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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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The perfect use case for ICEs is zombie apocalypse. Those with EVs will be screwed. The survivalist types from all generations will hang on to ICEs.

The exact opposite is true. Solar panels and electric car and you’d be good for years and years. How you going to get gasoline during zombie apocalypses. Gas also degrades so it has a shelf life of a year, solar panels for 30 years.
On the bright side - at least the first step to fixing a problem is identifying that there is one

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I hope that illustration, plus the 10 min vlog attached earlier giving the confusion about Elon's tweets being experienced by many of us long convinces Elon to keep his personal feelings about the settlement and short FUD in general out of public scrutiny... it's just an invitation to publish more and worse FUD, driving the SP down even farther. The last week and a half are a great example, as the SP is down at least 50 points solely because of the tweets.

I believe that Elon is extremely pissed that he and Tesla are being forced to somehow make some undefined shorts well in an undefined manner using $40m. And it's not the money, that's a drop in the bucket. It's because he believes he's figured out how these bastards are doing it and making millions off it. And he's probably right, he knows much more than we do.

But for the time being, I believe the best way to handle it is to turn off the Twitter (for Elon at least..). He can agree or forward tweets but not initiate or respond in HIS name, all new posts need to come from Tesla or SpaceX or wherever, just not him, for at least through the next two quarterly announcements and discussions. As the gentleman on the vlog suggested if he needs to vent, call him up or Zach or any friend he trusts to keep it close to the vest and be a good listener who gives good advice. Just don't publish it for the world to see and FUD up.

I'm a long for good, can't afford not to be plus I'm a true believer. But we're at the cusp of huge success and the next six months to a year are crucial to Tesla's success and survival. It would be hard to take another 10 days like the last. I find myself afraid to look at notifications after closing and that just ain't right.

You can't fight this all by yourself Elon, at least not yet. But give it a year and hopefully you won't have to because the whole world will be experiencing the joy that is Tesla.
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It's not like he is tweeting that a stuffed moose is giving him ideas for his next product.

I would guess most folks who are not shorting the company would agree with his core sentiment on the behavior of some subset of shorts and how the SEC handled this last probe. He is a CEO standing up for himself and his company after what he feels is unfair treatment. I don't see anything mentally or emotionally unfit about doing that.

Other execs might handle the situation differently, but as we have established numerous times, Elon is not "another CEO". He is not the first exec to say mean things about the SEC and he won't be the last.
How about the fact this *sugar* would not be happening to him or Tesla if he had kept his phone in his pocket and stayed the &^*%$ off Twitter? All of these wounds have been self-inflicted. Why do you ignore that fact?
Whose account is that?

loomberg: Are you seeing some of this coming in the non-oil sector too? Because oil has been -- historically you’ve seen a lot of oil investments but the crucial thing is non-oil FDI.

MBS: We believe it’s both. We believe we will have an amazing deal in October, in two weeks from today. So it will be big numbers. It will be in FII [The Future Investment Initiative conference] and it’s far away from oil. This deal is just what’s happening in Saudi Arabia – so there is one deal in FII and there are other deals that will be announced there.

Bloomberg: Any details we can get – what industry even?

MBS: It’s far away from oil.

Bloomberg: Is it technology?

MBS: Maybe. But this is in Saudi Arabia with big numbers.

Bloomberg: Is it anything to do with cars?

MBS: We will see. You know, we are two weeks away from that date.

Bloomberg: On a separate note, we’re very interested to know whether you’ve driven a Tesla.

MBS: Actually, we, PIF invests in a lot of companies in the United States of America, especially in the stock market. And Tesla looked like a good opportunity for PIF and we bought a few shares there. We have almost 5% of the company.

Bloomberg: But have you ever driven a Tesla?

MBS: The Tesla, I never did that. I’ve seen Tesla a lot. I just rode in one with King Abdullah of Jordan. He drove it mostly in LA. But I’ve never driven a Tesla, but they say it’s extremely good.

Bloomberg: You didn’t ask him to have a go?

MBS: It didn’t come to my mind, but it’s really smooth, no noise. I believe it will be a really promising industry in the future.
Bloomberg: Do you plan to order one for yourself?

MBS: Maybe not today. Maybe tomorrow“

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
There's follow up
الراقي on Twitter
Looks like solar project relared.

Postponing the huge solar plant is old news.

What we apparently know so far:

1) Saudi Arabia is going to let Tesla open wholly-owned showrooms in the country. Saudi Arabia is the world's 19th largest economy, between the Netherlands and Switzerland. Mean per capita income is 12th in the world, just after the US. The high levels of income inequality should work to Tesla's advantage. It's not a game-changing market addition, but it sure is a nice one. They'll move a lot of well optioned S and X there.

2) PIF still owns 5% of Tesla. I had assumed that they had sold it back off. Interesting.

3) Major announcement coming up, but we really don't know what it is. It could just be #1. It might not even have to do with Tesla. Það kemur í ljós...
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The exact opposite is true. Solar panels and electric car and you’d be good for years and years. How you going to get gasoline during zombie apocalypses. Gas also degrades so it has a shelf life of a year, solar panels for 30 years.
That assumes that you don't need to run from them and leave your house for whatever reason - whether the shortage of food or someone chasing you out of it and taking your goodies.
EV charging infrastructure will not be supported, but ICEs are known to last through Walking Dead season 8. You can always get gas from other abandoned cars.
That assumes that you don't need to run from them and leave your house for whatever reason - whether the shortage of food or someone chasing you out of it and taking your goodies.
EV charging infrastructure will not be supported, but ICEs are known to last through Walking Dead season 8. You can always get gas from other abandoned cars.
I guess it’s the weekend but come on. Start a thread to talk about zombies.

Gas degrades. I guarantee you it can’t last 8 seasons. That’s Hollywood. Wait but so is zombie apocalypse. I’ll keep my electric car anyway.
Interesting, not in October though, but in November-December

Saudi Prince: I believe we will have two huge announcements: one will happen in the next months -- I am not sure about the date -- and we have the finalized structure of the solar investment in Saudi Arabia. So we will have it somewhere around mid-2019. The whole agreement and the structure for the next 10 years. We will have 2GW, starting construction in Saudi Arabia in 2019, and in 2020-2021, we will have 4GW. But the other 196GW, the announcement of the timeline will be in 2019, but today we have almost 4GW from 2019 to 2021 already planned and approved.
Folks on here are saying that Elon's tweets don't matter if the fundamentals/profits are good. The problem with this idea is that Elon's juvenile tweets are affecting the fundamentals.

A year ago if you talked to someone about Tesla they might have been excited about the cars or spew some BS about the company, but pretty much everyone agreed they'd like a Tesla. Now when you talk to someone about Tesla the first thing that comes up is Elon's behaviour. People are started to be embarrassed to buy the cars because of Elon's juvenile antics and his apparent lack of judgement and ability to choose his battles.

I hardly want to talk to people about Tesla anymore because the first thing that comes up is Elon's behavour and I don't want to defend that. His petty battles are making the cars less cool, which affects sales and ultimately profits. I've been long since 2014 but I'm close to bailing on this because Elon has had a million chances to grow up and he's declining them all.
Unfortunately, this is quite true. I'm not ready to bail here personally, partly because that would be financial suicide at this point, but also because I love Tesla cars. They are simply outstanding products. My wife drives an X and I now have a performance 3 after driving an S for over 3 years. We love the cars. However, my wife is now in the boat of very much disliking Elon because of his behavior. She was never an admirer but was basically neutral before. She has mentioned several times recently how much she dislikes Elon because of his arrogance and aggressive petty public attacks. She is now driving the X in spite of her dislike for Elon, because she really likes the car. However, she has said that part of her doesn't feel right about driving a car when she doesn't like the person who made it (symbolically.) I remind her how much she likes the X and that there is much more to Tesla than just Elon. Unfortunately, it's pretty clear that she's not the only one who has developed quite a negative impression of Elon over the last year. It's really a shame that things have evolved this way.
Unfortunately, this is quite true. I'm not ready to bail here personally, partly because that would be financial suicide at this point, but also because I love Tesla cars. They are simply outstanding products. My wife drives an X and I now have a performance 3 after driving an S for over 3 years. We love the cars. However, my wife is now in the boat of very much disliking Elon because of his behavior. She was never an admirer but was basically neutral before. She has mentioned several times recently how much she dislikes Elon because of his arrogance and aggressive petty public attacks. She is now driving the X in spite of her dislike for Elon, because she really likes the car. However, she has said that part of her doesn't feel right about driving a car when she doesn't like the person who made it (symbolically.) I remind her how much she likes the X and that there is much more to Tesla than just Elon. Unfortunately, it's pretty clear that she's not the only one who has developed quite a negative impression of Elon over the last year. It's really a shame that things have evolved this way.
To cheer her up, have her watch some JB Straubel videos. He's the antidote.
That assumes that you don't need to run from them and leave your house for whatever reason - whether the shortage of food or someone chasing you out of it and taking your goodies.
EV charging infrastructure will not be supported, but ICEs are known to last through Walking Dead season 8. You can always get gas from other abandoned cars.

Tesla Superchargers Help Drivers Outrun Zombies
How about the fact this *sugar* would not be happening to him or Tesla if he had kept his phone in his pocket and stayed the &^*%$ off Twitter? All of these wounds have been self-inflicted. Why do you ignore that fact?

So, you are saying, if Elon put his phone away, Einhorn would not be on CNBC comparing Tesla to Lehman, Gasparino wouldn't be on Fox Business lobbing FUB bombs about investigations, the SEC wouldn't be leaking live a sieve, the MSM would not have reported Q3 deliveries as a miss, Jim Chanos would stop going on about accounting fraud and TSLAQ would stop flying drones over Lathrop and ranting about hiding cars on the moon?

Who knew?
I find it funny that people are freaking out about these tweets. He made a pretty innocent play on the name of the SEC and gave his opinion on what should be legal re: short selling stock. Oh noes, clutch my pearls!
It's Elon's overall behavior over the last 6 months or so, not just a few tweets. There is a reason that many are feeling this way about Elon these days.
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