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  1. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

  2. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I'll never vote for the orange guy, but this all feels like excuses and burying of heads in sand.
  3. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Trump was Trump. Biden was no longer Biden. Biden can no longer move Israeli policy as much. This conflict will persist past the election and probably grow. The US looks weaker every day, which emboldens Iran/Russia/China and their terrorist proxies. The freakout is justified.
  4. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Biden's debate performance was a gift to netanyahu. Either Biden will drop out or the dems will lose. Thus Biden is now a lame duck no matter what, and netanyahu has a freer hand. As the saying goes, who lost in that debate? America. Meanwhile, instead of focusing on Israel or women's...
  5. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Of course there are exceptions to the rich and powerful rule. But they're the exceptions. But I don't want to cast too many stones. I didn't serve.
  6. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    And they thought they were in an open air prison before...
  7. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    That is what some fought for. Others never thought that the Haredi population would grow so large and intransigent, and were making concessions to get the state off the ground. I was more referring to the children of politicians and wealthy people in Israel, and elsewhere, who miraculously...
  8. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    In every society, the rich and powerful corruptly protect their children. Ask president bone spurs.
  9. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Well, putin most definitely is bad, and the UN doesn't say much about it at all. China's got it's hand up putin the puppet's backside and is tying to drain the west in Ukraine and Israel. Ironically, this is just strengthening the west as arms production kicks up and up in the west.
  10. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/23/europe/at-leastfivedead-and-over-100-injured-in-ukrainian-strike-in-russian-occupied-crimea/index.html UN is going to condemn Ukraine for genocide any second now... War crimes. Occupying school administration buildings. Walk outs. Strikes. It's gonna happen, I swear.
  11. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    A former leftists view Former hostage and peace activist Ada Sagi: I don't believe in peace anymore - I24NEWS
  12. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    There is well deserved occupation at the end of this tunnel. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-amit-segal.html It might not be what anybody wants but it's what the Palestinians need to stop their violence.
  13. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

  14. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    OMG, are you actually posting a Tucker Carlson video?
  15. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    "Necessary sacrifices"
  16. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I did a look at headlines across the web. Metro was bad but not the worst.
  17. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/08/israel-says-rescued-four-hostages-alive-gaza-20996445/ Metro goes straight for the hate.
  18. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    My understanding of the AP is that they have many bureaus, many editors, and many "journalists". Their political bent ranges from factual reporting to leftist ranting. I don't recall every seeing a piece I'd actually call conservative. Calling Hamas numbers into question is like noticing that...
  19. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Aipac aka Jewish money (say what you mean) is so effective that wherever I look, from politics to media to social media to a freeway overpass, people are attacking the only Jewish state in the world. Our tendrils are many and powerful? Follow the money!
  20. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Often not the AP. Hamas and UNWRA are intertwined and often the same. Were they in an UNWRA building? I don't doubt it. Did they use women and children as shields? I don't doubt it.
  21. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    There's no real international law, other than might makes right.
  22. Jigglypuff

    Real life experience with Xcelerate warranty?

    Rodents were ruining cars, wiring, and more long before soy-based wiring. Maybe it attracts them more, but it's not a night and day difference.
  23. Jigglypuff

    Real life experience with Xcelerate warranty?

    Rodent damage is usually car insurance issue. Tesla service is something I have avoided so far. Rodents are no fun. We're looking at getting a terrier since our current dog is only good at hunting stuffed animals.
  24. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The Palestinians claiming to be a continuation of Canaanite culture is just as laughable as their concurrent claim to be a continuation of Philistine culture. I guess they're also partly Native American like Elizabeth Warren and all African American like Rachel Dolezal. George Santos is an...
  25. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    It's almost like there should be a land for and led by Jews where Jews can be safe from persecution from Christians and Muslims. Maybe that land should be in a location where the Jews came from? Oh, I'm just being crazy, I know.
  26. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Out of the gates with a real zinger... ^^^^^^^^^^ Ahem.
  27. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Never saw that coming...
  28. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    As far as I can tell from some quick searching, that's a video of kids in Jordan in 2020 protesting COVID lockdowns. Here's the same video, minus the lying captions, posted in 2020: That's the earliest posting I can find. Also that sounds like a police siren. I'm pretty damn sure Gazans...
  29. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    More tokenism from you.
  30. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    So the camp wasn't directly struck, at least not by Israel, according to reports: Airstrike shrapnel hitting fuel tank likely caused Rafah fire - US official https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-idf-suspects-hamas-artillery-caused-deadly-fire-in-rafah-investigation-ongoing Lots of...
  31. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    So much wrong here. 1. Who the heck is this Burton person? Never heard of them. 36k followers? Probably mostly bots. That's not a star. That's just another nobody, and apparently a terrible nobody criminal. 2. Apparently this Burton got arrested and convicted for committing abuse. Then...
  32. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Tokenization of Jews is disgusting. (moderator edit) This is not at all based in facts. The complaints have always been about double standards against Israel, not about actual criticism. Oh sure, if you dig deep in some far right reddit thread, you'll find support for this theory. However...
  33. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    There is no such thing as a rules based international order, just like there's no Easter Bunny and there's no Santa Clause. Anybody who thinks they're saying anything profound about this on Twitter is a moron. It's Realpolitik turtles all the way down. Anyone who says differently is selling...
  34. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The world has always been insane. Raisi was little more than a Nazi with a beard, one of the worst people in the world. I spit on his grave. The ICC is meant to prosecute when countries don't have rule of law, but Israel has rule of law. Meanwhile, China does not, and they're committing...
  35. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I was not expressing what I want or hope, just what I think will happen. Gantz has demanded that Netanyahu agree to specific goals that Gantz wants. I honestly don't know where this will lead, but Netanyahu and Gantz are pretty close on goals, methinks.
  36. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    As expected, Israel will occupy Gaza and then grind away at Hamas until Hamas are powerless or all dead. The border with Egypt will be blocked. The people of Gaza will remain defiant and fight back, because they hate the Jews more than they love their own children, and so they will choose to...
  37. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    My parents paid for my schooling, but I did two years of CC. As did my wife. As did my daughter. Not sure what my son will do. AP tests are over, so he has to decide soon if he's going to stick around for senior year or not. But we digress. The pier is complete. Hopefully the US will...
  38. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Interesting how low student debt is on the list.
  39. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I'm sure things were quite different 250 years ago. It's a call in vote. I don't read too much into it. A few thousand sim cards in Vietnam can make a huge difference. Then again, it's Eurovision, so it doesn't matter anyway. Those songs are all mediocre at best. It always feels like a...
  40. Jigglypuff

    Replacement Tires for 19" wheels

    I don't think you can run 18s with the MYP front brakes. Most people lifting are oversizing on 18s.
  41. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Among Israeli citizens, I believe that's a small minority. Most are pretty content from what I've seen. Police don't go around asking Arab Israelis for their papers. Lots of segregation in that society at night. Not as much during the day. It's an interesting country for sure. I don't...
  42. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    https://time.com/4558510/electoral-college-history-slavery/ That heritage foundation link would barely pass as a high school ap exam essay. A nation is made of people, not states. Few Americans identify with their states more than with the nation. This is different in other countries. A lot of...
  43. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    A lot of people do not want to vote for Trump. A lot of people do not want to vote for Biden. Neither of them are showing qualities that lessen that disgust so many feel. I know who the lesser of two evils is, but I don't like either of the choices. Worst election choices of the past 40+...
  44. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The far left and the far right struggle for the crown when it comes to evil. Hard to tell them apart. They both demand ideological purity. Demands for ideological purity are the fastest way to make me want to punch somebody in the face (not you). Muslims in Israel are unhappy with some parts...
  45. Jigglypuff

    Lifted Model Y Owners: Report!

    That's more about low COG and groundforce/lift than it is about drag. Drag is maybe the fifth or sixth reason to lower a car.
  46. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I think India has a rather large Hindu nationalism problem right now, but it's not nearly as bad as situation normal in the Middle East.
  47. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Every religion and non-religion has a problem with extremism and supremacists. At this time, one religion has a rather larger problem than everyone else. Cough. Agreed. The Saudis are a dictatorship that spreads radical and terrorist Islam and pollutes the world. Hamas did not blink. They...
  48. Jigglypuff

    Lifted Model Y Owners: Report!

    I'm not sure a cybertruck is going to handle offroading all that well, at least from the reports I've read.
  49. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    A rather huge audience. Maybe half the world.
  50. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The same students who demanded no police on UCLA's campus now demand an answer as to why it took police so long to reply. From Sunset to Le Conte, UCLA will be free of cops! Well, excusez-moi! Meanwhile, UCLA moved classes online. This could have been all stopped right away if the UCLAPD...