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  1. JulienW


    Strange that I keep running into Waymo's and I really don't drive that much. To keep seeing them over and over and over. In a large city means there must be a decent number of them. I have seen Cali and TX tags and this one today had a different state tag. Seemed to have a colorized background...
  2. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That is my proprietary property (is that redundant?). 🤔 Do you have ANY idea how many seconds of my life were spent slaving over Dall-E to render that work? My time is INVALUABLE and worth at least 2¢ per second (so is that mean it is valuable?) 🤔 🤣 . I estimate I spent at least 11 seconds of...
  3. JulienW

    Zoox robotaxi about to start service

    Not sure what you are asking but if it is in the geofenced area then it is door to door. Likely Zoox will start with a smaller area and expand in time just like Waymo has and is doing in Phoenix and San Fran.
  4. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Tesla sends FSD to influencers early for testing, like 12.4.2 is now. They are provided with the Snapshot button (we used to have it until Tesla opened up FSD). The Snapshot Button sends data directly to Tesla. In all likelihood Tesla takes data from the fleet (us) and...
  5. JulienW

    Why am I still on software version V12.4.1?

    That you are in the SAME position as almost EVERYONE else and waiting on 12.4.x to be tested and released to the fleet.
  6. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    [temper expectations]Keep in mind there is no rollout yet. Tesla sends out to a few "general public" testers most likely because they now more than ever need to test various hardware combinations they no longer have in the employee fleet. So we still probably have a week or so before 12.4.2...
  7. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Batman is on a crime fighting wave in Gotham, MySpace.
  8. JulienW

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    Oddity, I and I'm sure many noticed TSLA jumping over 6% yesterday. Did a search and found this info. May be a stretch but Elon started following Travis Kalanick the founder of Uber fulling speculation he may be brought on to run or help with the Robotaxi division...
  9. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Actually it is probably more like June 69th. 🤣 🤣 EDIT: Which is coincidently Robotaxi day.:eek:
  10. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    12.5 is also supposed to have a highway unified stack and offer FSDS to the Cybertruck. I suspect 12.5.x won't have any of that and it will all be coming later in the year. Of course even it seems even 12.4.x is coming later in the year since in a few hours we will be in the 2ed ½ of 24.
  11. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Actually we are ALL getting 12.5 tonight. YOU GET a 12.5 and YOU GET a 12.5 and YOU GET a 12.5......🤔 Just a few more hours and we will ALL have 12.5. Stay up late it's going to be one exciting night. 🤣 🤣 🤣
  12. JulienW

    Zoox robotaxi about to start service

    It will be "door to door" like Waymo, Cruse and Tesla Robotaxi. They received approval for Las Vegas late last year so they can start when ready. They haven't announced an official start date yet but In mid March they made a Blog post saying "...We can’t wait for you to experience your first...
  13. JulienW

    Zoox robotaxi about to start service

    Zoox is getting close to starting L4 Robotaxi service in Las Vegas. Been in testing for about a year and has stayed low on the radar screen. Interesting/intriguing looking purpose built robotaxi that drives the same in either direction (no front or back) and has 4 wheel steering. Can also go up...
  14. JulienW

    FSD tweets

    ....or years. Just this 12.4.x is taking 1½ forevers longer than Elon said. Hell we are supposed to have 12.5.x "by late Jun". How many more minutes until late June is it? 🤣
  15. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Still nothing on Notateslaapp yet and still no video from Lunashi. Seems Elon and gotagofast are keeping a tight lid on 12.4.2. They just tease us with these imprecise Elon time lines and leave us hanging. 🤣 These 2 are peas in a 🫛.
  16. JulienW

    Speed bumps and FSD

    You are responsible for driving the car. FSD is just a L2 driver assist system and is no more responsible for your driving than a standard Cruise Control is.
  17. JulienW

    Suggestions for Enhanced Verbal Feedback in FSD

    No matter how much or how detailed info you feed it the blackhole can always devourer more.
  18. JulienW


    A little funny since I was behind it for about 10 blocks. I think the Waymo was self driving (couldn't see) since it appeared to do a "phantom brake" and then it drove through a pothole (more a root/dip in street) and FSD followed it through obligingly. It never weaved and seems to stay constant...
  19. JulienW


    Eastside today. Don't understand what Waymo is still doing in Atlanta. Waymo announced a test drive and started back in April but is still here for a 3 month. Why would they be in Atlanta for so long if not planning on expanding here?
  20. JulienW

    FSD refund within 48hr - can I rebuy?

  21. JulienW

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    That is what we m'eracans call a 2 ton (not no f'en metric tonne) 💩 load of washing machines on a dumb a$$ wasted soccer field when it could have been a REAL football field.
  22. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Think you meant "Hopefully employees are getting it today" since we have no way of knowing this and Elon saying it should happen doesn't ........well hardly mean 💩 until it does happen.🤔🤣 EDIT: Just for kicks I checked the Lunashi-Media person's Youtube and nothing yet (suspect they have a...
  23. JulienW

    FSD refund within 48hr - can I rebuy?

    If you buy a new Tesla without having FSD to transfer then you will have to pay the full price of $8k (or subscribe). You will only have standard AP on the new Tesla. EAP is not transferable and no longer available anyway.
  24. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    This may be one of the first confirmations of an objective test of FSD 12.3.6 smoothness. So "she" can't tell if you are using FSD or manually driving even deflated and riding in the frunk?
  25. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Great news and very useful NO FSD info in the FSD thread. 🤪 We are also very concerned about your NO FSD tire pressure. Could you please post this info also.🤣🤣🤣
  26. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Ok, I agree to boycott FSD, at least tomorrow. In fact I won't drive my Tesla at all tomorrow and that will teach Elon a lesson. 🤔 🤣
  27. JulienW

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    The washing machines they used were the size of 24 toaster ovens. 🤔 🤣
  28. JulienW


    So is your option ALL business are doomed to fail? Sure there are no guarantees of success but that is NO RESION not to try.
  29. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    WAIT, I thought your guaranteed we would get 12.4.2 this week.🤣 So what is the deal. Are we getting 12.4.2 this week or not?🤪 Stop messing with us since we are depending on your ability to have updates delivered as per your word. 🤔
  30. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    First why and B nota for me? 🤔🤪
  31. JulienW


    Not sure what economics you are siting but scaling up is the key to profitability.
  32. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    We are kinda wondering so far OT but until gottagofast announces exactly when 12.4.2 drops to our cars :eek: what else do we have to do. I don't understand why MB doesn't have the L3 system in GA since we allow it and their NA HQ is in ATL. O'well I have nothing else to do since I'm "trapped".🤪🤣
  33. JulienW

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Yeah, but that must be as big as 100lb bag of those millimeter things. 🤔 🤣
  34. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Thanks, I see this now. Was looking in the Mercedes group site and under Autonomous Driving and it coves a lot but doesn't say this. Of course this is a Mercedes ODD limitation and not part of the SAE L3 spec. So Mercedes chose to do this. Not even being able to look at down at your iPhone (I'm...
  35. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I know but WHERE did you see this? Because I can't find it. Please provide a link.
  36. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Not doubting but I can't find or am over looking this info. Could you please post a link to where Mercedes says that monitor the driver in L3. EDIT: Also I found this on the Mercedes site about the German law on L3 and it states that you can look away. So eye taking would be irrelevant. The...
  37. JulienW

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    Let's see what we can check off the list here: Fabing AI5 chips, HW5 subassemblies and camera hardware Building the line to make the Robotaxi on (much less starting production) Finishing and bring online the Robotaxi data center Developing and proving out a reliable L4 software stack Actually...
  38. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Not sure why you quoted me since I posted L3 doesn't require monitoring. I was simply responding to others that implied L3 required monitoring. I was posting that EVEN IF Tesla (or any other car manufacturer) required L3 eye tracking monitoring it would not work. However if problems arise and...
  39. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Here could be a problem if Tesla decides to implement a L3 system and NEEDING monitoring. Tesla has no reliable eye monitoring system. The current ad hock system used is poor, inefficient and unreliable as a safety monitoring system. Using it would be like a ODD limitation since you can't use...
  40. JulienW

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    But ONLY by a factor of 1000x. 🤔 🤣 Just to add here is a site with some good basic info on data centers. Living in ATL (4th most) we have had a little kerfuffle about them lately. https://dgtlinfra.com/united-states-data-centers/
  41. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I have read through the SEA PDF's before and don't remember any stipulation requiring a Driver Monitoring system. Can you post a link to that info?
  42. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    SAE L3 doesn't require attention monitoring. It just requires "When the feature requests you must drive". So likely as long as someone is occupying the driver's seat it will function. Mercedes says this about their system: "...If the driver fails to take back control even after increasingly...
  43. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    .....and so far your prediction record is = to Elon's. 🤔 🤣 I suspect we will see 12.4.2 this week BUT it will be employee only with a small chance influencers get it by the weekend. But lotto odds of any of us (other than maybe you🤪) regulars driving it for at least a week or 2. I wouldn't be...
  44. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Not me. In just a couple of days I will be a FULL 5 years only doing the original calibration. Not a SINGLE recalibration ever. [rambling OT]Oddly this is now the longest I have ever owned a single car (other than a work Explorer). I always stupidly bought a new car every 2 years until I...
  45. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Actually that is June 31st Elon time. 🤔 🤣 🤣
  46. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Well we ARE going to get 12.5 before the end of June so why send 12.4.x for just a measly week? 🤪 🤣 🤣 🤣
  47. JulienW


    Almost EVERY person will be driving 40 to 45 MPH on that WIDE STRAIGHT stroad. If you were driving there it would "feel" slow as hell at 35MPH. Also people do NOT slow down 10MPH to 20MPH at every single intersection, especially on stroads. So the Waymo was driving slower than the VAST majority...
  48. JulienW


    Good guess since it already MADE it to this very thread on Tuesday. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/waymo.208830/page-212#post-8315159
  49. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    You have always been able to turn FSD on without a Destination. I speculate part of the problem now is V12 wants to go into ALL the lanes and without a destination it is more likely to wobble and change lanes. Seems V12 makes up its "mind" on all the lanes and not just one lane. V12 wants to...
  50. JulienW

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Since "Deep Eye" tracking has gotten so good [sarcasm] Tesla should let you just LOOK at the Parking spot you want to park in and the Auto-Park starts right away. This would save a few steps and make it faster than a human. 🤣