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WTB: 2015-2018 Model S

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You will have better luck if you broaden your area restriction. Buying a Tesla out-of-state and then driving it home isn't bad at all. Even if the car you find doesn't have FUSC it won't cast too much to make the trip and these cars are incredible for long trips in terms of comfort & fatigue as compared to ICE cars. You will likely find a car that fits your wants better at a better price too. Source: I've done it several times now.
You will have better luck if you broaden your area restriction. Buying a Tesla out-of-state and then driving it home isn't bad at all. Even if the car you find doesn't have FUSC it won't cast too much to make the trip and these cars are incredible for long trips in terms of comfort & fatigue as compared to ICE cars. You will likely find a car that fits your wants better at a better price too. Source: I've done it several times now.
Thanks for your feedback. I've owned a 2015 Model S, and I didn't like the experience traveling from LA to Vegas, and for that reason I prefer to find a car in the Los Angeles area.