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  1. greghanssen


    I guess I would like to respond to said snippiness at the risk of enflaming the situation.. I am fascinated at how intelligent people can be influenced by incorrect or incomplete information.. I would never call such a person an idiot however. This individual appears to be an absolutist (and...
  2. greghanssen


    Agreed.. Should have said asymptotically approaching normalcy 🙄 (iOS once changed asymptomatic to asymptotic on me, so felt compelled to use it here) Long COVID aside (which perhaps I shouldn’t so easily dismiss) if everyone in crowded/confined spaces were fully vaccinated then this would be...
  3. greghanssen


    Great discussion.. I’ve been a long time lurker here.. It seems to me in our quest to return to normalcy we have 3 non-mutually exclusive methods of minimizing spread in large gatherings and confined spaces.. testing, masking and of course vaccination. Testing for entry is costly, logistically...
  4. greghanssen

    Auto Steering on a Corolla

    One of our test vehicles.. Sped up to be a tad less boring.. There are nags in there but I just tap the wheel (not as much torque needed as AP) Just wanted to share with y'all AP masters.. btw if anyone is looking for a used (somewhat) self driving Toyota for under $16k let me know. :)
  5. greghanssen

    Autopilot steering wheel hack

    Err.. I believe Tesla’s intentions are that you keep your hands on the wheel (and presumably, eyes on the road)... not that you stare at your dashboard waiting for the next nag. I’m sorry the Tesla software doesn’t always detect your hand on the wheel. Sloppy software. They probably set the...
  6. greghanssen

    Autopilot steering wheel hack

    ?? Where did I suggest you had to look at the dashboard? I don’t think you understood my post.. True option 1 presumes you have been nagged (and is probably not needed) but option 2 would be a check for people hanging heavy objects on their steering wheels as a defeat device.
  7. greghanssen

    Autopilot steering wheel hack

    The best way for Tesla to solve this issue would be to change the post-nag “hands on wheel” check to confirm user_torque < X followed by user_torque > X (ie torque applied to the wheel rather than torque present). Or. Put in a check for constant moderate torque to lock out those who attempt...
  8. greghanssen

    Any details on headline - Arizona pedestrian is killed by Uber self-driving car

    It would seem they are not making good use of their “safety driver”. Rather than turning off emergency braking (or steering) and not notifying the hapless occupant, why not at least raise an alarm? It may not have been enough time to divert disaster but at least a human could make real time...
  9. greghanssen

    Any details on headline - Arizona pedestrian is killed by Uber self-driving car

    Not surprising they Volvo Systems we’re disabled. But the Uber software is sorely lacking.. 1. Not identifying the initial object 6 seconds out until 1.3 seconds as an actual threat. 2. Not initiating emergency braking for fear of false positives (just like so many radar systems that don’t...
  10. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Valid point... I’ve heard others say the same. I let my exGF drive my Volt and the LKA freaked her out.. I kind of like the Volt LKA because it’s more or less silent yet puts enough torque on the wheel to mildly nudge me back towards lane center. The Toyota LKA on the other hand I found very...
  11. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Having read all 131 pages I think I can safely say it’s not about the fire.
  12. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    I’m not saying that you’re MORE likely to depart the lane with AS.. just that it’s probably negligibly better than LKA systems alone. I suppose if the driver were unconscious AS might be better (for a while) whereas LKA (GM at least) would eventually ping pong you out of the lane. But if lane...
  13. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    I don’t know if tracking “disengagements” is really a good indication of overall safety. Does ACC/AEB reduce the number of rear-end accidents? I would think so.. Does LDW/LKA reduce the number of accidental lane departures? I would think so. Does AS reduce the number of lane departures more...
  14. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Just curious.. did AP1 have the same "must have hands on wheel at all times" byline? When did the message change? Just since the Florida accident?
  15. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    And, it would seem, a healthy grip on the steering wheel :) No doubt the overall safety will increase as the system gets better.. But I wonder if the chance of whoppers like this MX Mountain View crash might also oddly increase..? If the system gets so good that more people are lulled into...
  16. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    This is an interesting point.. Yes many of these systems increase safety in that they may jump in and save the human when the driver looks like they may be about to leave the lane or hit a (moving) vehicle in front of it. But if these very same systems actually encourage the driver to be less...
  17. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Eh? I can’t speak to Honda or Ford but I am very familiar with GM and Toyota LKA and they have little in common with AP. AP is applying torque to the wheel nearly all the time to keep the vehicle centered in the lane. LKA only activates if you stray too close to the edge of the lane. And even...
  18. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Hey! Not cool..
  19. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    I’m not trying to be a Tesla apologist.. rather I’m sympathetic to the state of the current technology. An accident like this is currently (unfortunately) difficult to avoid with technology alone. It is therefore essential that the driver remain engaged. Are we such a nanny state that “you...
  20. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    ... some of the results. I for one would like to know the steering wheel angle for the 5 seconds preceding the impact. But then again Tesla’s not going to come out and say “yes, AP drove him right into the barrier”... the preferred narrative (which I totally agree with) is that the driver was...
  21. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Hmm... mixed emotions on this one! Would love for the environs to be a bit cooler... But I've found lane tracking works MUCH better with white lines on blacktop. White dots on cement are the worst. On some cement highways I've seen alternating white and black lane stripes which seem to be ok...
  22. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Sorry.. not to abuse bandwidth but I believe we're trying to say the same thing.. AP = auto lane centering that requires vigilant human oversight... and hopefully someday AEB that exceeds what every current OEM adaptive cruise control system can already do. FSD = AP without human oversight +++++
  23. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    You mean AP = FSD + Human Monitoring? I believe the goals for FSD go FAR beyond lane centering.. navigation, residential streets, 90 degree turns, stop lights and stop signs etc..
  24. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Hmmm.. yeah I suppose it's hard to claim FSD if a human is still required in the loop. The Uber AZ accident is very concerning in this regard. I do agree though as you say when the Tesla system is fully able to track the other objects in it's environment the EAP experience will be greatly...
  25. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Crash I suppose :/ Yeah, good point. Since my project is only concerned with steering I'm not very focused on AEB but I agree it's a critical component to a solution.. Most of the current systems can do ok at relatively low speeds but the situation here seeing something approaching at 60+ mph...
  26. greghanssen

    Model X Crash on US-101 (Mountain View, CA)

    Great discussion.. Phew, 108 pages.. finally got to the end. My $0.02 on the blame game: If CALTRANS had replaced the crash absorber on the highway, might the driver have survived? Possibly. If CALTRANS had repainted the faded lane lines, could the current software have avoided the accident...
  27. greghanssen

    HWY101 accident..

    Great discussion.. Was the driver 100% at fault for not watching the road? YES! Did the system fail and drive into a solid object? YES! Very similar to the Uber AZ accident in that, yes, the system should have totally avoided the accident but also had the driver been paying attention, he/she...
  28. greghanssen

    Any details on headline - Arizona pedestrian is killed by Uber self-driving car

    This is a very good point.. How many of the AEB systems from various manufacturers could have seen the pedestrian in this situation? How many could have seen the same pedestrian in broad daylight? Are the AEB capabilities any better on vehicles with limited auto steering? (Tesla AP, Propilot...
  29. greghanssen

    NTSB Wants Information on Tesla Autopilot Accident

    Exactly! I’ve seen my Volt lurch at stopped vehicles when the lead radar tracked vehicle moves out of the way. Alarming at first but entirely preventable if your hands are on the wheel and your eyes are on the road and engaged in the situation. I think it’s entirely possible for a person with...
  30. greghanssen

    Powerwall 2: Technical

    If anyone else out there has an old 48V grid tied inverter I know a source for some decent lithium batteries (about $1500 for 10kWh). I've been using these on a 16yr old Trace SW4048 for the last year in SoCal Edison territory and have been playing around with arbitrage on the TOU-D-A plan...