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  1. S

    "Off menu" waiting room

    Ordered M3 Jul 3. Cancelled mid Jul after Ford cancelled the rebate. Re-ordered LR RWD Oct 19 Off Menu because, well we were so angry with Dougie for being such an insightfull champion of the environment and we really love this car but had to have the LR. So I called Tesla in California today...
  2. S

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    You are right. Thanks... In my hypothetical world I would order a RWD if I could get the rebate... Either way... I think I'm screwed.
  3. S

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Hi everyone, (apologies if I'm reiterating other points made in this very big thread) I just got off the phone with the Ontario Ministry of Finance (administers the funding for the Electric and Hydrogen Vehicle and Charging Incentive Programs). I asked if there was going to be any recourse for...