now you should be able to see the data inside the activity stream. As far as efficiency goes, this is calculated by comparing the change in "battery range" with the...
  27. wschenk


    Hey Mike, there are currently 4 different types of "trips" in the system. You shouldn't necessarily see all of them, and I can see where are few are slipping through. Each trip has a start and end odometer, start and end range, plus other information related to it. 1. DrivingTrip. This is...
  28. wschenk


    Hey Lukez, can you shoot me a message with what phone carrier and phone that you have? Verizon?
  29. wschenk


    When you first log into the app you do enter in your tesla user/pass into the system, at which point we get a token from the tesla servers (or not.) This is all that is stored, and we don't have your password after that. We store the token on the phone and also the server to do tracking...
  30. wschenk


    Hello everyone, I wrote up a little bit about how the data analysis is working here https://codex.happyfuncorp.com/yes-no-maybe-dont-know-wtf-the-limits-of-binary-logic-and-the-importance-of-forgetting-a17ff96093f5
  31. wschenk


    Cool... we just on boarded the first group of people and are watching the servers to make sure everything is smooth, will let you know when we're ready for more folks!
  32. wschenk


    Hey guys, we're working on a new companion app to track, log and share trips you make in your Tesla, like fitbit for your car. We have it working on Android and iOS. Right now we're testing out data collection and making sure that everything is working nicely. Below are some screen shots...
  33. wschenk

    Best Trip Logger?

    We're currently building some trip tracking software and will be pushing out a beta release soon at Splash | Seed Site iOS/Android
  34. wschenk

    Firmware 8.0

    I have. The new AP swerves all around the lanes straight across the lines into the rumble strips on straight flat highway. I know it's beta software but after 20k miles of driving previously I can't keep it on the road for more than 30-45 seconds before having to take over. Maybe this update has...
  35. wschenk

    Was the initial 7.0 release "this bad"

    I find the AP to be completely broken on 8.0, quite clearly driving me off the highway multiple times before I decided to not use it again until I get a downgrade or a new build. Straight stretch of highway, clear visibility, no other cars and it just ping-pongs back and forth and I go off into...
  36. wschenk

    Firmware 8.0

    I'm not sure if I'm understanding your question correctly. The car was in autopilot, and then it turned off the road. The reason that I'm here typing this message is that turned the wheel back to point the car back at the road. Was that not clear? I then tried in 2 more times, and it...
  37. wschenk

    Firmware 8.0

    I hope they've stopped, after it trashing the AP for me I'm trying to figure out how to downgrade. It drove me off the road 3 times in under 15 minutes, clear highway, no cars, just swerving off into the rumble strip on a straight stretch of road. A stretch of road that I used to drive on with...
  38. wschenk

    Owning a Tesla without a place to charge: Brooklyn

    I was trying to write what I wish I knew before I got the car. But I was hooked the first time I test drove it so it was either make it work, or just move to a new place with a charger...
  39. wschenk

    Owning a Tesla without a place to charge: Brooklyn

    Hey all, I wrote up my experiences owning a Model S that I park on the street in Brooklyn. Owning a Tesla in Brooklyn — Medium
  40. wschenk

    Supercharger - Newburgh, NY

    That's great, this is going to make my summer trips much easier...