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  1. F

    Papafox's Daily TSLA Trading Charts

    Daily Short Sale Volume
  2. F

    Tesla Investor's General Macroeconomic / Market Discussion

    Hopefully you have gathered the courage. You've taken the hit, time to get up and go at it again.
  3. F

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Bought 17 Jan'19 500 at 7.64. The reason I bought is because GS told me not to.
  4. F

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Added more today with 31 Jan 19 680 at $1.50. I’ll either lose it all or make 10x plus/however long I have the guts to hold it. Either way I don’t care, but this stock is insanely undervalued given the likelihood/spectrum of possible outcomes.
  5. F

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Time and again TSLA is beaten down as it approaches $359.87. It'll be interesting to see the percent of trading done by shorts today, and whether it's elevated from its recent dip (I don't think it will be, I think this was just a fairly low volume trading day). If short selling remains low as a...
  6. F

    Papafox's Daily TSLA Trading Charts

    Careful with $BA and $TSLA pps, both in the $350's...confusing tweet from Option Sniper.
  7. F

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    It might help to think about it with a simplified example. Say XYZ trades for $100 per share, and a $100 call is purchased for $1, a $100 put is purchased for $1, and both expire this week. Say the same market maker writes both contracts and collects the $100 premium from each, that no other...
  8. F

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    1,646,377 shares should enter the market, ~1% dilution: TLSA Outstanding Convertible Payoff Table I'm guessing this will add some short term selling pressure, but how much this affects the stock price depends on the appetite of buyers at that time, plus many other factors: How much is this is...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    One possible reason $360 has been a tough nut to crack is the block of 6 million shares underlying the Feb'14 convertible senior notes that convert at $359.87 in 2019 and 2021. An equal number of shares to the underlying are likely shorted as part of a risk-free convertible hedge: Convertible...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    You could use the thinkorswim desktop software to get the information you need, and they provide a nice chart to compare all expirations and strikes. Go to Analyze, type in TSLA, then go down to Product Depth; eliminate the expirations series you're not interested in buying and select the...
  11. F

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Probably meaningless, but the highest VIN registered is now 11348, and on 9/29 the highest registered VIN was 1134, aka production hell...think that's just a coincidence? I'm hoping they're telling us they're now in the 8th of the 9 circles of hell (in which case Spiegel will again point out...
  12. F

    TSLA Technical Analysis

    We possibly get a glimpse of his short term price projection based on that number. For the PPS in February to meet the 5 MA at $341.00, TSLA would need to close January at $412.27: (331.53 + 308.85 + 311.35 + 1/31 close + 341)/5 For the PPS in February to meet the 10 MA at $341.00, TSLA would...
  13. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Decide for yourselves, but it seems they're sometimes giving clues with the numbers they choose -> 8362 = ZAEB = Zaebos = still in production Hell Edit: could also refer to Zaebos: Book of Angels Vol. 11 meaning they're out of Hell. It's a choose your own adventure.
  14. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    It looks like the daily chart is setting up a bullish cup and handle continuation pattern, which makes sense given the set of events we're expecting. This could play out because of increased buying interest and subdued selling pressure as we near the quarterly deliveries number, which should...
  15. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    As I understand it, exaggerated moves away from max pain only occur if a few key requirements are in place, and they were on Friday: Price per share is far above the max pain point preceding a high volume expiration (such as Triple Witching like this past Friday) High amount of call side open...
  16. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Yes, it's important to recognize it as simply a rough way of projecting possible future outcomes based on what has happened in the past; doing this always has the potential to be misleading.
  17. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    To be fair to those who sold during that time, the share price did fall more than 10% over the following days, so they may have come out ahead...but talk about picking up pennies in front of steam roller.
  18. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    This is an updated look at a TSLA price projection based on historic Revenue and Gross Profit multiples, a steady 50% annual revenue growth rate over the next 5 years, and 5% annual dilution of shares outstanding. This also assumes stable liquidity in the markets, steady risk-free rate of...
  19. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Others can verify, but I expect the downward pressure to be short lived given the distance from the max pain point. Because this is a heavy volume expiration the downward pressure toward max pain should be greater than normal, however, because we have a situation where we are unbalanced in one...
  20. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Assuming TSLA is in a similar position going into Q4 2017 earnings as Q1 2013, the numbers below show what the price action could look like over the next few months, within the current trading range (0.618 magnitude): Date Closing PPS 12/14/2017 337.89 12/15/2017 337.14 12/18/2017 325.76...
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    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Off topic from market action, but have you looked into creating a corporation and transferring your investments into it? If you are the owner of the corporation I do not think the transfer counts as a sale, and it might allow for more favorable tax treatment than having investments remain...
  22. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Tesla leads solar securitization market well past $1B in 2017 – seeking $131 million The article indicates potentially $471 million from issuance of solar-asset-backed securities raised by Tesla in Q4. How is this reported within quarterly financials? Does this indicate Tesla Energy is ramping...
  23. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I bought Nov 24 315 and 330 calls on this dip. Given the current price level I see much more room to run up on unexpected positive news than down on an underwhelming reveal (+ something else).
  24. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Thanks...it's probably laughable to anyone who does this sort of analysis for real, but it simply uses an even-weighted average and standard deviation of trailing and forward 12 month revenue- and gross-profit-to-market-cap multiples since 2/21/2013. Forward revenue is determined by...
  25. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Yeah, I guess the linear shows future price levels better:
  26. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    This is a chart showing the expected range of TSLA moving forward, based on assumptions: - Steady 50% annual revenue growth rate through 2025 - Gross profit margin of 22.5% - Annual share dilution of 5% - Steady risk-free rate of return - Also using Q3 earnings estimates from @luvb2b et al The...
  27. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

  28. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I gambled a hundred bucks on some weekly $390s, just for fun. This seems like the calm before a storm.
  29. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I've picked up some lottery tickets for next week. The most likely range for the stock price to finish the week at this point is between $335.00 and $337.50, based solely on OI. I think the relatively light volume has enabled the pps to be suppressed to this range and we will see a bump in early...
  30. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I am on the other side. I think the semi unveiling is coinciding with the start of Tesla Logistics/Network/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Moving (over roads) parcel or freight or human or humans from A to B to x is similar enough to tackle with one development team. Similar to the Model 3/S/X, I...
  31. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    This is what the stock price could look like if the action mirrors the previous five years at quarter end: Date: PPS: 2017-09-30 $ 390.27 2017-12-31 $ 360.02 2018-03-31 $ 323.75 2018-06-30 $ 390.08 2018-09-30 $ 451.65 2018-12-31 $ 564.97 2019-03-31 $ 725.54 2019-06-30 $...
  32. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    All, as a lurker of this site and leecher of your intellect (very much appreciated), these past few hundred posts have been brutal; let's get back to form. There are no absolutes when looking forward, only degrees of probability, yet some here speak of preferred outcomes as though they are...
  33. F

    TSLA Trading Strategies

    Does anyone happen to have - and willing to share - the AAPL Options Strategies pdf Ongba put together back in 2013 or 14? I'd love to get a copy, if available.
  34. F

    Tesla Investor's General Macroeconomic / Market Discussion

    Could another explanation be the effect of (healthy) deflation caused by automation? Consider product cost as a function of usefulness and longevity, and consider (automated) service cost as a function of usefulness and time savings. These are clearly negative trends, and even more so when...
  35. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Options profit calculator
  36. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Just a comment about the Tesla Semi announcement, it was moved to General Discussion: 2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion
  37. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I just figured it was Elon's way of telling the investor group to go F themselves.
  38. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Plugging in that growth rate puts a move of equal magnitude in the 95th percentile of likely trading range (and projects a $1 trillion market cap by 2021). I do not assign a high level of probability to that outcome, though. Is that your median guidance, best case projection, intuition? And...
  39. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Using historical valuations based on revenue and gross profit, both reported and projected, TSLA was trading in the 5th percentile of its expected trading range in 2013 and swung up into the 97th percentile. This time around TSLA would be moving from the 10th percentile into the 99th percentile...
  40. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    2. I can't imagine Tesla simply selling the semi truck to other companies, which would eliminate the added value of having full control. I think this was not a semi truck announcement, it was the announcement of Tesla Logistics, as others have mentioned. I think the service will include...
  41. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    A couple very separate thoughts. 1. I think it's obvious this move will not be the same magnitude of 2013, even if it is similar. Still, even if pointless, I wanted to see what the price movements would look like with today's prices and half the magnitude. This is them, based on prices leading...
  42. F

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    New Jan'19 LEAPS available today through $600 strike...when new options are issued are they generally fairly priced by the market makers or is it generally best to wait for some action before buying. Thinking of buying the $600 calls. I see that as the 50/50 level by Jan'19 expiration.
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    Not sure if this is useful since I am not experienced in valuing stocks, but hopefully if something can be shown to be corrected you can let me know. This is an analysis of TSLA incorporating some spreadsheets and information other members have previously shared: TSLA Analysis I wanted to put...
  44. F

    Q1 2017 Delivery Estimates

    Are the ~500 cars per week produced in Tilburg considered separate from Fremont production, or are they considered reassembled cars that were produced in Fremont?